Although New Jersey usually looks a little silly, her combat experience and skills are very powerful, and her own talent is also very powerful.

Although Xia Mu didn't know how long it took the company to suppress that momentum, after all, she went directly with the purifier after she came out.

But New Jersey should have mastered the power after the upgrade very quickly, at least she looks no different from usual now.

And now that Frederick the Great is not standing outside, it is estimated that she is in the full version of the META machine.

"Hehe, that's right."

"After the great emperor completes the META transformation, I can go outside with her to test the strength in the future."

New Jersey had a very cute smile on her face after hearing Xia Mu's words, and then she spoke to Xia Mu softly.

After completing the META transformation, she did not go outside to find companies and purifiers, after all, there are already enough people there.

So she simply continued to wait here for Frederick the Great to complete the META, so that she could go out with the emperor to test her strength.

Compared with Enterprise and Ron and the others, New Jersey still wanted to go to practice battles with Frederick the Great.

After all, both of them are color skin battleship girls in the port area, and their strengths are basically the same, so it will be very convenient and pleasant to test.

"You feel at least many times stronger now than before."

"And this can't be measured in multiples, and qualitative changes have taken place in many places."

Xia Mu nodded slightly after hearing New Jersey's words, and then he carefully looked up and down New Jersey for a while before looking at her and said with a smile.

Although New Jersey has now restrained her strength after her promotion, Natsuki, who often lives with ship girls, can still find some subtle changes in her.

I feel that not only her strength and temperament have improved, it seems that her skin and appearance have become more perfect than before, but the change is very subtle.

However, this is also a situation where there is no way to do it. The ship girls have already existed perfectly. Of course, it will be very difficult to continue to improve. Their beauty has reached the peak.

"Hee hee, that's right."

"Now I'm the real strongest and biggest Black Dragon - the New Jersey."

"Now I am an invincible existence, capable of doing anything for the commander, even taking off the moon from the sky."

New Jersey laughed very happily after hearing Xia Mu's words, and then she reached out and hugged Xia Mu's arm, and put her head to his ear and said softly.

Although what she said just now may be a bit exaggerated, after all, no matter how strong she is, there is no way she can take off the moon.

But if you can give her that chance, she should still be able to destroy the moon, at least she feels that way now.

"Haha, let's forget the moon. We can save the world over there together."

Xia Mu couldn't help laughing softly after hearing New Jersey's exaggerated words, and then he turned to look at New Jersey next to him and continued to smile.

Of course, he wouldn't let Jian Niang help him pick off the moon or stars. This kind of thinking probably happened when he was young.

Why does it feel like New Jersey's body seems to be softer than it used to be?

Is it my delusion?

Because New Jersey now hugs Xiamu's arm very kindly, Xiamu can clearly feel the softness from her body.

Although Xia Mu had experienced this feeling many times before, he still felt a little different this time.

Maybe this is also a change that comes from completing META. After all, META Helena's body is softer than Helena's.

However, this difference is not very big. If you don't feel it carefully, you will basically not be able to feel the change.

"What's the matter, Honey?"

Seeing that Xia Mu was staring at her body, New Jersey looked at him strangely and asked.

Although the commander would look at her like this from time to time, this time there was obviously something strange in the commander's eyes, so that's why she asked her like this.

"It's nothing, let's continue to wait for the emperor to come out."

A smile appeared on Xia Mu's face after hearing New Jersey's words, and then he shook his head slightly at her.

Of course, it's a good thing that the bodies of the ship girls have become more perfect because of META, at least it's a very good thing for him.

Volume [*]: Chapter [*]: Return to the port area

When Xia Mu and others continued to wait in the laboratory for more than ten minutes, as the light around the metal dome gradually disappeared, the full version of the META machine finally stopped.

After the full version of the META machine stopped running, the door of the metal dome slowly opened to the side, and then a puff of smoke rushed out from it.

Although Xia Mu and the others have not seen the figure of Frederick the Great, a very domineering aura has emerged from the metal dome.

Although Frederick the Great's aura has always been very domineering, but now her aura seems to have an entity, and they can feel an air current flowing slowly in the laboratory.

"Child, have you come back?"

With the sound of crisp footsteps coming from the front, there was also a gentle voice from the front.

In just a few seconds, the figure of Frederick the Great came out of the smoke and appeared in the eyes of Natsuki and the ships.

The appearance of Frederick the Great has naturally not changed, but it seems that she can clearly feel that her strength is much stronger than before.

"Well, you have done it successfully too."

Xia Mu smiled slightly after hearing the words of Frederick the Great, and then looked at her and said softly.

