Twelve years ago from now, Seto was brought to life in this world as the "magical" father and eldest son of his mother, who belonged to Gias.

Two years later, Tis is born as the eldest daughter.

It was an economically more than adequate and privileged family able to set up a home in the Kingdom of Saint Seeds, where the Pontifical Agency existed, and in its extraterritorial religious city of Yerkarla.

"Magic" is a valuable force in this world (La Vulcanan).

Besides, "magic" is regarded as borrowing the miracle of God, so the social status of "magic" is high, and income commensurate with it is guaranteed.

When a demon (monster) problem occurs for that matter, you must risk your life.

But Seto and Tis' parents were proud of themselves as "magicians" at a time when more than one "Virgin" was born and they had to confront the "Great Calamity" while waiting for the brave men who were supposed to show up sooner or later.

Both parents belonged to the "Magic Corps", a force second only to the "Thirteenth Apostle" in the magic bound by Zionism, even if they did not even take their names to the "Thirteenth Apostle".

Outstanding "magic", which was seen among them as an important "power of war"

That is the parents of Seto and Tis.

My father specializes in healing and defensive junctional systems, and in the Magic Soldiers, he was the master of sacred arts who had gathered trust as a "need for protection".

My mother was told that if it was only attack-based magic, she would also line up with the "Thirteen Apostles," the master of flame-based magic.

Seto has heard that since he was young, he had the "common name (Elias)" of "Holy Fiamma" in a set of two.

Until Tis went into the "Thirteen Apostles" at the same time as Seth, the master of Siris, the youngest in history and the current second seat promoted to the "Magic Corps", was the mother of two, and from an early age on its edge his brothers and sisters (Seth and Tis) grew up like Siris and his distant siblings.

But when Seto was five and Tis was three, a tragedy befalls them both.

My parents, who were gentle and brilliant magicians, lost their lives.

"The princess witch" - the crusade of a giant demon (monster) sprung up near the kingdom of Vain, the first formation of Christina.

In exchange for having joined the Thirteen Apostles in that difficult battle and saved the lives of many of them, we left behind our young brothers and sisters (Seth and Tith).

That was definitely a tragedy for my younger siblings (Seto and Tis), but I didn't end up living miserably from there.

Because their parents lost their lives fighting to protect the world (La Vulcanan), Gias, as well as the kingdom of Vain, which was a protected party, were given such a bond that they had no trouble living at all.

The fact that Seto's seat, which later became the "Thirteenth Apostle", was the Kingdom of Vain has nothing to do with its fringe.

Seto wanted to defend the kingdom his parents had defended, even in their own hands.

As a result, "absolute defeat (tsukasa)" could have been encountered, or it could have been the guidance of the parents.

There were as many people who wanted to be the backshield for the two of them because of the high expectations they had originally had in the "Magic Corps" and the many "magic" that saved their lives on the battlefield where their brothers and sisters (Seto and Tis) lost their lives.

Above all, by then, Siris, who had become a member of the "Thirteenth Apostle" at the age of eighteen, had become the guardian of his brothers and sisters (Seto and Tis), and there was nothing like having trouble with his life, even with the sadness and loneliness of losing his parents.

Except for the fact that my parents were not there, I was fully educated and was able to continue my life without freedom.

What was a little unfortunate about Seto was that he didn't have the talent to be a "magician" like Siris, a parent who respected him or a brother who relied on him.

It is not necessary to rely on the "magic guidebook" distributed by Zionism free of charge, and it is easy to find out whether or not it has that talent in the Papal Agency of Zionism, which manages "magic" throughout almost all the world (La Vulcanan).

Seto and Tis, who originally had better "magic" for their parents, were expected to inherit that talent, and Seto was tested for "magic" or "magic" mastery through inherited rituals when he lost his parents.

Unfortunately, in Seto's case, he could master "magic" in inheritance rituals, but he had no "magic" at all.

You can't even work out what you don't have from the beginning.

Even though any "magic ceremony" can be quickly mastered, it cannot be activated for lack of magic.

At that point, that talent, which surpassed the mastery speed of Siris, who was labeled a "magical genius", or which is not even a problem with a "curse ban", was spared, but if it cannot be activated, it makes no sense.

