Is the Evil God Me?

Chapter 239: capital

Chatting with Yuri is actually quite a torture.

Because the words that pop up from his mouth sometimes require brain comparison analysis to be able to vaguely understand what he means in a sentence. This is a conversation under the condition that Lynn has a certain foundation, and it can be better understood when translated into Chinese. If it were pure Albion, it would probably be painful.

For example, what is the difference between value and price?

What is residual value and added value? What is the function and circulation of money? What is the meaning of the different formula transformations for calculating profit? What is capital? The social nature of capital?

These words and questions, if Lynn didn't stop to think carefully, combined with the social status of the lower city in [Steam City], many of them would not be able to understand what Yuri was expressing. Even so, when the big bald head talked about the research on employment and labor, Lynn still knew a lot about it, and could only hear the general meaning.

But Lynn has a memory palace.

For him, even if he can't understand it for a while, as long as he remembers it down, thinks later or combines the actual situation, then he still has an advantage over others.

In fact, Yuri was also surprised.

You must know that many of his words are unfamiliar or simply used ideograms instead of deep meanings, as well as a little bit of self-made vocabulary, which is no less difficult than the first time ordinary people come into contact with [Muran]. Many of the students who followed him scratched their heads frantically and were tortured a lot, while the workers were limited by their knowledge and could only use more simple but inconspicuous examples to illustrate that Yuri had no choice but to do so, knowledge is so difficult. complicated.

But Lynn could not only barely keep up, but sometimes he could draw inferences or dig deeper meanings, and even helped him correct a few inappropriate words.

The two discussed public and private ownership.

The so-called utopianism advocates the abolition of private ownership, the elimination of class differences, and social equality, of which the abolition and replacement of private ownership are its labels. In this day and age, this is undoubtedly a more radical and dangerous slogan.

Just like if you are going to rebel, if a group of mud-legged pariahs riot with pitchforks and hoes, it is estimated that two or three knights and a group of soldiers will suppress it. This kind of disturbance is not even a rebellion, and the ruling class will still enjoy melon seeds. Bitchy bones were caught and hanged. But if you are systematic, put forward certain theories and unravel some essences, then the ruling class can't sit still.

To be more specific, Huang Chao wrote an anti-poem back then. The essence is that people who are qualified to rebel have expressed their desire to rebel, and often these people's rebellion is very effective and fatal.

To be honest, Lynn is surprised that this big bald head has not been killed.

From the bald head, Lynn also learned about the Beyonders outside the [Steam City]. Although the social attributes of Beyonders are the ruling class, because of their overall short-lived label and the existence of righteous gods, this group is neither arrogant nor arrogant. If it is not solidified, it can resonate with people in the middle and lower classes more often.

Yuri commented on Lynn. Among all the Beyonders he had met, Lynn was the one who could see through problems and empathize the most. Others, in fact, are more condescending with a little, the knight pity the poor man.

And the reason why Beyonders are regarded as a group rather than a class, Lynn and Yuri also discussed it incidentally.

Class means multiple social groups with different identities, status, wealth, etc., and different ideologies. At first glance, Extraordinary fits the definition of a class, but the ideology of Extraordinary has no natural cohesion of a class at all because of small circles and rankings, as well as extreme dispersion and freedom.

For example, Gao En’s treacherous Beyonders may have been persecuted and killed for some reason (the church’s stake), but Albion’s Beyonders would not feel offended, but would instead shout, “Damn!” Pop champagne!

Of course, the more important thing is that classes are all contradictory, and the Beyonder group is more likely to follow the skin of the ruling class to obtain benefits.

Yuri pointed out when talking about this.

"Extraordinary people are not sensitive to their social status and rights, limited by collective lag, and they are unable to play the role of leaders in an industrialized society. This phenomenon will be accompanied by the development of productive forces. , and finally prompted the Extraordinary to truly awaken and try to step onto the stage of history and become a class."

"How long do you think it will take?" Lynn wondered.

"This is a long process of mutual compromise, and the interference of external factors cannot be ignored. I think it will take at least nearly three hundred years."

"That was a long time."

Three hundred years, that was almost the era before Lynn crossed. Lynn pondered for a while. If it were that era, the Beyonders would probably become the beacons of directors who were hidden behind the scenes of big companies in various Resident Evil movies. And because of selfish desires, there will be many cases of disasters.

Although the raccoon cat didn't want to let Lynn lick it, Lynn's smooth platinum hair became a comfortable cushion. It dismembered and stepped on the big bald head and jumped to the top of the little gentleman's head and lay down lazily.

So there was a scene where Lynn was talking to Yuri with a cat on his The big bald head is obviously well-trained, and he didn't laugh because of it. Lynn also endured this hateful cat. Well, let it go, it's too cheap to really care about a cat.

The autumn wind is slow, the smell of grass and soil mixed with the wind comes from far away, and the air is reverberating with the subtle insects. [Weaving Moths] The hem of the lady's constellation clothes moved slightly, as if she was looking after the two thinkers on the earth.

The agitation of thoughts without a material basis seems very illusory, but it is these seemingly illusory things that can make the whole world change upside down.

In the discussion of public and private ownership, Yuri explained why private ownership is the source of exploitation, oppression, and corruption.

First of all, private ownership is not private property.

Private ownership emphasizes the individual ownership of the means of production from the perspective of the social system, and private property emphasizes the individual right to use the means of subsistence from the perspective of family wealth. Those who, upon hearing that private ownership is about to be abolished, clamoring for persecution of human rights, lack of freedom, lack of progress, and their wives being confiscated as property, are basically three types of people. Bad minds who oppress others, and thirdly, idiots who are exploited and oppressed without awakening.

Generally, the second category is relatively small and the third category is relatively large.

Such people were called scabs in a certain passionate age.

"This is capital. If there is 10% profit, he is guaranteed to be used everywhere. With 20% profit, he is active. With 50% profit, he takes desperate risks. For 100% profit, he dares to trample. All human laws. With 300% profit, he dares to commit any crime, even willing to sell the rope to hang himself."

Lynn finally said this sentence in this era, although a little late, he is not the original author.

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