For Brother Hui and the others, if they can live an extra day, they have already made money.

Such a day of licking blood on the edge of the knife, every day is accompanied by death, and this death is not your death, or my death.

In fact, it is quite dangerous.

Everyone doesn't know how long they can live in this life, but for them, the life like this is already good, they are already content, at least they can persist.

Every day, I was working hard to think of ways to not let myself die.

In other words, every day, you should try your best to survive as much as possible while not letting yourself get too close to the danger.

In fact, this is the idea of ​​many people, and it is also the daily goal of these people under Brother Hui.

For organizations like them, their desire for survival is still very high. After all, the strength of most people is not particularly strong, so for people like them, they are fighting at the same time. In fact, the trouble encountered is dangerous.

Compared with some masters, it is much farther away.

For this reason, these people also hate that their strength is not very strong.

If they can have enough strength, in fact, they will be changed and even greatly improved in the days when they are organized. This may also be a matter of course.

After all, if they really have enough strength, many tasks are not dangerous at all for them.

Moreover, for their own words, if such a task, they can easily do it, and they can complete it.

After completing the task, it means that you can survive this day safely.

This kind of thing seems to be easy to say, but in this organization, there are very, very few people who can make it. Not only that, but other people say that they are If Bian could have such strength.

I am afraid they will not worry about their lives every day.

Unfortunately, the strong are not so easy to become.

Most people said that when they didn't have such strength, they didn't have such talents. Basically, what level they can look like now is basically finalized.

In the future, it is estimated that it will be at this level, so naturally, if the tasks they receive today are particularly difficult, this is for them.

It's very, very deadly.

After all, with such a task, every time they complete it will become very dangerous.

And speaking in this organization of Brother Hui, in fact, in contrast to the high difficulty of the tasks, that is, the rewards for tasks dispatched in Brother Hui's organization are also very high.

This is a characteristic of Brother Hui's organization, and it can also be said to be a special place.

Because in this organization, all tasks have never been simple, and in this organization, in addition to single-person tasks, there is another task, and this task is the so-called large-scale mandatory task.

For such tasks, in general, it is said that there is some large-scale action on the organization side, and under the premise that there is a need for manpower here, if there is not enough manpower, the organization here needs to let other members participate.

In this case, there must be someone who is unwilling. For this reason, the organization here has also imposed mandatory regulations, if someone does not come to participate or refuse.

Then it is tantamount to violating the rules of the organization and betraying the organization.

So in this case, the organization here will give very severe punishments.

The purpose is to enable the people of the entire organization to follow the instructions and orders of the organization.

And in such an organization, whether it is Brother Hui or the white-clothed boss, the two have been in this organization for decades.

There has never been a special case for the two of them. For the organization here, as long as there is any large-scale operation or task, whether it is Brother Hui or the white-clothed boss, they are both. Participation must be mandatory.

And they don’t have any privileges. Don’t look at the two of them, the white-clothed boss and Hui, who have been in the organization for many years, and during this process, it’s obvious that it’s either Hui or the white-clothed boss, none of them , There is such a right, let alone such a special case.

These are the rigid rules of the organization, and the same are also some requirements in the organization. Otherwise, there are no rules and not always round. If there are no such rules, this person says I don’t want to fight, and the other person says I don’t want to enlighten. If the task is done, it will be messed up, and it is not just messed up.

This is very fatal.

For an organization, if there is no reasonable management, then it is obvious that in this organization, on its own side, it is naturally impossible for anyone to obey the management of the organization.

This is not only that, but what you need to know is that once the people under your hand do not obey the management, it is obvious that their own organization will inevitably be disintegrated.

If the organization collapses, it will naturally make such an organization unable to survive successfully.

Therefore, at any time, the leaders of these organizations, in fact, know better than anyone else, in order to be able to manage their own organizations, sometimes there is nothing wrong with being a little stricter.

And it is important to understand that for these managers, it is obvious that they would rather make the people under their hands feel a little more uncomfortable, and do not intend to cause too many problems and loopholes in their management.

In this case, it is obvious that, for the people under their hands, they naturally have nothing to worry about.

After understanding this point, these managers will naturally increase their management and requirements in this regard.

In this case, it is often the most painful to tell the truth. In fact, it is the people below who are not very high in their original status and status. Nowadays, if they are under such a huge pressure, this is for them. In terms of what you can have, you can only struggle.

Because of those managers, it is impossible to consider them.

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