"If everything goes smoothly, it should be done by noon today."

After hearing Xia Mu's words, the purifier nodded slightly, and after she stuffed a bun into her mouth, she watched Xia Mu continue to answer.

This week, she has been very busy, and she is doing almost all kinds of chores.

After all, she can't do any research and production, so she can only act as a starting position next to her, specially responsible for assisting the observers and their busyness.

And this kind of time lasted for a whole week, and it was not until this morning that she finally didn't have to continue to help.

After all, the development of the complete version of the META machine has basically been completed, and the rest is up to the observers themselves to slowly test and test.

As long as the observers and the others have successfully completed the test, the full version of the META machine can be used directly.

"Is it noon?"

Xia Mu breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the Purifier's words, and then he muttered to himself in a low voice.

Before, when he didn't get the news from Siren, his heart was always suspended in the air.

But now, after seeing the Purifier and hearing her words, he suddenly felt calm in his heart.

Judging from what the purifier said just now, the observer should have been testing the mind cube by now.

After all, the purpose of the full version of the META machine is to unlock the limitations of the mental cube inside the ship girls' bodies, and then liberate their strength to the same level as the sirens.

Since this is the case, after they have successfully developed the full version of the META machine, they will naturally have to use the mental cube to conduct some tests.

After all, as long as the restrictions in the separate mental cube can be successfully lifted, the experiment is considered to be successfully completed.

"I didn't expect... your breakfast here... is also so delicious."

"It seems that in the future... I have to come over to have breakfast first... Then I will continue my mission."

Before she swallowed all the buns in the Purifier's mouth, she picked up another big bun and stuffed it into her mouth, and said to Xia Mu vaguely.

She looks really cute now, her cheeks on both sides are bulged by the food in her mouth, and her white face looks much bigger than usual.

"Hehe, eat slowly, no one will rob you."

Xia Mu couldn't help laughing softly after seeing the purifier like this, and then she said helplessly to her.

Although the steamed buns made by Ning Hai and the others were indeed very delicious, the appearance of the Purifier still made him want to laugh out loud.

"Cough cough!!"

When the purifier was about to say something after hearing Xia Mu's words, she suddenly choked on the food in her mouth, and then kept coughing there.

"Look, you're choked now."

"Even the delicious food can't be shoved into the mouth all the time."

Xia Mu shook his head slightly after seeing the purifier like this, and then continued to exhort her.

At this time, Belfast just came from the front with food, so Xia Mu took a glass of milk directly from the plate in Belfast's hand and handed it to the purifier.

All the purifier brought from the front was food, and there was nothing to drink, so she could only keep coughing there.


The purifier hurriedly took the milk that Xia Mu handed over and drank it in one breath before she felt a little better, and then she spoke to Xia Mu with a tear in her eyes.

To be honest, she has never been choked when eating before, after all, she has only started eating for two months.

"Hehe, it won't be like this next time."

"There will be many, many more opportunities to eat in the future, so just take it slow, don't worry so much."

Xia Mu smiled slightly after hearing the Purifier's words, and then watched her and continued to exhort her softly.

In fact, he has now regarded the Purifier as his ship's mother, so he has unknowingly gave her all kinds of advice.

After all, there are still many things that the purifier has not experienced, and these things also need someone to teach her.

The purifiers of these words for Xia Mu are also kept in her heart, and at the same time, her reliance on Xia Mu has deepened in her heart, which is a kind of family-like feeling.

Volume [*]: Chapter [*] Waiting

"Purifier, aren't you going to play with Ayanami and the others today?"

When Natsuki finished breakfast with the Purifiers in the cafeteria, he took Belfast back to the office.

And the purifier also came here with him, so Xia Mu looked at her and asked with some doubts.

Although the purifier had come to his office before, she did not come here very often, only a very few times.

Usually, even if the purifier came, most of the time she would go to Ayanami or the company, instead of going to Natsuki to see his boring work.

"She is going to the lecture hall today, and I had already looked for her in advance when I came here."

"And since the experiment is about to end, I plan to wait here for news from the observers."

After hearing Xia Mu's words, the purifier shook her head helplessly, and then she walked over to the sofa next to her, and lay directly on it.

When she came here today, she had already gone to the dormitory building to find Ayanami. After all, she had not played with Ayanami for more than a week, and she still had some thoughts in her heart.

