With the help of the binoculars, Lin Feng successfully saw the huge monster coming this way, and he couldn't help feeling secretly frightened.

"Is it a type you haven't seen before?"

After hearing Lin Feng's words, Lin Xi frowned slightly, then took the telescope from his hand and looked over there.

Over there is a very large special zombie, similar to the licker, but bigger than the fusion zombie.

And looking at his current speed of action, it doesn't seem to be affected much by his size.

"Get all the cannons ready!"

Lin Xi felt slightly startled after seeing the special zombie. She clearly felt that this zombie was not so easy to deal with, so she hurriedly shouted to the others around.

The height of this special zombie light lying on the ground is estimated to be 6 meters. The wall must not be able to stop him. He may even be able to jump in directly. If this is the case, the people inside are dangerous.

Therefore, he must not be allowed to approach, he must be killed outside, and he must be destroyed with cannon fire.


After hearing Lin Xi's urgent shouts, the people around also knew that the situation was not good, so they hurriedly aimed their cannons in the direction over there. As long as the special zombie entered the range, they would proceed directly without distinction. bombing.

"I hope this special zombie is not as agile as a licker."

Lin Feng looked at the direction over there, the monster's appearance still clearly remained in his mind, and he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

This monster looks similar to the licker, and it is very large. If he can still have such agile speed, the cannon may not be able to hit him accurately.

Even if the cannon's explosion range is wide, the aftermath alone may not be able to cause fatal damage to him.

There are many special zombies that have evolved powerful recovery capabilities. Among them, the most powerful one is the fusion zombie. Not only can he split, but the recovery speed is also very terrifying.

They had met one before, and if they couldn't get rid of it at one time, it would be like a wildfire that won't burn out, and the feeling of spring breeze blowing again.

As long as there is a piece of minced meat, it can quickly recover, just like a slime.

"You don't continue to crow, can you?"

After hearing Lin Feng's words, Lin Xi gave him an angry look, and she was also worried about this situation in her heart.

"Let's prepare for it. It feels like we're going to fight in close quarters."

Lin Feng shook his head slightly at her, then he took out a mechanical capsule from his pocket, pressed the button on it, and threw it on the open space next to it.

After the capsule landed, it began to grow slowly, and finally became the semi-mechanical armor.

They usually do not easily fight zombies in close quarters. Only when they encounter special zombies that are more difficult to deal with, they will use this to fight.

Because this is just an armor, not a mecha, most of their bodies are exposed and are easily injured.

Although now they will not be infected by the virus, and the recovery speed of their bodies has become stronger, but if they are injured too seriously, they will die.

Seeing this, Lin Xi, who was next to him, also took out the mechanical capsule from his pocket, and then threw it in another open space.

They absolutely can't let the special zombie break through the wall. If the cannon can't hit him by then, they can only go down to resist him.

Ordinary zombies will be attracted by the humans in front of them, so as long as they are below, this special zombie will give priority to devouring them, so that he can continue to be contained outside.

After Lin Feng and Lin Xi walked into the space left by the semi-mechanical armor, the armor was automatically fixed on their bodies and provided them with strong power support.

After the two of them were equipped with the armor, they simultaneously pulled out the mechanical long sword hanging on the waist of the armor, and held it tightly in their hands, looking out of the wall, always ready to fight.

This mechanical long sword was added by Akashi to produce a burning effect.

As long as the zombies are slashed by this long sword, they will burn at the wound, and will not go out until their bodies are completely burned.

This is also specially made to deal with zombies. After all, only in this way can the zombies be completely wiped out and not leave the opportunity for other zombies to devour.

Not only that, the two gun barrels behind the semi-mechanical armor also have the same effect, which is equivalent to the cannon on the wall, and also has the effect of burning, but the power is not that powerful.

Volume [*]: Chapter [*] can only be uploaded [Third Update]

"He's here!"

Just after Lin Feng and Lin Xi continued to wait on the fence for a while, the huge special zombie in the distance had already come to a distance that others could see, so someone shouted.

In an instant, there was a commotion among the crowd on the fence, but fortunately, they had all seen the world and quickly stabilized their emotions.

It's just that they can clearly see a look of horror on their faces now. This special mourning corpse is too big, and standing up is definitely higher than the wall under their feet.

From a distance, it can create a strong sense of oppression in their hearts, making them have an emotion that they cannot compete with him.

"Stay calm and don't panic!"

"Wait until he's in range and shoot straight away!"

Lin Feng shouted at the others around him, wanting them to regain their previous momentum, don't be timid because of the monster's huge size.

And his shouting did have some effect, making some people recover from that oppressive feeling.

"All ready!"

Seeing that the special zombie was about to enter the range of the cannon, Lin Feng raised his right hand high and continued to shout to the surrounding crowd.

