Invincible Magician ~Akashic Record Overwrite~

Episode 27, Week 1 [Status Check]

It can be said that the flow of the match between the magicians from the "gaze" is as originally planned.

As a little additional element, I sold fights to the Archbishop of the Church of Gias, and then I smashed up the "Royal Divine Professor", a concept that apparently does not yet exist in this world (La Vulcanan), kicked the magic of the Church's affiliation, and destroyed one of the Church's premier magics, the "Thirteen Apostles", in front of the public for discipleship, but it is well within the bounds of error.

Range of error.

"No, master. I don't think I can do that. As an apprentice."

Shut up and shut up.

I told you twice because it's important, but don't deny your master's words to your apprentice.

No, before that, you're not a disciple yet.

It's the margin of error.

In the wake of the flow from the "sight", which became much more important, the "dinner party", originally scheduled after the sight, was postponed until tomorrow night.

Now I'm back in the room where I was honored, with Sarah, Cecil and Seto.

Sarah and Cecil understand, but we're talking about why Seto's coming.

"A disciple acts with his master, doesn't he? If there's another instruction, I'll follow it."

They told me, so I had to admit it for now.

I don't intend to officially disciple him yet, but I'm sure Seto would like to ask him something, so I can hope for it.

Me and Seto's "magic battle" information would have been communicated to all parts of the country at a tremendous rate by now with the results.

Ms Cecil tells me that the foreign affairs related department of the Royal Palace is now upside down in a communication from ambassadors from various countries who wish to attend tomorrow's "dinner party" abruptly.

Besides, the "Thunder Dragon" I threw out of the item box is currently being auctioned.

Because the king bought up three bodies as kingdom of Vain and declared that the other five would be auctioned.

He also made it clear that he would give me the amount of money that had been dropped from the competition.

Naturally tell them who the successful bidder was.

If Sarah told me, I would win the bid at a high price, and the great noblemen and ambassadors who wanted to sell their favors to me through personal friendship would be taken away from me by the outward look of the market.

If I asked him if he wasn't awkward as the Kingdom of Vain, he said the King would have decided that it would be more harmful to monopolize the Kingdom of Vain alone if the noise had grown so far.

It's hard to run a state.

"No, well, if that's what the master says, that's fine. The disciple obeys his master."

You said it like someone else.

Well, I guess it's other personnel.

"Hey Seto, haven't you decided to make me your apprentice yet? I told you it depended on the information you provided."

Yes, I'm not going to make you an unconditional apprentice.

If Seto doesn't have useful information, he can turn it down.

The actual master seems to be able to do something about it (glove on the left hand side), so I don't have that much of an aversion.

"Fine, but in front of all those people, I declared that I should be my apprentice."

Seto says with a slight laugh at the children.

"Huh? Is that it or is it awkward? Sarah?"

I didn't think too deeply about it, but is it common sense to take it if it is declared in public?

No, I don't think it's well known if there were such rules now that magic hardly exists.

"Magic like the light destruction of the Third Seat of the Thirteenth Apostle. As for the spread of the fact that it is enrolled in the Kingdom of Vain, there are both merit crimes, but it is also necessary, so there is no choice.... I feel like it's too much."

Sir, the error range.

... No.

Let's reflect properly on that.

Even the Archbishop of Kazan, who regained consciousness, was so low on the king and Sarah.

I had a lot of excuses for being connected to Seto more than that.

I thought I would be more decisively hostile, but it wasn't because it would be a decision beyond my sphere of competence.

I feel big about destroying Ceto and proclaiming Ceto himself an apprentice to me.

I am surprised to hear that, Below Archbishop Kazan, Bishops.

"But suddenly making one of the" Thirteen Apostles "a disciple is inherently bad. The kingdom of Vain (our country) is becoming too powerful, because it is reflected in a policy of expanding the" magical forces. "

You mean they might take my "ancient magic" as their nucleus and try to create a major force of magic?

If a corner of the "Thirteen Apostles" were to be shown where they wanted their disciples themselves, I guess that prediction would become indescribable as paranoia.

