"Really, right?

It's Seto's first word, after he's gone back to his room and the whole explanation is complete.

Well, I know you want to say that.

"But there's no need for my master to lie like that, and the questions I felt. Then I'm convinced of everything...... But I don't know how to start over... and even my master says he's going to kill me with a blow," Holy Virgin "is flying that far..."

He's bumping into me by himself to convince me.

It's just me and Seto in this room right now.

I also have balls and ability control (left hand glove).

I would definitely like to ask "Silver (Alger)" what will happen next week, so I am asked to go back to the "Item Box".

By the way, "Silver (Alger)," he said, time hasn't passed at all subjectively, from the moment he entered the "item box" to the moment he comes out.

The next moment they come out of the "item box," they say, is the continuation of the moment they come in.

If you think there's no time lapse, it's good for storing food and medicines.

Although there may be some consequences associated with my "return to death," so far there is nothing that can be clearly answered.

But it feels like something caught on.

"Right, Seto, the first time I" metastasized (teleported) "without thinking, Seto was about to say something, do you predict what he was going to say?

He was definitely trying to say something in a hurry. Sure...

"Hey, Master -"

"Hey, Master, wait, wait. If that's really the" Temple of the Princess Witch, "then it's because the man's master becomes a" contraindicated great sinner "at the time he steps in. Let's act more carefully - I don't know. If my master followed me around to the temple and tried to go with a socco. I mean, he really went, didn't he? And he got hit with a blow, didn't he? Let's really act a little more discreetly, Master."

I don't like it when I hold it properly.

I see. Is it natural that you should know immediately what you will say in that situation only in person?

You just have to figure out what you're going to say when that happens at this moment right now, so you are.

"Anyway, I fully believe what my master is saying. There's consistency, I don't see the need for my master to lie to me like that, and I think he's seriously snagging at the dialogue right now..."

"... thank you"

You were convinced in yourself, Seto says with a giggling grin.

It's a good thing we can afford to go back.

I guess I'm still freaking out around still distancing myself from my balls.

I didn't start explaining to you to believe me here, I'm explaining it as an answer to Seto's own discomfort, so I guess it's also easy to accept.

In fact, my explanation seems to have convinced me of all Seto's doubts.

I'm not lying about anything here, so naturally.

However, the fact that I come from different worlds and the involvement of the "Creator Clan", such as balls and ability control (left hand glove), is blurry.

I don't have to hide it, but apart from the integrity of the situation, I felt it would take me a long time to convince you.

If you need it in the future, you can explain it then.

"But when I do, I regret that my memory doesn't go in a row. Do you think you can handle it, Master?

I stare at Seto with my balls unspoken.

As for the "Creator Party", Seto's probability and speed of understanding may be alarming.

I guess "having the memory of a world to repeat" is something that shouldn't have happened.

But Seto's right, if I can do that, I'd be comfortable with it.

Just because you have someone to share your memories with, it's a lot easier.

"You can't think of anything. Well, I still don't know how many times I'm going to repeat it, but there is a way to simplify it for Seto to convince me every time."

But I know the next best thing to do if it doesn't come true.

"... do you have those hands? What are you gonna do?

"It's basically the same as Seto first questioned. You just have to tell me the only words Seto would ever say to the person he believed in. If I say that word, Seto will be able to believe it.

Seto looks surprised.

It's just an instant to understand what you're talking about, but then Zhu made it to his cheek.

Oh, did I mislead you?

That doesn't include that.

"You don't have to understand what that word means, I'm not asking you to show your weakness. If only Seto himself could tell me the words that I speak and believe I have no chance of knowing."

"That's something I can think of right away."

No, that's because there's an ex in the work I love in the world I was in.

- What I want most now is myfork. by assistant

So there's something painful about being so impressed.

But in a situation like this, it's definitely an effective hand.

Well Seto himself will notice discomfort like this one, so when it comes to not needing it, it might be a preparation you don't need.

He just wants me to try it in this situation.

"Do you have anything to say about that?

"Um, I don't know if I can think of anything. Well, it's about me, and I think if my master explained it to me like this one, I'd believe it just like this one."