The others around were also ready, aiming the cannon in front of them at the special zombie that ran over.

Because of the huge size of this special zombie, it was very easy for them to aim, so their hearts gradually lost their previous cowardice and fear.

Even if he is huge, he is just a living target.


When the special zombie entered the range, Lin Feng waved his raised hand fiercely, and shouted loudly.

After hearing Lin Feng's imposing shout, the others around them fired the shells without any hesitation.

- Boom! !

Several loud cannons sounded, and several cannons fired shells at the same time, and quickly flew towards the special zombie.

The flight speed of these shells was very fast, and there was a trace of dark red flames on them, which was the effect of burning.

Although the speed of the cannonball is very fast, the movement of the special zombie is not slow. At the moment when the cannonball is fired, his huge body has already reacted, and he moves to the side very quickly to avoid it.

- Boom boom boom! ! !

All these shells hit the place where the special zombie ran before, and then a huge explosion sounded.

The impact of the explosion shrouded everything around, the ground was destroyed, and nearby buildings and vehicles were also involved, and even affected the surrounding buildings.

Because their base city was built inside the city, there were naturally buildings and streets outside the walls.

It's not like it was at the airport, the walls are wide like a plain, and there are very few buildings.

Although they specifically chose a more spacious place for construction when building the fence, there are still some buildings that are not very far from the fence.

But this is also something that can't be helped. After all, Xiamu's port area is here, and their base city can only be built here.

And now the special zombie jumped directly to the wall of a building next to it, and the whole huge body lay on it and continued to move forward. It was because of this that he avoided the impact of the explosion of the shell just now.

"Don't all aim at the same place and shoot at the same place, and make an area attack around that guy!"

When Lin Feng saw that the special zombie was really what he expected, his brows could not help but wrinkle tightly, and then he continued to shout to the people around him.

This special mourning corpse is so huge that it can climb and walk on the walls of the building, which he never thought of.

And his speed is faster than he imagined, so he has to be bombarded there, otherwise he won't be hit.

Others around also reacted quickly, and they all began to change their attack methods, and began to bombard the area where the special zombie was located in a small area.

But this is just a cannon after all, and the speed of continuous firing is naturally not very fast, and there is a short pause in the middle.

It is precisely because of this that the special zombie rushed towards the wall quickly during this time.

He kept jumping back and forth between the buildings to avoid the shells, although his body was still affected by the aftermath of the explosion.

But it didn't affect his speed, because he didn't feel pain, he didn't feel scared, he just had a crazy hunger for food in his heart.

As this special zombie continued to approach, other people on the fence also started to shoot with their firearms. The bullets shot over there like raindrops, and many bullets successfully hit the special zombie. body of.

After all, his size is really huge, and no matter how fast he is, he can't escape the dense rain of bullets.

But these bullets can only have some blocking effect on him, unable to kill him, his body is recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"We're going down."

After seeing the situation of the special zombie next to him, Lin Xi knew that they still had to go down and fight him in close quarters. They had to chop off his hands and legs first, and then let the cannons bombard him.

Only in this way can he be completely eliminated, otherwise he will definitely be able to rush to the side of the fence, and it will be too late to go after that time.

"Then let's go."

Lin Feng nodded slightly after hearing Lin Xi's words, so he took a deep breath and jumped directly from the ten-meter-high wall.

Lin Xi also jumped down with him, and then the two of them landed on the ground steadily, and quickly ran in the direction of the special zombie.

The special zombie is now about a hundred or two hundred meters away from the wall. They have to stop him before that, and can't let him continue to approach.

These people on the fence were still shooting frantically at the special zombie, and they gradually stopped shooting when Lin Feng and Lin Xi were about to approach.

Now that they continued to shoot, it was of no use. The cannonballs couldn't hit the special zombie, and the machine gun bullets couldn't kill him successfully, so they could only wait for Lin Feng and the two to create a chance.

And if they continued to shoot at this time, they might accidentally injure Lin Xi and Lin Feng, which was one of the reasons why they stopped shooting.


There is one more chapter, and all the chapters owed so far have been paid off.

Volume [*]: Chapter [*] Fierce Battle

"Lin Feng, he noticed us."

Lin Xi and Lin Feng were now only a few dozen meters away from the special zombie, and the special zombie also noticed the two little guys who rushed over.

So he changed the way of action and jumped directly from the wall of the building towards them, very quickly.

"We spread out."

Lin Feng watched the huge special zombie rush towards them from the air, his expression remained calm, and he said to Lin Xi next to him.

The two of them couldn't gather together, so they could easily be hit by that special zombie at the same time, so they had to spread out, one person would attract his attention, and the other would take the opportunity to attack from behind.

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