"Finally it's all done."

About ten o'clock in the morning, after Xia Mu sat at his desk and sent the last email, he stretched out very comfortably and exhaled a long breath.

It has now been a whole month since the observers and purifiers came to the port area that day. I have to sigh that time has passed so quickly. Before I know it, he has been in this world for 2 months.

This time is almost the same as the time he spent in the world beyond the apocalypse, and it has been more than 4 months since he left the world he used to live in.

However, Xia Mu didn't care much about these things. At least he had a very fulfilling and happy few months.

And this month, nothing too big happened, and the observers also took time to come to the port area several times.

In addition to coming over to eat and drink, she also told Xia Mu that the experiment was going very smoothly, and that there were no other problems in the production of the full version of the META machine.

If the current situation continues, it will be about a month before the complete version of the META machine can be successfully developed.

At that time, Xia Mu's ship girls can complete the META transformation one by one, so that their strength can be greatly improved by leaps and bounds, and prepare for the final battle in advance.

This news is also good news for Xia Mu. After all, he doesn't want any unexpected accidents to happen in the middle of Siren's experiment.

And being able to proceed smoothly is a very good thing for the Sirens and for them.

And this month, apart from the observers who came to the port a few times, the ones who usually come here are naturally the purifiers.

This guy has come here almost every day. Besides eating and drinking, of course, she is looking for Ayanami to play games with.

The Purifier has made a huge improvement in this aspect of the game this month, and now she has been able to compete with Ayanami in the battle game.

In addition, Ayanami also sent a whole set of game consoles to the purifier. After all, she is equipped with many sets of these things, so that when someone wants to play games with her, she can have extra machines to use.

Of course, the purifier accepted it very gratefully. After all, it would be more troublesome for her to go to the city to buy these things, because she had never bought anything.

Since the purifier started playing games with Ayanami, the company has naturally become more relaxed, and she can no longer deal with the battle requests from the purifier from time to time.

Moreover, Ayanami can often have someone play games with her during this time, and she is very happy and happy every day. This kind of change is a good thing for them.

"Haha, the master's working hours have been shortened again."

Belfast smiled slightly when he heard Xia Mu's words, and then spoke softly to his voice.

She was about to make tea for the Commander, but he has already completed all the work for today.

Usually, at eleven o'clock in the morning, she would brew the black tea on time and hand it to the commander, so it was naturally not eleven o'clock yet.

This also shows that the commander's speed of processing work has been greatly improved. Now he is so fast that he can handle a whole day's work in just over 2 hours.

However, such an improvement should be coming to an end, and it is almost impossible to continue to improve the speed, unless she also comes to help the commander to deal with it.

"Well, just reply to the emails that are not very important, and the efficiency will naturally go up."

Xia Mu smiled slightly after hearing Belfast's words, and then turned to look at her and said with a gentle expression.

He used to be so slow because he was unfamiliar with work, and now he naturally doesn't take every email as seriously as he used to.

Because some emails are sent and nothing is too important, he just needs to reply casually.

What he usually needs to deal with is to arrange for the ship girls to assist a certain coastal city that was attacked by sirens, as well as entrusted tasks sent from various places.

On weekdays, when someone wants to issue a commission, it is natural to send it to the Maritime Safety Administration first, and then the Maritime Safety Administration will confirm the difficulty and situation of the commission and then arrange it to a certain port area.

However, the person who sent the entrustment can also designate a certain port area to accept it, so most of the entrustments are also designated here in Natsuki.

Although the commission price here in Xiamu is much more expensive than other port areas, but entrusting the commission to Xiamu's port area will make those people feel at ease, after all, the strength of Xiamu port area is there.

It is precisely because of this that the Xiamu Port area is usually busy and earns more and more money.

Although the merchant ships at sea were not always able to meet Sirens when they went out to sea, but even so, they still had to issue a commission, and then let the ship girls to help escort them.

After all, if they met Sirens at sea, they might lose not only money, but their lives.

As the saying goes, if you often walk by the river, you will never get wet shoes, so even if there is only a [*]% chance of meeting a siren, these businessmen would not dare to gamble.

So basically, as long as there is a merchant ship going to travel on the sea, there will be an entrustment posted to the Maritime Safety Administration. It is precisely because of this that Xiamu has so many entrusted emails to deal with every day.

"Haha, even if there is a lot of work, Commander can't just perfunctory things."

Belfast smiled slightly after hearing Xia Mu's words, and then watched him continue to speak softly.

As she spoke, she continued to soak the tea, and her movements were also very elegant and skilled. It didn't take long for a strong tea fragrance to permeate the office.

"I'm just perfunctory with those meaningless emails, and the important ones are still being dealt with seriously."

Xia Mu patted his chest after hearing Belfast's words, and then answered very confidently.

Of course, Belfast also knows these things. After all, she follows the commander all the time every day, and she knows everything he does very well.

The reason why she said this just now was just to tease the Commander. After all, these are some of her favorite things to do.

