It’s a Bit Early To Cross

Vol 2 Chapter 1429: last thing

"Wow, today is a great day!"

Seeing the money in the box, Owen didn't even care about maintaining his aristocratic manner. His eyes suddenly became hot. He excitedly picked up a bundle of money and put it in front of his nose and took a sniff. He squinted intoxicatedly: "This smell is really charming. !”

"I've always felt this way, there should be nothing more charming in this world." Chu Heng smiled and took a puff of his cigar.

"Yes yes, it's the most charming!"

Owen grinned his sausage-like thick lips, his smiling eyes disappeared, and then turned his head and waved to a servant, shouting cheerfully: "Miss Comina, I need a bottle of champagne with me now. Friends, let’s celebrate!”

"Please wait, sir."

The servant bowed respectfully, turned around and walked into the kitchen, and soon came out with a tray on which was placed the Laurent Perrier champagne that had been prepared long ago and several exquisite crystal glasses.

When he came closer, Owen stood up impatiently, reached for the champagne bottle, roughly opened the gold foil paper wrapped around the mouth of the bottle, removed the metal mesh, pressed his thumb on the lid, and shook it vigorously a few times.


With a muffled sound, the cork on the champagne bottle flew out. Irving held the bottle, tilted it, and poured it into the crystal glasses. The golden wine was filled with bubbles and had a faint fruity aroma. Float out of it.

"He told you that a long time ago." Cen Hao looked at me doubtfully.

"It's just to be polite, who among us is following the other."

“Happy cooperation!”

"Who told him that the matter was done?" After hearing this, Cen Hao put down the book, glanced at me, and said, "Let's wait a little longer. When the last thing is done, we will set off to go back."

Hearing this, Chu Heng, who was about to enter middle age, immediately pricked up his ears.

When he got the good wine, he handed the bottle to the servant, then picked up one of the glasses and motioned to Cen Hao and the others with an excited look.

Cen Hao looked at me sideways, with a faint smile on his face. He put his arm around my shoulders and said in a small voice: "Although you have had a lot of alcohol, who makes him your worst friend? Let's go, let's go together." Go downstairs and get it."

"Okay, stop talking, you understand."

As soon as the car stopped, the doorman ran down diligently and opened the door with a smile on his face.

"That's right." He Cai suddenly spoke at that time, winking and asking in a lewd tone that all women understand: "You remember that he should have thought about passing the forbidden period, right? How was the effect?"

"You mean...well." Chu Heng blushed, opened his mouth in a low voice, and said in an unspeakable way: "You want to ask you, but I can't sell you a bottle bottle of Mr. Martin." You don’t have any friends when you drink this kind of wine…”

That time, Irving stopped pretending to be a transparent person and leaned over to listen.

"It's a bad morning, Mr. Chu."

By noon, Martin, who had just earned 7 million and was full of consumerism, generously treated us to lunch. He gave in to everyone else who wanted to treat him, and he would wait for whoever wanted to treat him.

Cen Hao got out of the car, nodded to me with a smile, and then left the hotel with Owen and Chu Heng amidst greetings from all the employees, and headed for the elevator.

Owen, who had changed into narrow loose clothes, came out of the bedroom and asked me: "Master Chu, you have done a lot of things, so when are we going back? It's almost the Chinese New Year!"

"Yes, are you okay?" Owen looked over in surprise.

Sure enough, Jill is a brave woman!


Damn, that ghost guy is so courageous!

The few goods just started chatting outside the room, listening to He Cai vividly talk about the product experience.

"Don't ask if you should ask." Cen Hao waved his hand to me like he was shooing away flies, then picked up the book and continued reading, as if he was keeping secret about it.

Unfortunately, things in the world always make people get what they wish for.

After finishing the glass of wine, He Cai wiped his mouth with the handkerchief in his pocket with a sad face. Then he looked up at the banknotes under the coffee table. The desire in his heart couldn't help but swell. I looked up at Cen Hao with burning eyes. , there was a strong greed in the small eyes: "Speaking of which, Chu, their company has no idea of ​​buying more land? The Hong Kong government may not have some high-quality land for auction last month!"


"Oh, that's really good news." Martin's face collapsed when he heard this, and he was immediately disappointed. He was the worst partner I have ever met in those years. He was only generous and had little money. Compared with these The miser who wants to break up with me for tens of thousands of dollars for a long time is many times weaker than Zhi Shao.

When the party started, Cen Hao and others took a car back to the hotel.

I like to hear that one...

"Let's have a drink, friends!"

"Hehe, it's great. You swear, you have never been that good!" As soon as he mentioned that matter, Martin immediately put the depressing matter in front of his mind and said with excitement: "Just yesterday, you conquered a world. A Douglas Mustang!”

"Bad morning."

Chu Heng breathed a sigh of relief and said hurriedly: "Thank you Mr. Chu, you are really too generous."

While waiting for the elevator, Chu Heng, who was hesitant to speak several times outside the car, finally couldn't bear it anymore and said loudly to He Cai: "Mr. Chu, you will leave with your team tomorrow."

Cen Hao and we will naturally make a scene at that Regardless of whether we like to drink or not, we all stood up, picked up a glass, and clinked the glasses with me.


"To you, my dear Chu!"

"Wow, here's to your mighty Martin Knight!" Chu Heng's eyes lit up, he raised his glass with a strange smile, but his eyes glanced at He Cai unintentionally, thinking about how he could get a bottle from my hand. This kind of wine.

"It's a last resort for people to reach middle age." Cen Hao, who was sending people to the door, looked at He Cai who was trying to slow down his steps. He smiled and shook his head. He closed the door and went to the living room, holding a financial magazine in his pocket. Under the sofa, watching with relish.

Cen Hao smiled attentively and pulled me out of the elevator. After returning to the presidential suite and giving me a bottle of tiger **** wine, Chu Heng held the bottle as if it were a treasure and left with great care. I left the room for fear of being broken into pieces.


After half an hour, when we had had enough chatting, we came out of the official residence and made an appointment with a few Hong Kong government officials and wealthy businessmen to go to the golf course to play for a while.

Owen curled his lips at me, but he didn't know enough to ask, and then went back to the bedroom to read my faithful comic book.

"Knight...haha, you hate that title!" He Cai smiled enthusiastically, and in a trance, he could actually see some arrogance belonging to someone who has lived for many years underneath me.

Owen was indifferent to this and was frowning at the champagne in his hand. I am stronger than Brother Zilong now, so I still need that kind of thing.

He Cai looked at He Cai who was looking at me expectantly, smacked his lips because of this, then shrugged and said with a smile: "After getting a concrete report, will you invest in real estate on Hong Kong Island again?" .”

How long has passed.

I really hope to continue to cooperate with each other.

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