If you think about this kind of thing, then the young girl here is completely unhappy.

Think about the next words, here's words about your friendship and face.

In the final words, even if such a proud young girl said his words, he had no choice but to put down his own face. In the last words, he bowed his head to the words of Yu Le here.

But you can see a little bit.

So that means the young girl here knows a little bit about what he says.

That is to say, if you bow your head to others when you are here, it is estimated that the young girl here is really unwilling to say it.

However, if it is now, the young girl here would have to let him bow his head to admit his mistake to Yu Le at this time.

When the young girl here asked him, there was absolutely no objection.

For such a situation, the young girl here can fully accept his words.

If the young girl bows his head because of the young girl here, it is his best sister here.

So it's a little bit like this, for the current self.

The young girl here takes his sister's words very importantly.

Therefore, what the young girl at the time said was what he said after a moment of painful struggle.

The young girl here finally had her own answer and her own thoughts.

"Forget it, if it’s a big deal, it’s just a loss of face, but if I compare friendship with face, face is really nothing. In my eyes, friendship is really bigger than anything else. Up!"

And such a sentence.

It is also said that Yu Le here, what he said here, he remembers clearly in his heart.

Today's words are also what Yu Le said in his heart, and it took a full two years.

In such two years' time.

As far as Yu Le is concerned, he has never forgotten what he said here.

Because on the one hand, the words of Yu Le here, when he heard what the young girl here said, the words of Yu Le at that time were really moved by the young girl here. Of it.

Another point.

In other words, Yu Le here knows his own words.

At that time, when the young girl here said something like this, it was really true and sincere. With such an expression, Yu Le's words here can be seen.

After all, Yu Le's words are a bit timid.

But Yu Le was very clever in his words.

Such things are also said to be the only thing in common between Yu Le's own words and the words of today's young girls.

At the same time, the words of Yu Le at that time and the words of the young girl here are very close.

At this level, Yu Le at that time also learned more about the young girls at that time.

Therefore, when the young girl at the time said this, Yu Le here is really very happy.

Moreover, the previous dissatisfaction was swept away by the instant words.

Although the words at the time were just because of the words of the young girl, Yu Le here was completely calm.

Even the young girl at that time hadn't explained what he said to Yu Le.

But for Yu Le at that time, he knew a little bit in his heart.

So, in terms of my own words at the time, the importance of friendship was not much worse than what the young girl here said.

So at that time, the serious words of the young girl here touched Yu Le.

Because at the beginning, when the young girl here said something like this, Yu Le still simply thought that he might have done something wrong here, so the young girl was a little bit outsider.

Therefore, at that time, Yu Le still felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

But even so, Yu Le at this time would not shrink from anything.

Because Yu Le's goal is to be hungry with the young girl here.

So far, Yu Le's words here have finally changed after listening to the young girl's words, while being moved at the same time.

With such a change, on the one hand, it means to reconcile with the young girl here.

After that, he still said what the young girl said. Because of his practice, Yu Le here has a better understanding of what the young girl said in his heart.

At the same time, I am happy to know too much about the young girl here.

What he said here also understood the young girl's previous practices and intentions.

But even if he was so hungry, in fact, the young girl before him was unwilling to tell Yu Le here about his own life experience.

For Yu Le, in fact, his own blow here is really huge.

But even if that happened, what the young girl here said he didn't know at all.

Yu Le here is also saying what he has always said, and he is working hard to make his own words as strong as possible.

Because from the present Yu Le, speaking from his personal point of view.

Yu Le now thinks.

If I am here today, the efforts I have made are far from enough.

In this case, what can be seen here is still talking.

At this time, Yu Le really wanted to help, but because of her own words, she felt that there were not many things she could do under the circumstances at the time and her own words. .

In this case, Yu Le here can do things as much as he can, because for Yu Le's words.

He also knows very well. In terms of organizational strength at the time, dangerous words were always there, so she was very careful when she did anything.

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