Volume [*]: Chapter [*] New Research [Third Update]


When Belfast brewed the black tea in her hand, she very considerately took a cup and handed it to Xia Mu.

And Xia Mu smiled and nodded at her after hearing Belfast's voice, and then he reached out and took the tea cup.


After Xia Mu put the teacup to his mouth and took a small sip, he exhaled a breath of hot air from his mouth very relaxedly, and leaned back on the office chair very comfortably.

He has drunk the black tea brewed by Belfast himself many times, but no matter which time he drank it, he could feel a different taste from it.

It was a smell that could relax his entire body and mind, and it also made his heart involuntarily happy, and he liked this feeling very much.

Perhaps this is a unique skill in Belfast, and in this regard, it has an effect that is completely unmatched by others.

"Commander, are you satisfied with the taste?"

Belfast looked at the commander lying on the office chair with a smile on his face, and then said in a soft voice.

In order for the Commander to be able to drink a different flavor of black tea every time, she naturally spent a lot of effort in researching this aspect.

And the tea leaves she carries are also carefully prepared and cultivated by her, so the taste and quality are naturally not comparable to other tea leaves.

This kind of tea, coupled with her skillful and perfect tea brewing skills, will naturally be very delicious.

And Belfast also added something to the tea that can relax the body and nerves, so Xia Mu will feel that way every time.

However, the things she added were also developed by Akashi, and they only benefited the human body without harm, so she would use them quietly for the commander.

After all, the Commander usually has to deal with a lot of things every day, so she naturally wanted to relax the Commander's body and spirit.

"Of course, do you still need to ask?"

Xia Mu nodded lightly after hearing Belfast's words, and then watched her continue to speak softly.

And Belfast smiled slightly after hearing his answer, and then she began to clean up the messy documents on the desk.

Of course, she knew that the Commander would answer like this, after all, she would often ask questions like this.

But even if she already knew the answer in her heart, she still wanted to hear the commander speak these words of appreciation from his mouth, which would make her feel extra satisfied.

"I'll come too."

Xia Mu saw that Belfast began to help him pack up the documents, so he put the teacup in his hand aside, and then stood up and started to pack up the desk.

All his work for today has been successfully completed, so he should not come to the office again in the afternoon, so he naturally needs to tidy up the room.

Although there will still be emails sent in the afternoon, but he can use his mobile phone to reply to them, and he does not need to concentrate in the office for processing.

"Commander, I met Akashi outside this morning. Her production seems to be almost finished."

When Belfast and Xia Mu were sorting documents together, she suddenly thought of something, and then she looked at Xia Mu next to her and said softly.

When she got up this morning on her way to the royal camp, she met that guy Akashi, and then she learned something from her.

In the past two months, Akashi got a lot of useful information from the observers, and her technology level has been greatly improved again.

So these days, she often makes some bizarre things, so that some of her ideas can be put into practice.

And some time ago, Akashi began to make some relatively large productions, because her practice is enough, and the previous productions are basically to determine how much she is capable of now.

"Is it going to be finished so soon?"

Xia Mu was stunned for a moment after hearing Belfast's words, and then looked at her and asked in surprise.

He remembered that it had not been long since Akashi first started making it. Was that thing so easy to make?

"Well, I heard that the first one is about to be developed. If you have nothing else to do in the afternoon, Commander, you can go and have a look."

"Looking at Akashi's excited look, it is very likely that the production will be completed today."

Belfast nodded slightly after hearing Xia Mu's words, and then watched him continue to answer.

Although Akashi didn't tell her the exact time when it would be developed this morning, judging from her expression at that time, it should be very fast.

After all, Akashi usually has the habit of sleeping late, and Belfast wakes up very early every day.

Since she was able to meet Akashi in the port area when she went out, it was enough to show how much Akashi looked forward to today.

"Then I'll go directly to see it in the afternoon. I'm looking forward to those things."

Natsuki nodded slightly after hearing Belfast's words, and then he decided to go directly to Akashi after lunch.

What Akashi is developing this time is something like a mass-produced siren, but it looks a little different.

Since sirens have the technology to make all kinds of powerful mass-produced sirens, after Akashi's current level of technology improves, she will naturally be able to find a way to make them.

She just needs to figure out how mass-produced sirens work and where their energy comes from, and then she can start researching.

And the production drawings of the mass production type were also generously given to her by the observers, so she immediately began to conduct research in this area in the laboratory.

Xia Mu also went to Akashi to inquire about these things before, and then he added some of his own thoughts to it.

After all, most of the mass-produced models on the Siren side are the appearance of space battleships, and some of the stronger ones are humanoid ones.

As for the appearance, you can decide by yourself, it does not have to be made in this way, as long as it can have the same function at that time.

So Natsuki asked Akashi to design the appearance of these things to look like mechas, so that they would look very handsome.

And at that time, it can also be made so that people can sit in it and manipulate it, and it can also allow him to carry out various activities and battles himself.

If this can really be made successfully, Xia Mu is naturally very happy, and it can be regarded as fulfilling one of his previous wishes.

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