For Yu Le.

If you go to contact the other party.

It is indeed a very difficult challenge.

But more to say, even if it is a challenge.

Even if it is very difficult.

Even if you really might fail.

But if you want to understand one thing, then that is to say, at least the current Yu Le's own words, he has never thought about his own words, he will give up.

Because for myself now, Yu Le knows a little bit clearly.

In other words, if you do not work hard because you are afraid of failure.

Then it will definitely not succeed.

Although you might succeed if you work hard, you still have a chance at least.

So if you think about it like this, Yu Le here has his own ideas and decisions.

At least here Yu Le, what he has said, clearly knows that, if he has to make such a decision now, it will be good.

Moreover, if Yu Le's words are now, if he has the idea of ​​green, he thinks it is good to act as soon as possible.

At least the words in Yu Le's heart felt that what he was doing now would not change his mind.

After all, this is also his only chance for Yu Le.

If Yu Le is here, he can't cherish it like this, if he misses it like this, it is really a serious matter.

Moreover, there is another point, so that is to say about the current self, he knows the current self, and there is no more time to hesitate.

At that time, the young girl's words here are very popular, so the words that came to the organization just now have attracted a lot of attention.

Among them, there are girls and boys.

In such a situation, Yu Le's words here are silently seen.

But as far as this situation is concerned, in fact, Yu Le here is completely curious about his own words.

Because when Yu Le here is speaking, he also knows what he is here.

Young girls, people like him are also very popular.

If this is the case, then, if you are a young girl, you should look and have a good temperament. At this level, you can really say that you are hungry than a lot of people.

So everyone likes young girls for his own reasons.

At the same time, looking at the overall situation here, Yu Le here knows that it is inevitable to be hungry.

If the young girl is not welcome under such conditions, then there is really a problem.

After understanding this a little bit, Yu Le's words here at this time also said that he has always wanted to find opportunities, and his words are close to those of the young girl here.

But the problem is that the words of the young girl here are always surrounded by people around him.

So under such circumstances, the young girl here is completely hungry without any breathing time.

The young girls at that time also liked to make friends, so in this case, the young girls here, if they are in the organization, for anyone, it is natural to say that the complete comer is not. Rejected it.

In general, here, the young girl is completely hungry who dare not refuse.

After all, if you are a newcomer to organize your skills, no matter whether you have fun here, so are the young girls here.

None of their words have any background.

At the same time, the words of these two people are hungry without any friends.

So in this situation, the young girl here and Yu Le are the same.

Anything should be done carefully as much as possible.

Only in this way can we survive in this kind of organization.

But if you really want to say it, in fact, if Yu Le compares with a young girl here, the only shortcoming is that the young girl here is better than Yu Le here due to innate conditions. If so, it's much taller.

For such a situation, in fact, it is completely but inevitable.

After all, from the current personal point of view, the young girl here knows her words very well.

So that is to say, what she is here, no matter what, what she wants to do.

It’s all about the organizational power here, and for the newcomers here, it’s a fundamental one.

Therefore, the young girl is also biting the bullet and trying to fight for opportunities as much as possible.

Then, with such cruel organizational power, what the young girl here said is naturally a little bit more, it just needs more friends.

If you don't have any friends, then it really means it's totally impossible to move.

Thinking of this kind of situation, just thinking about it would feel terrifying.

So if the young girl is here by himself, if she just joined the organization, she will start her own plan.

However, because of this, the young girl's people around him are always hungry.

This led to Yu Le's own words here, who was originally not good at words.

I have always wanted to talk to the young girl here, if he talks well, there is no such good opportunity.

If you think about this situation, Yu Le's inner words here are full of helplessness.

Many times, Yu Le here wants to find the young girl here for his words.

But sometimes, Yu Le is afraid of his own words and wants to make friends with young girls.

It was rejected by the other party.

So after thinking about this, Yu Le here is also a little scared and a little timid.

Even for Yu Le here, he was even more retreat, and he didn't dare to look for the young girl here.

However, for your own future, for your own goals.

Yu Le had also plucked up his courage and went to find the young girl here for him.

However, Yu Le here often finds young girls with great difficulty, but has no chance to get close.

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