Of course she would still feel very happy that the Commander could tell her like this, after all, she was rarely able to accompany the Commander in normal times.

Although she also wanted to take the initiative to go to the commander's side, but the commander is really busy at ordinary times.

And there were still many wedding ships waiting for the Commander to accompany her, so she had to wait patiently on the sidelines.

"Don't worry, you can take it slow."

Xia Mu smiled slightly after hearing Canglong's words, and then looked at her and continued to speak softly.

As he spoke, he walked to the bookshelf next to him, and found a book from it that he hadn't finished last time, and held it in his hand.

He usually stays in his office to read books when he is free. After all, he has maintained the habit of reading books since before.

It can be said that this is a habit he developed when he was still in school. In his spare time, he will read various books a little, and he does not always stay in the room to play games and watch anime.

"Well, I know, I take my work very seriously, and I won't fool around just because I'm in a hurry."

After hearing Xia Mu's words, Canglong nodded his head slowly again, and then she looked at Xia Mu, who had walked to the side of the sofa and sat on the sofa, and replied softly.

With a strict personality, she doesn't allow herself to deal with anything casually, especially the things that the commander has told her to take seriously.

Then Canglong began to work seriously, and Xia Mu sat on the sofa next to him and flipped through the books he didn't read the last time.

As for Belfast, she skillfully steeped black tea on the side, and she also brought a cup to Canglong very considerately.

Afterwards, the only sound left in the room was Canglong's sound of clicking the mouse and keyboard, and Xia Mu's sound of flipping through books. For a while, the atmosphere seemed extraordinarily peaceful and peaceful.




"Commander, today's work is all done."

About half an hour later, Canglong has already stood up and started to clean up the various documents and materials placed in front of her, and she also looked at Xia Mu next to her and whispered a report.

The time for the completion of the work was about the same as what she had expected before, and her first job as the commander was very smooth and handled perfectly.

And when she was finally dealing with work, the Commander was able to accompany her all the time, and she still felt very happy in her heart.

And she can't remember how many times she quietly looked at the commander in the middle of the way, and the way he reads the book seriously is also very charming.

Volume [-]: Chapter [-]: The Shy Dragon

"Well, thank you for your hard work."

After hearing Canglong's words, Xia Mu slowly closed the book in his hand, and then he turned to look at Canglong and said with a smile.

After he finished speaking, he stood up and walked to the desk, intending to help her organize the documents on the desk together.

However, he slowly stopped before taking a few steps, and then he put the book in his hand back on the bookshelf next to him.

Although Canglong used a lot of documents and materials, these documents have been placed neatly.

She can just classify it and put it back in the folder next to it, and it doesn't take too much time to sort it out slowly.

It seems that Canglong is sorting all kinds of emails while processing all kinds of emails, which is different from the way that Natsuki finishes processing all the emails and then sorts them out.

"Looks like I still have a lot to improve."

After Xia Mu put the books back on the bookshelf, he turned his head to look at Canglong, who had already put the documents and materials neatly in place, and said helplessly.

He originally thought that he had done a good job in normal times, but after seeing Canglong's handling, he realized that there were still many things that he did not do well.

It seems that Belfast has always indulged him, and did not deliberately make things difficult for him because of these things.

"Master, don't be discouraged, you've done enough."

"And some of your habits are slowly changing for the better, so you don't need to improve it right away."

Belfast could see what Xia Mu was thinking now, so she spoke softly to Xia Mu's voice.

Of course she knows some of the Commander's bad habits, but as long as everyone has bad habits, including the ship girls, they will also have such a situation.

So she naturally didn't think about asking the Commander to improve, after all, these bad habits of his are just small things, and they won't cause any impact.

Moreover, the Commander will slowly correct these habits without knowing it, so she plans to let the Commander go with the flow, instead of deliberately changing those habits of her own.

"Oh, I thought so too."

"But if you find any serious bad habits in me in the future, you should tell me in time."

Xia Mu nodded slowly after hearing Belfast's words, and then he turned to look at Belfast and continued to speak softly.

Some bad habits in yourself are actually very difficult to discover by yourself, and basically only other people can discover them very accurately.

"Of course, it is also the maid's duty to correct the master."

Belfast smiled slightly after hearing Xia Mu's words, and then she curtseyed to Xia Mu with both hand skirts, and continued to reply softly to him.