I don't know if it was his illusion, but as the number of ship girls META became more and more, he felt that the energy in him seemed to be getting stronger.

However, this feeling is not very clear now, but Xia Mu knows that after more ship girls complete the META, he should be able to clearly feel it.

"Hehe, I am very strong now."

When Frederick the Great heard Xia Mu's words, the corner of his mouth evoked a happy smile, and then she looked at Xia Mu and continued to speak softly.

After she finished speaking, she stretched out a hand and shook it gently. She could clearly feel how powerful the energy she had in her body was.

"Hee hee, then let's go outside and test it. I can't wait."

New Jersey smiled very happily after hearing the words of Frederick the Great, and then she looked at Frederick the Great and said.

In fact, she couldn't wait for a long time. After all, she just obtained such a powerful power, and she still had to endure it silently outside.

Now that Frederick the Great has successfully completed the META transformation, of course she has to test how powerful she is now.

"Just go and have a good test, but you have to be careful."

Xia Mu turned his head to look at New Jersey standing next to him, and then he looked at Frederick the Great in front of him, and then he smiled at them and said.

Of course, it is very good that they want to test and improve their strength, so he has nothing else to say.

And now it's more than one o'clock in the afternoon, he has to go back to the port area for lunch now, and then he has to arrange the rest of the ship girls.

"Observer, can you open a passage in our port area to connect to you for a long time?"

"When the time comes, I will let the ship girls come over one after another when they are free. There is no need to let the ship girls wait here all the time."

After Xia Mu reached out and touched his chin, he turned to look at the observer standing next to him, and then he asked softly.

If the observer can create a teleportation channel in his port area, then the ship girls can easily come here in turn.

In fact, there is no need to have more than a dozen ship girls come every time, so the ship girls who complete the META will have to wait here for a long time.

"Oh, yes."

The observer smiled slightly after hearing Xia Mu's words, and then she looked at Xia Mu and said softly.

Although it is not so easy to make a space channel that lasts for a long time, because it will be difficult to keep the space stable without collapsing.

But she can still maintain the space channel for more than ten hours without disappearing, and she can continue to open another one after it disappears.

"I'll make a space passage a little farther away from here when the time comes, and the entrance should be set up in your office building."

After the observer pondered for a while in her mind, she looked at Xia Mu next to her and continued with a smile.

Of course, making a long-standing space channel cannot be too close to this laboratory, so it is still necessary to set it a little further away.


Xia Mu nodded slightly after hearing the observer's words, and then looked at her and said with a smile.

As long as a space channel can be created so that the ship girls can come easily, there is no big problem as to where the entrance is set.

"Then let's go back to the port area first. The next two or three ship girls who are going to be META will stay."

After answering the observer's words, Xia Mu turned to look at the rest of the ship girls beside him, and then said softly to them.

All the girls here came with him, so of course they didn't have lunch yet, so Xia Mu planned to take them back by the way.

Now only one or two ship girls need to stay here to wait for META, and when one ship girl is completed, let the ship girls in the port area make up for it one after another.

Try to let the ship girls complete these things in the fastest time, and then they will start the expedition to liberate that world from the hands of uncontrollable sirens.

"Then let's go back to lunch with the commander first."

After Akagi and Kaga heard the conversation between Natsuki and the observer, they also expressed that they would go back to the port area first.

After all, they had already left here temporarily, and they had no intention of continuing to wait here for the completion of the META transformation. They might as well wait until the rest of the ship girls here are almost finished before coming over.

Although they also want to complete the META earlier, but they also have to abide by the necessary rules, so the order of competition that Xiamu was worried about before will not happen.

"Well, let's go then, I'm already starving."

Natsuki nodded lightly after hearing what Akagi and Kaga said, and then watched them continue to speak softly.

Then he walked outside the laboratory with the observers along with the ship girls who were not META'd for the time being. As for Frederick the Great and New Jersey, they silently followed.

Volume [*]: Chapter [*] Gathering

"Commander, you are back!"

When Natsuki took Belfast and the others out of the teleportation channel, the surrounding ship girls looked at him with great joy and called out.

Now the observer directly opened the space channel in the cafeteria of Xiamugang District, and she had to wait for a while to complete the fixed transmission channel.

After all, her business has basically been done temporarily, so she can stop by and have dinner with Xia Mu and the others.

She hasn't eaten for a week, after all, she's been busy experimenting with the full version of the META machine in the lab.

Although she did not desire these things in her heart like a purifier, she still wanted to come and eat after she was free.

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