It’s a Bit Early To Cross

Vol 2 Chapter 1410: true true false false

[This time travel is a bit early][]

Chu Hengcai didn't bother to care whether his friend was real or fake. After talking about the medicinal wine, he went straight to the topic.

He crossed his legs, held a coffee cup in his hand, and said in a calm tone: "Mr. Owen, our time is limited, so let's get down to business."

"Okay." Owen carefully put the bottle away and looked at him seriously.

Chu Heng stretched out his hand to Martin who was sitting next to him, and the other party immediately handed over the document bag in his hand. After taking it, he put it in front of Irving and said bluntly: "Here are the eight plots of land I have chosen. There are some in Hong Kong Island and some in Kowloon. Based on the current market value, it’s probably more than 30 million.”

"Let's round it up and make it 30 million."

"I plan to leave these plots of land to you for operation. The price is 30 million. No matter how much you save, each of us will get half of the money. What do you think?"


When Owen heard that his handwriting was so big, his eyelids jumped uncontrollably, and his gaze towards Chu Heng instantly became fiery.

Even Avima was slightly surprised. She couldn't help but glance at Chu Heng a few times. She really wanted to open his mouth and ask him where on earth this guy got so much money!

"Let me take a look first."

At this time, Owen, who always pays attention to dressing, subconsciously wiped his palms on his pants before picking up the document bag and opening it, taking out the documents inside and reading them carefully in front of his eyes.

Afraid of soiling a document that might bring him a fortune.

After a while, after reading the document and roughly estimating the lowest prices for those plots, Owen's breathing became a little heavier. Feeling that his throat was a little dry, he tugged on his collar regardless of his appearance to let him breathe. It became more unobstructed, then raised his eyes to Chu Heng, licked his lips greedily and said: "Mr. Chu, are you kidding me?"

"I would never joke on such occasions." Chu Heng raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing an indescribable calmness and confidence.

"What if I spend 20 million to acquire these plots?" Irving asked tentatively.

"You don't have to do this. I said half for one person, half for one person. If you don't spend the last penny, you can take away fifteen million directly!" Chu Heng promised again.

"Okay, it's settled! Don't worry, Mr. Chu, I will do my best." Owen was extremely excited and held the document tightly in his hand.

“Happy to work with!”

"The sooner we cooperate!"

The two shook hands vigorously, looked at each other passionately, and a py deal was concluded casually.

Immediately afterwards, they talked in detail about some follow-up operations, and unknowingly the time exceeded the previously agreed upon hour.

At this time, Chu Heng glanced at the low-key Patek Philippe antique watch on his wrist, and said in surprise: "Oh, I'm so sorry, Mr. Owen, I was so involved in the chat that it took up more than an hour without realizing it. When is your date, let’s stop talking about it today, and we’ll talk about the rest another day.”

"It's okay, it's just a date. You can go or not. Let's continue." At this moment, the God of Wealth was in front of him. Owen couldn't care about anything else. He waved his hand carelessly, then took him and continued talking to Martin. stand up.

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[This time travel is a bit early][]

Like this, another half hour passed.

Seeing that the conversation was almost over, Chu Heng said goodbye: "That's it for now, Mr. Owen, I have other things to do, and I'll let Martin talk to you later."

"Why don't you leave after lunch, Mr. Chu? I'm also going to let you try the recipes that have been passed down by our family for three hundred years." Owen quickly persuaded him to stay.

"Thank you, Mr. Owen. I would also like to try your family's recipes, but I really don't have time now. Let's try another day." Chu Hengke said to them that the sun never sets, which is not much thicker than a Citigroup history book. The recipe is of little interest.

So, Owen tried to persuade him to stay again. Seeing that he was really determined to leave, he could only send him out of the house with regret, and made an appointment to go to Happy Valley together in a few days.

"Goodbye, Mr. Owen."

With a wave of his hand, Chu Heng got into the Mercedes-Benz, and then the car started slowly and left the official residence. In a blink of an eye, he entered the house of the police commissioner not far away, which was also Yoni's home.

As soon as they entered, they were warmly welcomed by Johnny. After entering the house and drinking a cup of coffee, this guy started shaking people excitedly, preparing to hold a barbecue party in the garden.

And in their circle, everyone is either rich or noble, and they live not far from here. In a short time, many people gathered, and everyone was drinking, barbecuing, and dancing. The mansion was filled with excitement. Anti-Yingtian.

After Avima drank a few glasses of wine, she began to talk more. She looked at Chu Heng, who was surrounded by several girls, and proudly said, "My dear friends, I think it's time. I want to reintroduce you to my good friend Chu."

Chu Heng glanced at her with a smile when he heard the movement, but did not stop her, because he now needed someone to publicize that he had become a billionaire, so that he could quickly integrate into the so-called upper class society.

"What's wrong? Did you two finally sleep together?" someone teased after hearing this.

Everyone in the circle knew that Avima wanted to sleep with Chu Heng but could not.

"Damn it, don't mention such unhappy things at this time." She rolled her eyes at the person who spoke, then passed through the crowd like a butterfly and came to Chu Heng's side. She took the opportunity to hold his arm and waved With a white chin, he said: "Okay, don't interrupt. Now, I would like to solemnly introduce to you that the person next to me is the new boss of Mandarin Hotel, Chu Heng, Mr. Chu!"

Everyone in the field was suddenly shocked and felt a little unbelievable.

It's like a group of kids wearing crotchless pants suddenly learn that the kid they were fighting with a few days ago suddenly became a father.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

"real or fake?"

"You have to be kidding, right?"

"I heard someone say that the new owner of the Mandarin Hotel is a yellow man."

"So, this is true?"

"God, I never thought there was a billionaire hidden among us!"

"Is it true? Chu."

"Please, tell me it's fake, otherwise I won't be able to sleep at A group of people quickly surrounded Chu Heng, questioning and confirming him.

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[This time travel is a bit early][]

After getting the affirmative answer, women like Becky and Elena looked at him with brighter eyes, feeling that he suddenly looked much more handsome.

Young, rich, and reportedly rich, what a perfect partner!

A servant in the crowd who was helping with the barbecue looked at Chu Heng a few times, and after a moment's thought, he quickly turned around and entered the mansion, ready to tell Yoni's father about the matter.

When a billionaire comes to his house as a guest, it would be very rude if the owner of the house doesn't come out to meet him.

Gulizal, who was also nearby, had shock on her exotic and pretty face. She stammered and asked Cen Hao, who was squatting aside and chewing pork chops: "Brother Hao, the team leader really appreciates Wenhua." Did you buy the hotel?”

"Listen to him."

Cen Hao had already received the order. When he heard this, he curled his lips and covered Chu Heng without blushing: "The person who bought the hotel is the Stanley Fund. He just relies on his connections to be the person in charge here. He earns his living." It’s salary, but don’t talk about this to anyone else, now everyone else thinks he is a shareholder.”

"Oh, I understand." Gulizar could accept it now, but he still felt that Chu Heng was very powerful.

Good guy!

As expected of the team leader, he has become the person in charge of a five-star hotel in just over two months since he came out!

At the same time, she also suddenly realized why she felt that the employees in the hotel felt weird today.

(End of chapter)

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