Activation by "Demon Stone" was also tested, but where I originally poured the magic of "Demon Stone" into Seto, who did not have "his own magic", it just misted and made no sense.

Of course that was unfortunate for Seto.

But nothing is desperate.

Originally, most of the abilities of "magic" are one-generation, and it is rarer for parents and children to be followed by "magic."

With the exception of "special blood muscles" like the royal family of nations, basically the power of "magic" is not associated with blood.

Therefore, Seto was neither more discouraged nor done than he needed to be.

Fortunately, Seto is a "genius" in the general sense, as he also showed during "magic mastery," and Zionism requires talented people even if they are not "magical."

Seto was not particularly dissatisfied with the future "Cardinal", or with his studies as a priest with the "Pope" as his goal.

It's an "exam" that takes place two years from now, and I feel like I want my sister (Tis) to have a gift as a "magician," and I just had a slightly more complicated feeling that I could live in peace without her, just like I do.

It was the conclusion with Siris that he was as sorry as we were that Seto had no "magic", that he would not have it in the girl Tis anyway if he were a man himself.

"Magic" is a proud job and I want to inherit the will of my parents, but it was also true that it was a dangerous job, just as those parents lost their lives in martyrdom to their responsibilities.

Even after finding out that Seto's magical talent was distorted and could not be "magical," Siris' attitude did not change anything.

There were a handful of things that threw heartless words at the failure to inherit the talent of "magic" from their great parents.

Hardly salvageable, it was to those who called themselves "chosen" magicians.

Although I have never spoken of it, Seto is still sincerely grateful that Siris's attitude did not change at this time.

Because without it, I think I might have been a little more distorted.

Shortly thereafter, however, without waiting for the "exam" two years later, my sister (Tis) turns out to have the talent of a brother (Seto) and, in a sense, a "magic trick" distorted like a mirror copy.

That's because Siris, who has the unique skill of "Demon Eye," figured out at the age of four that Tis is beginning to have enormous magic.

However, unlike her brother (Seth), her sister (Tis) could not learn any magic through any ritual.

My brother (Seto) can master "magic" but does not have the "magic" to activate it.

My sister (Tis) can't master the "magic" to exercise it, even if she has enormous "magic" powers.

Naturally, "absolute undefeated (tsukasa)" did not yet exist at this point, and it was therefore common sense as "magic" that it was impossible to exchange "magic" between humans in any way.

If we can combine the two forces.

Or if that talent is concentrated in one or the other.

How difficult it is to bite the umbilicus together with the possibility that "rare magic" might have been born.

- It should have been.

But I can't master any magic that I pass on to the world. Some psychic powers that Tis was able to use at the same time as magic resided.

The existence of unique magic will overshadow the "common sense of magic" of the time.

"Oh, honey! Come back soon because I'm hungry!

When that voice of his sister (Tis) first echoed in her brain (...) at a seminary far from home, Seto flipped out of her chair with too much amazement.

Already called "Prodigy of the Pontifical Agency" around that time, the students were also greatly upset by the neat appearance and the flashy fall of Seto, who had gained a restlessness unlike his age of six.

If you take it from them, it would only be natural if you could see that Suddenly (...) Seto flipped over during the class.

I can't help but be worried that it might be a bad disease.

But Satanic Seto was like his alumni and teachers. At that time, he figured out that the voice that echoed in his brain (...) was only heard by him, and he also replied in his brain (...).

"Could it be Tis?

'That's right. Oh, dear. I'm hungry-'

Like nothing else, Seto was more stunned than when his voice first sounded in his brain at that alien ability to fly only his chosen thoughts to any opponent (Seto) and read only the thoughts directed at him.

He left the new school early with good reasons for teachers and alumni concerned about his health, and with his legs he went to Siris, where Seto relied most on him at the time.

Cilis, who had already acted as the "Thirteenth Apostle" around that time and had also been given his personal office, fortunately stayed in his own office at that time.

It's unthinkable if it's a regular ceto, ceto coming in with the door open without even knocking.

When I raised my gaze from the book I was reading to embarrass it with boulders, Siris was also stunned, even though Seto had yet to say anything.

"Brother Siris, you may not believe this, but listen to me. There's a Tis voice on my head right now..."

Seto was also sufficiently surprised, but more deposited and calm than himself, Siris, who does not break his constant calm expression.