If that's the case, don't feel comfortable.

Unfortunately, I didn't have any admiration for having a pretty boy apprentice.

"Oh well, then I can't help it. Seto, I'm sorry, but there's no disciple."

"That's light, master!

Seto sees me rebelling against my disciple.

"Ha ha, I'm not a master anymore. I can't do anything to hurt Sarah, Vain. Don't make me feel bad."

In my joking words, Seto gives me the look of doing it, and Sarah looks up to heaven with a bitter running look that I don't think is nine years old.

Did I do something wrong?

"Stuffed, Master"


Seto has a full smile.

But I wonder if this guy is really a man.

When Sarah and I are side by side, we look more like two beautiful girls than we look like a couple.

I just feel like that when I put my hair on.

"Dear Tsukasa, Sure, I'm inherently bad, but Master Seto, the" Third Seat of the Thirteenth Apostle, "was clearly wanted to disciple in front of all those numbers, although not even in front of the public. To reject it threatens to say that we saw Seto, and hence the" Thirteenth Apostle ", and eventually we saw the" Church "lightly."

Of course I don't think that, and the Church or the side that says it doesn't really think that either.

The problem is that there is room for such difficulty.

What Sarah is actually afraid of would be other countries borrowing the authority of the Church than the Church itself.

No matter how clear the true meaning may seem, the church will need to fit in with it to some extent if it is not broken as a pre-construction.

Whether it's a nation, a church, or an adventurer, it's common there.

It's "If it's done, it's done."

- Is that so?

"You plotted it, Sha-O!

"Who is O Yaa, Master? But, you know, it's worse to be conspired against, 'cause we don't think about magic. You can never be at the disadvantage of Her Royal Highness Princess Sarah, my dear Master. Best wishes for the rest of your life."

That's a little hateful, you son of a bitch.

I can't help it, do I get hungry when this happens?

Seto won't stick around any more than he needs to if he remembers everything he wants to remember from me, either.

Surely there is someone who really wants to win.

Perhaps the first or second seat of the "Thirteen Apostles".

I was probably eating "interfering," and for now, if I told you, would I look somewhat like a master?

In doing so, please, a true master (left hand glove).

('· ω ·') Niu


"Okay, for now, nice to meet you, apprentice"


Full smile.

Really this guy (hereinafter abbreviated

Sarah looks a little unfloated.

Mr. Cecil feels nervous in the presence of the princess he serves and Seto, who is quite at the top of the church.

Seen from me, Seto feels like a nostalgic beautiful boy, but even in a position like Sarah and Cecil, "the Third Seat of the Thirteenth Apostle" is a treating existence.

"All right, then let's wrap up the situation. I didn't have time until I saw it earlier, so I finished surprised Sarah and Cecil, but for now, I'll explain it to you. On top of that, I'm gonna ask Seto some questions about me and Sarah, so answer them as far as I know. All right?

The three of them agree with the three princes.

I scratched it and explained what happened at the Adventurer Alliance, and then I found the Alchemist's shop, the Slavery Contract Office.

Sarah was depressed and was being followed by Cecil when she explained that she had sold off demons (monsters) in unison at the guild.

Seto's bastard has a big laugh.

I had somehow noticed, but it still seemed to be a pretty out of common sense behavior.

Seto ate a lot about the "alchemist" shop.

He said that in the "Pontifical Agency", the general headquarters of the Church, "alchemists are considered heretical", a perception that, despite considerable effort to gather information, the tail barely grasps the population.

It seems that putting in magic, including the "Thirteen Apostles," would not change that, and it seems regrettable that what could be termed a branch of such an organization existed firmly in the middle of the kingdom of Vain, the district in charge of its own administration, but also in the capital of the king.

Just in case, don't be hostile, my master told me to hold on to my side.

Outreach This guy is adorable.

Then I have time tomorrow and when I told him I'd take him, he was making his eyes shine like a child.

While I explain it, I want you to be terribly interested in all kinds of magic items that I took out of the item box.