Let's do this.

But you can't tell me that, or you're hesitant.

I see you haven't built that much trust yet.

You can't just say you blame Ceto in a situation where there's still a bill you're hiding this one.

It's only after we did expose each other that the exchange between Kitchen II and his assistant would stab, and it would be a reasonable place.

Let's hope they can teach us something around the future.

I just wanted to get some advice before I come to "Retry" first.

As for "magic battle", Seto, the third seat of the "Thirteenth Apostle", wants to rely on it.

"I don't think I'm wrong in my master's direction, either. I'm not sure why I repeat it in a short cycle, but I won't ask there because my master doesn't seem to want it. I can somehow predict why you really want to beat the" princess witch ". Princess Sarah. Nice, let my master think like that..."

It doesn't mean I want to hide it.

I'm just not sure I can tell you well.

Well, I'd appreciate it if you didn't ask me there.

The relationship between the master and the disciple is also easier at times like this.

"If the" Princess Witch "moves nullify all the magic defenses of the Master (Class), you have to look at all of the opponent's attacks. I don't think it's a problem for a master who put all that in my wife's hands, but if you take one shot, it's over... some of them were playing in the defensive magic team when I was there, right?

"... I can't get enough of that."

"I think if I improve my physical abilities, I'll be able to do it, so I'll just have to stack it up there. As I told you earlier, the information in the Monster realm. I think that would be a good idea to disable the" princess witch "without injuring her. I think Master's idea of" Magic Melee Combat (M.C.Q.B) "is fantastic. As much as I'd like to start training in that direction."

It's not my idea, either.

By our dependable ability control officer (left hand glove).

("- '")

Yeah, you're the one who's amazing.


"And remember, Master," Virgin "-" Princess Witch "is an amateur in battle. The master is suspicious, but they have no experience in interpersonal combat, even if they can overwhelmingly destroy monsters."

That would be Seto's right.

Too overwhelming an attack, she tends to forget me in the neck with one blow, but she should have very little combat experience.

Seto's right, so far that's me too, but this one can gain real-life experience in repetition.

"And no matter what powerful move, you can't guess if you can't catch it with your eyes...... it should. At least I'm pretty sure about the move that my master got rid of. Fast manoeuvres that can't be captured with your eyes. I think you're right in the information we have right now about targeting a blow from there."

If you are an amateur in battle, you have a winning chance if you scratch around at high speed manoeuvres.

... should.

I hope so.

Either way, it's important to look at them often this time.

"I see, don't count on me. In the meantime, if that doesn't work, I'll ask you again for advice. I'll try to tell you as much as I can about how they did it."

I'm sorry, but Seto told me.

He said it was important to know as well as possible how he lost to work out measures.

The fact that it is stubborn and stubborn, then there is no need to put measures in place.

Still, that's all the advice you've given me, but it's better that we should be able to be more specific next time.

Dear Loser, or Death, Seto seems reluctant to ask in detail, but what, I don't care.

Even if I lose dozens or hundreds of times, if I win the last one, I'm undefeated.

If there's anything we can do to establish that last time, why don't we do it?

"Retry, I'm coming"

"Take it easy...... but good luck to you, Master"

In the meantime, this time, I'll try the same timing as the first circle.

"... shouldn't I go see it too? Even if you wind up dead, if you're right about your master, you'll have no problem, right?

"Stop it, I don't want to see Seto die. There's nothing I can do about it, and I think I can start over to cover it up, but I feel a little different that I could die anyway because I'm going to rewind. I may not be persuasive."

Even if I don't remember Seto myself, I can't forget that Seto is dead.

If death is avoidable, it should be right to avoid it.

"Yeah, sorry"

Somehow, it seemed to tell me what I was up to.

I was ashamed to apologize.

No, I'm sorry I said that too.

All right, change your mind and try again.

How many times do I have to give up?

Even if I lose this time, I'll try again and again.

My only current advantage (advantage) is to try again and again.

Let's go, Capability Control (left hand glove), balls.

I hope it's not gone.

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