It’s a Bit Early To Cross

Vol 2 Chapter 1424: Unlucky bastard

[This time travel is a bit early][]

This time travel is a bit early. Main Volume Chapter 1424: The Unlucky Man. The discount event at the Mandarin Hotel is pretty good.

On the afternoon of the day when the advertisement went out, the number of guests in the hotel increased significantly, and the employees who had been idle for a long time finally had something to do.

When almost no one came in the middle of the night, the lady at the front desk counted more than 50 rooms sold today!

This is undoubtedly a gratifying thing for hotels whose room occupancy numbers have been hovering around single digits in recent times.

Even the employees couldn't help but cheer for this false prosperity.

But this was just the beginning. As the next day came, the effect of advertising became more obvious. The number of rooms sold more than doubled. In the following days, this number continued to increase sharply. By the time On the fifth day, the occupancy rate reached more than 60%, already exceeding the previous peak period.

An interesting thing happened during this period, which even had some impact on the hotel's occupancy rate.

The cause of this incident starts with the free meals provided by the hotel.

Because from the perspective of cost saving, the meals provided by the hotel are not for guests to order casually, but in the form of set meals for guests to choose from, including single, double, four, six, etc., each set meal has Different chefs are in charge and there are different options.

Among them, Cheng Xi and his apprentices were responsible for the meal for four people.

On the second day after the event, a boss who came to Hong Kong Island to discuss business with his entourage came to the restaurant for dinner. There were exactly four of them, so the meal for four was naturally cooked by You Chengxi.

As a master of Shandong cuisine with top cooking skills, Cheng Xi's dishes were definitely delicious. Several people who ate them almost swallowed their tongues. They even invited Cheng Xi over and toasted him with a glass of wine. I chatted with him for a while and praised his craftsmanship to the highest level.

This not only confused the two guests sitting at their table.

The dishes ordered by the people at that table included a dish of braised fish, and the two of them also had one here. Although the taste was good, it was not something that could be praised like this.

Both of them even doubted whether these four people had never eaten Chinese food.

It happened that these two people still had some Shenyu, so after Chengxi left, they went to the next table to chat, and learned that they had eaten Chinese food, and the reason why they praised it so much was because the food was really delicious.

Not only did the two of them become more curious, they shamelessly tasted each other's dishes. They were immediately shocked and found that what they ate was nothing like what others ate!

What others call delicacies, theirs is just food!

So they immediately called the waiter to ask the reason, and then they learned that the two set meals were not made by the same person at all, and also found out that Cheng Xi was the master of Shandong cuisine.

Then the next day, the two of them shared a table with other guests and successfully enjoyed a meal for four cooked by Cheng Xi.

At the same time, a rumor began to appear among the guests of the hotel, saying that there was a hidden copy of the Mandarin Hotel, and four people had to be gathered to go to Jincheng...ah, to eat the delicacies cooked by the masters of Shandong cuisine.

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[This time travel is a bit early][]

Some guests immediately became fans of Chengxi after trying it out of curiosity. Some people who were supposed to check out stayed for one or two more days just to have one more bite. Some even just After checking out, I even went to the hotel restaurant to order food at my own expense.

Some people even came to the Mandarin Hotel specifically after learning from their friends that there was a master of Shandong cuisine.

Just like that, relying on this cooking skill, Cheng Xi actually became a bit of a hotel sign!

In the afternoon, the setting sun is like blood, with thousands of rays of light.

Chu Heng, who finally finished his inspection work, came back early today. Accompanied by General Manager Duan Changjin and Catering Department Manager Liu Shixian, he visited several restaurants.

Looking at the bustling guests, he nodded with satisfaction and praised Duan Jinchang: "It seems that the effect of this activity is quite good. Mr. Duan deserves the most credit."

"I don't dare to take credit for it. I don't dare to take credit for it. It's all the result of everyone's joint efforts. I don't dare to take credit." Duan Jinchang said humbly.

"Haha, Mr. Duan is so humble. You planned and executed this event from beginning to end. Without you, the hotel would probably still be half-dead. You are really indispensable." Liu Shixian said with great admiration.

"Manager Liu is right." Chu Heng agreed.

"It's too praised, it's too praised." Duan Changjin grinned and said with a red face after receiving the recognition.

"Hey, by the way." Chu Heng suddenly asked: "How's it going on the 18th floor? No guests are willing to stay yet?"

"Not yet." Duan Changjin said with a wry smile: "After all, people have died on the 18th floor, and it will take some time to fade away."


Chu Heng frowned when he heard this, and muttered with some dissatisfaction: "Then why is the old man moving so slowly?"

Sai Yeung Choi Street, that scented paper shop.

The Qingyuan master that Chu Heng was talking about was currently receiving a guest.

He was a man, about forty years old. Although he was wearing a brand-name suit, he had an unshaven beard, a tired face, and a somewhat depressed look.

This man's name is Lang Hongjie, a small business owner in the plastic business, and an unlucky guy.

He has a factory that specializes in plastic flowers and toys. The business was originally pretty good, earning about six to seven hundred thousand a year. Among the bosses in Hong Kong, he is one of those who are not as good as those above, but more than enough. files.

But in the middle of this year, he suddenly began to be unlucky.

First, a fire suddenly broke out in the factory, destroying a warehouse of raw materials and half of the factory. The losses were so great that he was almost on the verge of bankruptcy.

In order to save the company, Lang Hongjie gritted his teeth and borrowed a loan shark from someone. He wanted to give it another try, but to his surprise, the day after he got the money back, his wife, who had lost confidence in her husband, took the money. He ran to Nanyang with the pretty boy.

Immediately afterwards, his father suddenly fell down from the building and died on the spot.

After he finished the funeral, something happened to his son. On the way to school, the boy encountered a fight between two clubs and was stabbed several times by mistake, almost leaving the party.

These successive made Lang Hongjie start to doubt, wondering if he had committed some taboo, why was he suddenly so unlucky?

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[This time travel is a bit early][]

So he remembered the miraculous master mentioned in this paragraph in the newspaper, and approached him with the intention of giving it a try.


Qingyuan, who had just finished the rope, couldn't help but feel sorry for the unfortunate guy in front of him with a sad face, so he sighed secretly in his heart and after the rope broke at the thin spot, he decided to give him a fortune.

I saw the old man frowning slowly, looking him up and down, and said: "Judging from Mr. Lang's horoscope, you can make money by eating injuries, and you will not be so unlucky if you are sitting in the treasury. But now you are It’s because the Yintang is dark, the nose is full of evil moles, and he looks like he is losing money and inviting disaster. It seems that he must have collided with some evil spirit, which led to this disaster!"

Lang Hongjie was immediately shocked: "Is there a way to solve it?"

"There is a way, it just depends on whether you dare." Na Qingyuan stroked his beard.

Lang Hongjie smiled bitterly and said: "Master, it doesn't matter. For me, there is nothing more terrifying in this world than poverty."

"Okay, you have to remember what I say next."

"Master, please speak."

"Room 1805 of the Mandarin Hotel has been haunted by deaths and hauntings. It was once a haunted house. Later, I used Feng Shui to break the evil situation and turn it into a prosperous one. You can go to Room 1805 tonight. Remember to put a glass of water in the southeast corner, put your shoes upright and backwards by the door, and then sleep there for one night. After tomorrow, the time will definitely turn around and you will have good luck!"

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