"If you really help us complete the task, maybe you can be our commander~"

After hearing what Xia Mu said just now, the observer's footsteps stopped for a while, and there seemed to be an inexplicable emotion slowly emerging in his heart.

They have been quietly conducting experiments by themselves, and they are also thinking about how to face the attacks of those uncontrollable sirens.

They never thought of relying on anyone because no one could provide them with useful help.

But Xia Mu's words just now made her normally hid and a little irritable heart seem to calm down slowly, giving her a feeling of dependence and peace of mind.

It was precisely because of this feeling in her heart that she would say what she said just now, even though it was something she had already considered doing before.

"Of course it's just my own words, I don't know if the rest are willing or not."

"So if you want to bring us all here, you have to keep working hard."

After the observer finished the sentence just now, he hurriedly changed his mouth, and then looked at Xia Mu and continued to smile.

Of course she doesn't have the right to make decisions for her sirens, so she can only make such decisions for herself first.

But those guys should all be willing at that time, after all, only Xia Mu can be qualified to be their commander.

"Ahahaha!! I heard everything you said just now."

Just when Xia Mu was about to say something, there was a burst of cheerful laughter from the void next to him, and then he saw the purifier teleported out of the space there.

After the purifier came out, he came directly in front of the observer, and then looked up and down around her, and kept laughing in his mouth.

This guy has not opened her ship equipment now, it seems that they have tacitly put away the ship equipment when they come to the Xiamu port area.

"If you keep laughing, I'm going to screw your head off."

The observer saw that the purifier had been laughing around her, so his brows twitched a few times, and he warned her impatiently.

There is nothing she can do about the character of the Purifier. After all, there is no way to change her, so whenever she feels annoyed, she plans to use force to solve the problem directly.

"Ahahaha!! I didn't expect you to say such a thing, it's really rare."

The Purifier did not stop smiling after hearing the Observer's words, but instead laughed even more cheerfully.

Volume [*]: Chapter [*] The Lovely Purifier

There is really nothing wrong with what the purifiers said. After all, they are all very proud sirens, and their vision is much higher than that of ship girls.

Therefore, it is indeed a very rare thing to be able to let the observer say something like just now, and it is no wonder that the purifier can't help laughing so hard.

"By the way, what are you doing here?"

Seeing that the Purifier was still laughing nonstop, the observer could only shake his head helplessly, and then watched her continue to ask.

The Purifier does not usually need to conduct experiments, and she is still very free to follow her will on the Siren side.

However, she usually does attacks on coastal cities and various merchant ships at sea. After all, she likes to play with the ship girls, and it has provided a great help to promote the growth of the ship girls.

"Me? Of course I want to come and play."

"Don't you also run here often when you are free?"

The purifier stopped laughing after hearing the observer's words, and then looked at her and said with a smile on her face.

Of course, she didn't come to Xiamu specifically for something, she just simply wanted to come and play.

In fact, she had always wanted to play here before, but the relationship between them and Jian Niang was still hostile at that time, so naturally there was no way to be as casual as now.

And now that they have formed an alliance with Xia Mu, she can run here without any worries and find other ship girls to play with.

But of course the play she said was fighting. She liked the feeling of fighting with ship girls the most, which would make her feel very happy and excited.

"Are you here to find a company again?"

Xia Mu shook his head helplessly after hearing the Purifier's words, and then looked at her and said.

The Purifiers came over more often than the Observers, so there was nothing surprising about him.

After all, apart from those mass-produced sirens, only the purifier is the most laid-back.

So basically, she can come directly when she wants to come, and she doesn't need to take some time to come over like an observer.

Moreover, the Purifier has a great obsession with companies. Her favorite thing is to play with companies.

It's probably because the company took her head off several times in the past, or because the company's extremely powerful strength made her very interested.

However, at those times, the purifier had compressed her own strength, and she had compressed her strength to the same level as the enterprise.

Then the purifier is not as powerful as the enterprise because of the skills, so even with the same strength, she basically loses to the enterprise.

"Ahaha!! That's right, I'm going to continue to compete with her."

The purifier laughed a few times after hearing Xia Mu's words, and then looked at him and replied with a very happy opening.

Of course, she came here this time to find a company to fight. After all, she also lost to the company when she came here a few times before.