Seto's words sum up in the stunned look of the first time that his dependable brother shows no multiplier.

"... Brother Siris?

Close the book you were reading to push and kill your stunner, and slowly stand up and remove the glasses you are constantly wearing.

- But eyeglasses (that) should have been a demon prop to suppress Brother Siris's "demon eye"...

Before the bewildered Seto's eyes, after staring at Seto again with his bare eyes, he takes a deep breath to calm himself.

"- What happened, Seto? In my" demon eye, "it just seems that you now reside so much" magic "that you are no different from Tis. You can tell by the glasses. That didn't happen yesterday when I was eating. What the hell is going on?"

Sometimes there is no "magic" in Seto, but it is unlikely that this much magic will be filled overnight where there was usually a "magic" vessel (...).

At least, if it's ever been common sense.

"Maybe it has something to do with what I'm trying to report now. - I have a Tis in my head right now."



I tried to talk to him just in case, and I got an immediate response.

Definitely now (...) is also (...) there (...).

Siris wouldn't have figured out what Seto was talking about, but Seto wasn't right about what he was talking about either.

That's just the way I could describe it.

Unlike Tsukasa, I don't even know the concept of "reading" or "psychosensitivity (telepathy)".

That's what I had to say to describe a voice that resonated in my brain in a world where I didn't even have the means to communicate my voice at a distance by phone.

"... So what's going on with Tis' body now?

Taking the most questions from Siris, Seto's thought stops for a moment.

The situation is too unexpected and I haven't turned my mind to many things.

"At home......"

At the moment I thought so, I unconsciously activated one of the countless magics I had learned scattered around the age of five - a "metastasis (teleport)" in which few of the many "magic" belonging to Gias could be used, jumping into my own home that I thought of reflexively.

The view in his eyes switched like a comma drop, and Tis stood with a startled look in front of him.

Definitely the house where I live, it was that living room.

"Welcome back, hon."

"... I'm home"

Now Seto answers flashly to his sister (Tis), who is confused but normally speaks to her voice, not in the brain.

This was the first time Seto, who had given up "magic", exercised "magic".

"Oh, Siris, come on - there you are!

Siris, who has been following Seto only momentarily and with a "metastasis (teleport)" as well, speaks to her brothers and sisters (Seto and Tis) with an indelible astonishment.

"I'm sorry to bother you, Tis.... Seto, can you explain the situation?

"I don't know much about it, either."

Necklaced innocently, Seto and Cilis began to verify as they forgived Tis, who began to make noise when he was hungry.

Here's what I found out as a result:

Tis is only contactless and able to communicate with Seto, and under the circumstances the two "magic powers" are fully shared.

But even under the circumstances, Tis cannot use any "magic" other than the alien powers of his communication.

The distance that is possible is at least about the entire "Yarla" area.

The brothers and sisters (Seto and Tis) were one "rare magic".

But Tis' incompetence had the power to stay out of it.

Even if it is not my brother (Seto), if a part of my body is in contact, it is possible to communicate with me in "talking."

But that doesn't make any sense.

To the point of saying it's convenient to keep a secret.

But it turns out that the magic is below its own capacity - in this case, the "magic" is filled without "prayer" or "demon stone", which should have been the grand principle of "magic filling" while Ciris was being touched by Tis.

The same thing happened to Ceto in non-contact.

And most importantly.

It's as if Tis' magic power, the source, doesn't diminish.

It absorbs all sorts of magic that should not be the right wavelength to overflow the world, understandable for the first time with Siris' demonic eye, and supplies it by turning it into the target's demonic wavelength.

It was the moment when the "magic theory" of Zionism, which had been piled up for hundreds, or even thousands, of years before, collapsed from the ground up.

You have to have Siris' demon eye to know exactly what's going on at this time. I can't doubt it took more time.

However, the presence of the "demonic eye" of Siris, able to follow the magic currents, clarified the psychic powers of his brothers and sisters (Seto and Tis), especially his sister (Tis).

This fact, hard to believe but harsh in Russia, will make Seto and Tis part of the "Thirteenth Apostle" with little time from this point on.

From there, for two years, as part of the "Thirteenth Apostle", we were busy, but peaceful days ensued.

Until there was an incident where Tis became Sleeping Beauty.

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