Invincible Magician ~Akashic Record Overwrite~

Prologue Great Disaster Awakening

It (...) awakened quietly in the deepest, deepest darkness of the world (La Vulcanan).

Awakening after a long time means that the beginning of the end was (...) and (...) welcomed.

- That's enough.

I was tired of waiting for the Lord, who was never to be seen again, to manage a world that the Lord had lost interest in (La Vulcanan).

Instead of the Lord, how much time has passed since he no longer even came into contact with his superior management?

Not even that, I don't know.

If you renounce the management of this world entrusted to you by the Lord, who is absolute to you, your existential significance will disappear.

But it was lost a long time ago.

When the Lord lost interest in this world (La Vulcanan).

I should have noticed that sooner.

Now I laugh at my stupidity.

There can be no way that the Lord, who can create as many new worlds as he can, will ever look at a world he lost interest in once.

Still, I said so myself.

to my own responsibilities that the Lord has given me.

If you do, one day the Lord will visit this world (La Vulcanan) again.

But no matter how long I waited, neither the Lord nor the superior administrator would ever again be involved in this world (La Vulcanan).

Neither the Lord nor the Superior Administrator can sense without contact from the Lord.

If only you'd come to this world (La Vulcanan), you'd know at that moment.

Tomorrow is the day, tomorrow is the day. I am tired of waiting, and I have fallen asleep forever.

The world could have changed dramatically during the renunciation of all control, but men did not perish, and the gods and the dragons loved by the Lord survived.

They could not recognize the Lord or the Superior Administrator, but there were still no signs of contact while they were asleep.

So I decided.

I tried to disappear.

But this world (La Vulcanan), created by the Lord and inhabited by gods and dragons, was still lovely.

Even if they are completely abandoned, the collections of small lives who survive and spin the world (La Vulcanan) live their days healthy, even if they are abandoned by the Lord.

If you disappear with all the authority you have been given, this world (La Vulcanan) will disappear with you.

That's lonely (...) and (...).

Even when I was gone, I wanted this world (La Vulcanan), which I loved mostly for a while, to continue.

Even as a sign that I once existed.

If so, you can entrust them little ones with all their authority.

At the end of the world in its true sense (La Vulcanan), I thought that if the little ones could stand united, even if neither their prepared gods nor their dragons helped me, that would be fine.

That's why I gave the little ones the power (...) to resist the "great calamity" that I, the administrator of this world, could become, as "brave men and three virgins".

When that power, left entirely by chance, overlaps in a single age, you must awaken as a "great calamity".

"Great calamity" if all the little ones unite so that the brave men and the Three Virgins can join forces and reach themselves - all the power to discipline this world (La Vulcanan) is in the hands of the little ones.

People gain the power to obey even the gods and dragons of this world (La Vulcanan).

Unexpectedly (...) was (...) - now all demons (monsters) and warcraft as a "great calamity," a "demon king" only to unify the Fallen God - laughed.

Even after (...), I have chosen to expand my main preference.

"My awakening means we're all here." The Brave and the Three Virgins. "

Speak to no one.

The voice is full of majesty, but there is no low (...) ku (...).

Before it became a "great calamity" itself, it was in the form of beads when it manifested itself directly in this world (La Vulcanan).

Now "The Great Calamity" - I have awakened myself as the Demon King, and I think I deserve it.

The large protruding chest and buttocks defy gravity, and the lines drawn in contact with the creased hips are glossy.

Who did wet red eyes and long, glossy black hair look like?

The brown skin, close to black, reflects a terribly fine muddy and slight light.

There is no youthfulness in the neat face, but the colourful fragrance of a mature woman.

But the lesser - a sign that he is not a man (...) appears everywhere.

A sharp fang peeks through just a little thick moist lips, and the head is equipped with twisted horns of a pitch-black goat.

The fists that follow from both arms against the flimsy limbs are huge, producing huge claws that tear everything apart.

He also has huge wings on his back.

And a long tail grows from the waist to the extension of the butt line, which a man would not be able to help but swallow his saliva.

"Female form and haha"

"Demon King" mocks himself.

It seems ridiculous to me that I have been trying to be a "woman" for this period.

"I don't even have someone to swing at, but I'm growing up to my tail."

That's how I wave and wiggle my long tail.

"- My untrained is pretty good, too. Even the appearance of annihilation is instinctively in line with the Lord's preference? Well, that's good. Even if it is not seen by the LORD, shall we at best perish to the LORD's taste? Or if the world (La Vulcanan) is not worthy of survival, we may perish together."

Laugh off your untrained with that voice full of majesty but beautiful.

From this moment on, I am a "great calamity" - a demon king - avenging the world (La Vulcanan).

None of the original powers that are in the hands of men if they are disputed dwell in lies.

All that dwells is the power of destruction that can destroy the world (La Vulcanan) as a "great calamity" against men.

"Wake up. - Those who, together with me, had avenged the world (La Vulcanan) and were former gods to be debated by the" Brave Men and the Three Virgins "- the Fallen Gods."

Nine pillars of gods manifest themselves in the same space so as to respond to that voice.

Wrapped in the natural light, its appearance, which should be white and beautiful, is stained in pitch black, as is the demon king who can unite us.

The eight gods have been errant from this day and age, but one pillar is Gias, the only god of Gias who now reigns as the largest religion in this world (La Vulcan).

In order to survive, they must slaughter even the gods they believe in.

"I can't get in touch with the Eight Dragon Kings. … have people already spoken to you before my awakening?"

Not so, but there is no way for the current "demon king" to know that.

"Fair enough. Let the end of the world (La Vulcanan) begin. There's no audience. It's a solo play, but we'll have to play it out more than the curtain's up."

Flip that beautiful and horrible appearance that doesn't even seem to belong in this world, as you mock yourself.

To fulfill the role assigned to himself as a "great calamity" to avenge the world (La Vulcanan) along with the fallen gods who follow him.

A sad one-man play, played mainly by abandoned apostles.

The story of the end, which thoroughly dodges your own doom.

One tragedy.

- But.

No one yet knows that this tale of eternal moment thoughts, readiness and despair will not end in tragedy.

I do not yet know that the Lord and his superior administrators, who did not ask for it, are now in this world (La Vulcanan) with the "Brave Men and the Three Virgins" prepared to defeat themselves as Yagami (Yagamisa) and Tama - the former (...) angels (...) disciples (...) of this world (La Vulcanan) who became demon kings.

But it doesn't matter, the curtain goes up.

Nobody knows how it ends yet.

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