"The Book of Our Magic Instruction," the back hand of Seto, was a "alchemist" idea, even though I thought of it when I saw it.

Maybe I won't stop talking to Grandpa Nemo.

On the other hand, Sarah and Mr. Cecil's women were a little pully.

"White Beast" Bestia Dj Albs "and" Black Beast "Bestia Dj Atel" had to be surprised, but "Silver (Alger)" was awkward.

At first, the alchemist thought I had bought a "woman's man", and I felt like my eyes didn't really change when I explained that "silver (Alger)" was an "automatic doll (Auto Mata)" desperately to solve the misunderstanding.


When Sarah and Cecil ordered Silver (Alger) to follow their instructions, they were on their way to the corner of the room to confirm something.

Why did the air get so bad after that?

"Silver (Alger)" follows my instructions, so I'll ask you later.

I'm also interested in what's going on inside the item box.

Speaking of item boxes, this ability (cheat) is quite convenient to use, and it was possible to get the contents out of it by stamping (marking) it with my magic.

Just in case Sarah and Cecil have their backs stamped (marked).

Besides Grandpa Nemo gave me the "White Beast" Bestia Dj Albs "exclusively for Sarah, and the" Black Beast "Bestia Dj Athel" was set up as an escort user demon exclusively for Mr. Cecil, automatically exiting the item box to protect the two of them if they deemed it dangerous.

This finally fixed the mood for both of us.

They are both adorable by calling them "Albs," "Athel".

Looks like they're both connected to a decided husband.

It's not the same as the "balls" I basically sleep on my left shoulder.

It would be convenient if they called, but don't forget that I'm the one doing magic (feeding) on you guys, Albs, Athel.

There's more recovery, so there's no harm in it.

It took me quite a while just to finish my explanation.

Once I took a break and suggested I ask Seto a question while eating, I passed unanimously.

It's true we're all bummed and so tired.

It hasn't been two days since I met Sarah or Cecil.

There's too much going on in a short time.

"Then why don't you take a bath and have dinner afterwards?"

"Yes, Master Tsukasa may use a royal bath. If you're cooking, I'll take you to your room."

That's our own royal palace for Sarah and Cecil.

I can count on you.

But you can expect quite a bit when it comes to royalty.

It's not the bathroom, it's the bathroom.

Then I'll flush your back, and the "silver (Alger)" that I said is eating a sermon from Sarah and Cecil.

No, say that when there are no two of you, "Silver (Alger)".

Unlike Mr. Cecil, you can't read air about that, not yet.

I guess it will grow after this.

"... it was. I also had to ask Tsukasa about Cecil."

Without looking at this one, Sarah snaps pompously.


Mr. Cecil leans bright red at once.

"I will also hear from Cecil in the bath first, Master Tsukasa?

He looked back and smiled with a smile.

Yeah, yes, yeah.

I'll talk to you right.

I don't even think Mr. Cecil would lie to Sarah, my husband.

"Sounds like something tough, Master"

Shut up.

You're one of those tough elements.

"Well, no, let's just take a bath over here, Seto. I can't go through a royal bath like that."

With one of my words, the place freezes.


Sarah is very upset.

Did I say something weird like that? I didn't invite Sarah or Mr. Cecil to the bath.

Mr. Cecil looks at me with a surprise on his face, too.

Is that it?


What a pompous thing to say back Seto is also turning bright red looking down.

"... Seto?

I'll try to speak up in horror.

"Hih? - Hey, I don't want to. No, you don't, do you? Master. No, I'm an apprentice, so I'm definitely an apprentice, and I'm an apprentice with a master of magic. Well, I was wondering if that would happen sooner or later... Um... yes, suddenly?

He has such a bright red face that the hot air is likely to come out, and the voice he responds to is rubbing upside down.

It hasn't been that long since I've known you, but it's not like Seto at all.

I only have a bad feeling.

Isn't this a common one?

The person I thought was a beautiful boy is actually...

Sarah and Mr. Cecil's gaze hurts.

You're lying. Hey, Seto.

Are you sure you want to (...)?

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