But today it happened that Ayanami, Rafi and the others were going to the lecture hall, so no one could play with her in the morning.

In addition, the full version of the META machine will be successfully developed today, and she is also more concerned about these things, so she plans to go directly to Xia Mu's office to wait.

"Then you can play quietly here by yourself, and I'm going to start dealing with my own affairs."

Xia Mu nodded slightly after hearing the Purifier's words, and then watched her continue to exhort her softly.

After he finished speaking, he came to the desk and sat down very comfortably, and also turned on the computer in front of him.

At this time, Belfast turned over several file bags from the shelf next to them, and handed them to Xia Mu's desk very considerately.

As for the purifier, he just lay on the sofa and took out the game console, and then he played happily alone there.

For a while, the office fell into a silence. Apart from the sound of Natsuki tapping the keyboard and mouse, there was only the sound of the purifier playing games.




Time passed quickly, more than two hours had passed in a blink of an eye, and it was now eleven o'clock in the morning.

At this time, after Xia Mu sent the last email, he continued to sit on the office chair and stretched very comfortably, and let out a long breath.

Today, he naturally completed the whole day's work very quickly as usual. He has been dealing with various emails and messages in the middle, and he has not stopped at all.

"Is the job processing done?"

After seeing that Xia Mu finally made some other actions, the purifier slowly put down the game console he was holding, and asked him softly.

She can be said to be a completely restless person. Even if she has been playing games here all the time, she will feel a little meaningless after playing alone for a long time.

So she wanted to talk to Xiamu or Belfast halfway, but after seeing Xiamu's serious expression, she had to stop disturbing them for the time being.

After all, no matter how naughty and mischievous she is, of course she knows the most basic things.

So when the observers and the others were doing experiments in the laboratory, she never ran over to disturb them.


Xia Mu nodded slightly after hearing the Purifier's words, and then he reached out and took the black tea from Belfast.

Belfast had already steeped the tea for him just now, so now that all his work is done, he can just taste it directly.

It is very good to drink a cup of fragrant hot tea in such weather, because not only can you taste the rich tea fragrance, but also can warm the whole body and mind.

"Haha, no one to play with you, does it feel a little boring?"

After Xia Mu took a few sips of the tea in his hand, he looked at the purifier who was still lying on the sofa and asked with a smile.

Although he has been handling the emails sent by the Maritime Safety Administration very seriously, he certainly noticed some of the actions of the purifiers.

Xia Mu still felt quite interesting after seeing her apparently unsettled appearance just now.

However, he naturally has no way to play with the purifier now, and he still has his own work to deal with.

As for Belfast, she will not play with the purifier, she has to be there to assist him all the time.

"Well, it's alright..."

After hearing Xia Mu's words, the purifier nodded slightly, and then looked at him and continued to speak.

If it weren't for the fact that Ayanami and the others haven't finished the class yet, and the observers may be coming soon, she would have left the office and went elsewhere.

After all, this office environment is very unsuitable for her and makes her feel uncomfortable, so she prefers a more relaxed place.

"After everything is settled, let's have a good time together."

"There is not much time left for us to relax now, we have to prepare for the battle well."

Xia Mu had a gentle smile on her face after hearing the Purifier's words, and then watched her continue to speak softly.

There is not much time left for them now, they can no longer be as relaxed and comfortable as before, and their nerves are already starting to tighten.

After the full version of the META machine is made, there is basically no time for them to stop and breathe.

They need to complete the META of all the ship girls in the fastest time, and there are some situations in the interstellar battleship that need to be re-understood.

After all, the interstellar battleship has now undergone some adjustments and transformations, and Xia Mu will naturally have to test it first.

But this time, as long as he enters the interstellar battleship, after all, as long as he enters the interstellar battleship, the core of the mind cube can begin to absorb the energy in his body.

And as long as Xiamu successfully activates the interstellar battleship, he will be able to directly understand all the conditions in the interstellar battleship, including various functions.

In this way, he can clearly know if there is any problem with the interstellar battleship, and can they use it directly.

Volume [*]: Chapter [*] The Things Men Like

"Hehe, what the commander said is right, we must prioritize the completion of the preparations for the battle now."

Just when Xia Mu's words fell, a voice suddenly rang in the office, and then they saw a violent distortion in the space next to them.

When the distortion of the space reaches a certain level, the observer walks directly out of it.

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