That friend has always looked very good on the surface. In fact, all his behaviors are hypocritical.

Secretly, this friend of his actually did not give less trouble to his own family, but it was just the truth and did not cause much impact, so no one thought of things on this level. And because of the family power, the words of the surrounding friends are also deeply hidden, and they are only used to please her constantly.

However, when the young patriarch encountered a problem he couldn't think of, he talked to his friends. This friend of his felt that the opportunity had come. At that time, relying on the help of the young team leader, their friend’s family was actually slow, and it was very high in the ranking of the entire alchemy family. .

After knowing the thoughts of the young patriarch, His friend understood that if he was making troubles at this time, he might be able to bring down the strongest and most powerful alchemy family on the sky continent, then he would definitely gain a lot of benefits from it, and even said he had to plant more. The benefits are not necessarily.

So this young family chief, his friend gave him a very bad idea, and that idea. It can be said that it was also the root cause of the following series of things. At that time, the young family patriarch had never doubted the reliability of his friends, so he believed in friends very much, and he also trusted unconditionally. At that time, because he encountered it himself, he was psychologically unhappy, so he told his family elders first, but because the family members did not take these things seriously, and they felt that they were all trivial things. This is what they see, and they can be taken lightly.

But for this young team leader, he couldn't let it go, so he didn't think he was reliable, so he didn't care about his mood at all? Therefore, when her friend expressed his understanding and approval, he was very grateful to his friend, and very much, believed in his friend, because when he was most helpless, someone finally came out to understand himself. The help that things brought him is still very huge.

So in such a state, the idea his friend gave him was actually harming her, but she chose to believe it. As a result, he acted according to his friend.

And the turning point and the problem lies here, he follows his friends. After giving him the idea to act, it turns out that what awaits him is not a solution.

It was a path of self-destruction. At that time, he quarreled with others because others looked down on him and his personal cultivation. So he has always wanted to prove to everyone that although he is actually very good in alchemy, he actually has a strong talent in cultivation.

It's just that she put all her energy on the house she needed to study at the time, just like the genius alchemist right now, so he said that in terms of cultivation, his cultivation level was relatively low, but he was not convinced. , Others said that his cultivation ability was poor, so he always wanted to prove it to people who looked down on him at that time.

But he was eager to prove his strength, but due to lack of such strength, he was really in a bad mood about this matter.

At the time, his friends around him gave him the same idea. Then use the secret method to forcibly increase your temporary strength, and then go to fight with others, by defeating the opponent to prove how strong your talent is, and make the opponent afraid of yourself.

It seems that this is a very good idea, although it is possible to do it if the secret method is used. But at that time, because he was depressed for a long time and was in a very bad mood, he said that the young patriarch was quite depressed and unhappy in his heart.

And when he was dazzled by anger, the young patriarch, because no one in the family understood him, said that he chose to believe in his friends, and then he stopped the strategy of his friends. He spent a lot of money to purchase a pill from someone else, which can be temporarily improved, and a pill for personal cultivation. At that time, it was impossible to refine such a pill, so he could only buy from others, and he did not know The thing is, the pill he bought with a lot of money is actually in the hands of his friend.

In other words, his friend deliberately found someone to pretend to be a master, and then deceived the young patriarch to spend a lot of money on the purchase. In this way, the young patriarch also gave his money to himself when the leader came out. His friend, then, his friend also took that pill. But one thing to know is that if it is a normal education, even if he gives money to his friends in a disguised form, it is understandable if he gets the pill, because he will buy it from others anyway. But the point is that the order it bought was sick and abnormal.

The single key, his friend did some tricks. The pill he bought at the time, although it said it had side effects, was not fatal, but the pill he bought from the person introduced by his friend was actually It was his friend who deliberately found someone to sell to him after he had done tricks, and he didn't know about it. After he bought him, he met with the person who looked down on him.

The two also agreed on a time to fight. .

Because of the secret medicine pill, this young patriarch still has great confidence in his heart for this battle. He believes that he can win, defeat the opponent, and prove his strength.

As for the other party, at first I heard that the young patriarch wanted to challenge himself. In fact, at the time, the other party did not expect this young team leader to use secret methods to improve his own strength. Therefore, the other party simply felt that this young group I was dizzy for a while, trying to find myself ashamed.

Therefore, the person did not even think about it, so he easily agreed. After he agreed, the plan was halfway through, and the remaining part was to improve his strength by bringing it to the temporary room during the battle. Defeat the opponent, and then let everyone see its power, in this case, the team leader will forget it for these two days. The knot in his heart made him feel bad.

It’s just that what he never thought was that after the time he agreed with the other party, her friend found that night, the person he met, and then his friend would use this young team leader in the battle. The secret, the news was told to the other party.

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