Correcting the commander is naturally something she always needs to do, and she will not let her commander go astray.

"I will also supervise the commander well, so please continue to take good care of the port area and the ship girls."

Canglong on the side also showed a slight smile after hearing what Xia Mu and Belfast said, and then she looked at Xia Mu and continued to speak in a serious tone.

In fact, it's not just her and Belfast who are like this, the ship girls in the port area will all supervise the commander together.

After all, if there is any strange thought in the Commander's heart, they are basically able to know it right away.

However, they all believed that the commander would not change much. He would always treat every ship girl as tenderly as he is now, and it will last forever.



"Sister, has the work been completed successfully?"

Just when Xia Mu was about to leave the office with Canglong and Belfast, a very refreshing voice came in from outside, and then the door was opened directly.

When the door was opened, a very handsome ship girl walked in directly from the outside, and her body exuded an atmosphere like Cleveland and Baltimore.

This ship girl has long silver and supple hair, and she also has a long ponytail tied behind her head, which is very conspicuous with her walking.

But the most conspicuous are the two long rabbit ears on her head, which don't look much different from Shimakaze's ears.

She was wearing a black short skirt and a black cape, which made her look more domineering and handsome.

(Second aviation battle) Aircraft carrier - Flying Dragon.

This ship girl is Shige Sakura's second voyage war dragon, a tomboy with a personality similar to Cleveland and the others, and she is also Canglong's younger sister.

"Flying Dragon, how many times have I told you that when you come in, you have to knock on the door, especially the commander's office, you have to obey the rules."

Canglong looked at Feilong who walked in from the outside and shook his head helplessly, and then looked at her with a serious expression and said.

For her younger sister Canglong, she will also feel a little helpless, not because Feilong is usually naughty and mischievous, but because of her personality.

Canglong still hopes that his sister can be more feminine. After all, she is also the commander's wedding ship, so she still needs to feel more girly.

"Haha...forgot it for a while."

After hearing Canglong's words, Feilong scratched her head in embarrassment, and then she continued to speak to Canglong.

Because this is the first time for my sister to complete the work in place of the commander, she is very happy for her in her heart.

At the same time, she also knew that her sister was very good, so she guessed that she should have finished her work now, so she ran over in a hurry.

"Commander, morning... no, good noon!"

After Feilong answered Canglong's words, he turned his head to look at Xia Mu who was standing beside him, and then spoke to his voice cheerfully.

She really exudes the breath of a tomboy anytime, anywhere, plus the clothes she wears, no matter how you look, she is very handsome.

However, the expression on her face is obviously a bit unnatural now. Her eyes will move away as soon as she touches Xia Mu, and her face is obviously ruddy.

It seems that even she will feel shy when facing Xia Mu, after all, she is Xia Mu's oath ship mother and also his wife.

She doesn't know much about women's power, and she doesn't know how to face Xia Mu now, so it makes her feel a little unnatural.

Volume [-]: Chapter [-] Banquet?

"Well, good noon."

"Since you've already come, let's go to the cafeteria to have lunch together, and we won't have to find you specifically."

Xia Mu smiled slightly after hearing Feilong's words, and then looked at her and continued to speak softly.

He originally planned to go to Feilong just now. After all, Canglong and Feilong usually eat together when they eat, so naturally he can't leave her aside this time.

"Well, Commander doesn't seem to have had breakfast yet, so let's hurry over there."

"I originally planned to go to the cafeteria with my sister."

After hearing Xia Mu's words, Feilong nodded slowly, and then she watched Xia Mu continue to speak cheerfully.

From what she said just now, it can be seen that she has been quietly observing the commander all the time, otherwise she would not know that Xia Mu hasn't had breakfast yet.

But she seems to be the kind of ship girl who doesn't know how to express her feelings, unlike some ship girls who can tell Xia Mu very directly and directly.

"Well, let's go then."

After hearing Feilong's words, Xia Mu nodded his head slowly, and then said to her, Belfast and Canglong with a smile.

Now that everything here has been done, and Feilong has come to the office by himself, he can directly take them to the cafeteria together.

Although it is not yet eleven o'clock in the morning, there is always food available in the cafeteria, but the ship girls will have a fixed time to go together.



"Commander, why don't you take me to the world over there, I also want to fight in the past."

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