She still has a certain gap with the company in combat skills, so in addition to being a little unwilling, she actually wants to learn something from the company.

And the company did not refuse the request of the purifier, because she herself likes to pursue the existence of power, so it is also her hope to be able to fight with the purifier.

"It's time for lunch now, so don't bother the business now, and go to her in the afternoon."

After hearing the Purifier's words, Xia Mu nodded his head slightly, and then looked at her and continued to speak.

In fact, he was still a little worried when the purifier came to fight with the company at first, afraid that they would not control the strength of the battle and cause some unnecessary damage.

After all, the strength of both companies and purifiers is very strong, and the scope of their battles is also very wide.

But when he knew that it was of the same nature as acting, he didn't continue to care about them.

Because whether it is the ship girl or the siren, there is an acting mode that can be activated, and no matter how much they fight, they will not cause any harm to each other.

So Xia Mu naturally had nothing to worry about, and just let them go and play casually.


"Then next time I won't come here at this time."

The purifier was stunned for a moment after hearing Xia Mu's words, and then whispered as if deflated.

After all, for them, there is no such concept at all, so she naturally did not think that the ship girls would go to eat at this time.

But this time Xia Mu told her that when she comes over next time, she will naturally stagger the meal order, and she will not rush over at this time.

"Hehe, it's okay to come here at this time. Come with me to the cafeteria for lunch."

"They are all over there now."

Xia Mu couldn't help laughing softly after seeing the purifier's deflated expression, and then looked at her and continued to speak.

Since the observers have already agreed to go to the cafeteria with him to eat, he naturally won't let the purifier go back alone.

And after seeing the Purifier's current expression, he inexplicably felt a touch of cuteness, especially her big eyes shining abnormally.

"Have a meal?"

The purifier was slightly taken aback after hearing Xia Mu's words, and then she seemed to notice something and turned to look at the observer standing beside her.

Although he only heard the last few words of Observer when he came over, she still noticed the direction that Observer and Natsuki were heading.

"Ahahaha!! You didn't plan to go to dinner just now, did you?"

The Purifier laughed again after thinking about these things, and then she pointed to the Observer and continued to laugh and said.

Of course, none of the sirens had eaten, so she was naturally very interested in the observer's abnormal behavior today.

"That's right, isn't it?"

After hearing the Purifier's words, the observer finally couldn't bear it any longer, and directly stretched out his hands and pressed it on her head, then put his head close to her and asked her with an unkind face.

To be honest, she is actually a little uneasy in her heart now. After all, she and the sirens are a group, and their habits are basically the same.

So now she can be said to be the first among the sirens to prepare to eat, so she can be regarded as an outlier for the group of sirens.

Although other people don't care about her actions, she still feels a little uneasy in her heart, especially when the purifier is still saying these words in front of her.

Volume [*]: Chapter [*] is different


The Purifier looked at the observer who was about to face her face and opened his mouth to say something, but her cheeks were pressed tightly by the observer's hands.

Therefore, she was completely speechless for a while, and could only keep making some vague sounds.

And looking at her blushing cheeks now, you can tell that the force of the observer's pressure on her face is definitely not light.

"Come with me to the cafeteria to eat, do you understand?"

The observer did not let go of the hands on both sides of the Purifier's face, but continued to stare at her indifferent voice.

The Purifier originally wanted to shake her head after hearing her words, but she nodded subconsciously after seeing the observer's eyes that seemed to eat people.

"Oh, that's right."

The observer finally let go of her after seeing the purifier nodding, and then her face returned to the same smile as before, and said to the purifier very kindly.

Of course, the reason why she did this was because she wanted to have a company, after all, two people are always better than one person.

If the purifier went with her to the cafeteria and tried to eat, then she wouldn't look so different in the eyes of other sirens.


After escaping from the observer, the purifier took a few deep breaths in a hurry, and then she stood beside her more honestly and didn't speak.

Because she can feel that although the observer is smiling now, if she continues to say something, she will continue to do the same thing.

Although the strengths of their sirens are basically the same, there will still be a certain gap between them.

After all, there are strong and weak points between ship girls, and of course their sirens will have the same situation, but the gap will not be very big.

Moreover, these sirens will not actually fight each other. After all, they have lived with each other for so many years, and they are all like partners.

It's normal for them to fight each other. If they really want to fight each other, there is no such possibility.

"Then let's keep going."

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