Before these black teas were prepared for them by Guanghui, Xia Mu did not expect that Guanghui's tea making skills were also very good.

Maybe most of the royal ship girls can make tea. After all, except for a few royal ship girls, most of them have the habit of drinking afternoon tea.

"Okay, Commander."

After hearing Xia Mu's words, Xiao Beifa nodded her head very obediently, and then she took out the tools for making tea from the space behind her.

In fact, a trace of Belfast can already be seen from her current movements, but she is still much worse than Belfast.

However, there is no way to do this. The appearance and size of the ship girls have been fixed since they were born, so no matter how little Beifa learns, she will not be able to keep up with Belfast.

Xia Mu continued to sit here very comfortably now, and then he looked at Xiao Beifa, who was starting to soak tea beside him, with tender eyes.

I remember in the game when he first obtained Xiao Beifa, he quickly trained her to full level, and then he directly gave her an oath.

And it's not just Befa, Xiao Guanghui and Helena, these little guys also quickly reached the full level, and they also got the ring of oath.

However, this does not mean that Xia Mu is Luo//Licon, after all, his goal in playing the game was to swear all the ships, so this was just a goal of his original game.

Volume [*]: Chapter [*] I'm going to be the head maid

"Commander, the tea is ready."

Xiao Beifa did not take too long to brew the black tea, and then she kindly poured a cup of black tea for Xia Mu and handed it to the table in front of him.

Then Xiao Beifa looked up at Xia Mu who was sitting in front of her expectantly, as if waiting for him to give an evaluation.


After hearing Xiao Beifa's words, Xia Mu smiled at her and nodded lightly, and then he reached out and picked up the black tea on the table in front of him.

He put the teacup beside his mouth and slowly blew a few breaths before taking a few sips of the still warm tea.

When the tea entered Xia Mu's mouth, a very strong aroma of tea permeated his mouth, causing him to breathe out a sigh of relief.

Although the taste of this black tea is not as wonderful as the one brewed in Belfast, it is definitely very good, and it is definitely much better than that of ordinary people.

"Well, the aroma is strong and delicious."

"Xiao Beifa will definitely become an excellent maid in the future."

After Xia Mu put the teacup in his hand back on the table in front of him, he looked at the expectant little Befa and said very gently and softly.

Of course he knew that Xiao Beifa was waiting for him to comment on this black tea, so he directly said what he wanted to say.

But what he said was also true. After all, the black tea brewed by Beckham was indeed delicious.

"Hehe, thank you for the compliment."

After hearing Xia Mu's words, Xiao Beifa showed a very happy smile on her face, and then she continued to speak to Xia Mu very happily.

She was actually a little nervous when the Commander was drinking tea. After all, this was the first time she had personally brewed black tea for the Commander.

She was afraid that her black tea skills would not be as good as that of Belfast's sister, so she worried that the commander might feel dissatisfied.

But now, after hearing the Commander's satisfied compliment, all the tension and worry in her heart turned into joy, and a very cute smile appeared on her face.

"Hehe, Xiao Beifa's craftsmanship of making tea is getting better and better. Your efforts are worthy of praise."

Guanghui on the side also tasted the tea that Xiao Beifa was soaking, and then she looked at Xiao Beifa with gentle eyes and said softly.

As a veteran-class ship girl in the port area, Guanghui, of course, watched Xiao Beifa grow up from the time she was just born to the present.

So she is very clear about Xiao Beifa's ability to make tea and do things, and she can also distinguish whether Xiao Beifa has grown.

"Hee hee, thank you, Sister Guanghui."

After hearing Guanghui's words, Beckham's smile became even stronger, and after she was reincarnated and bowed slightly to Guanghui, she said softly to her with a smile on her face.

Beckham likes Guanghui very much. After all, Guanghui usually takes good care of her in the port area.

And the glorious people are also very gentle, making Beckham feel very at ease and happy.

"So Xiao Beifa will work harder to learn all kinds of knowledge for the commander, and become a very qualified maid."

Guanghui smiled slightly after hearing what Xiao Beifa said, and then she reached out and gently rubbed Xiao Beifa's little head.

Guanghui is a very good sister. She not only takes great care of Dreadnought and Victory, but also takes good care of any little guy in the port area.

In particular, the ship girls from their royal camp are more taken care of, and Xiao Beifa and Xiao Guanghui are the ship girls she usually takes care of the most.

After all, Victory and Dreadnought had grown up no matter what, so there wasn't much that needed her to take care of.

But Xiao Beifa and Xiao Guanghui made her uneasy. After all, no matter how time passed, their current minds would not change, they would just learn more knowledge.

"Well, Xiao Beifa will definitely become a qualified maid in the future, and she will also become the head maid!"

After hearing Guanghui's words, Xiao Beifa nodded her head very happily, and then she looked at Guanghui in front of her and continued talking to Xia Mu next to her.

Although she knows that it is difficult to surpass Belfast's sister, she will always take this as her goal, so that she will have a stronger motivation to learn more knowledge.

"Haha, it's not that easy to become the head maid."

Just as Xiao Beifa's voice fell, a very pleasant voice suddenly came from behind.

Then Xia Mu and others saw Belfast brought Sirius and Dido over from there.

Belfast had already heard the conversation between Guanghui and Beckham just now, so she said this with some pleasure after she came here.

"But if Becky continues to work hard, I can give you the position of the head maid."

When Belfast and others came to Xiamu's side, they first curtseyed very respectfully to Xiamu, and then Belfast looked at the little Befa next to him and said with a smile.

Of course, she didn't say these words casually to Beckham. If Beckham really worked hard enough and grew to a sufficient level, she would give her the position of the head maid.

However, the position of the head maid is only a symbolic form. Even if she is not the head maid, the rest of the maid corps will obey her arrangements.

This is the same as when she was not a secretary ship before, and the other newly appointed secretary ships would come over and ask her for help. After all, the commander would often change the secretary ship at that time.

Moreover, in Belfast's eyes, Little Beifa is actually the same as her and the commander's child, so this is equivalent to a reward for her own child.

Although Beckham was when Belfast was a child, the appearance of the ship girls was directly stereotyped from the time of birth.

None of them have experienced growing up, so they have never seen what they were like when they were young, and Belfast has no problem treating Beckham as its own child.


"Then Beckham has to work harder, otherwise I won't be qualified to be the head maid by then."

After hearing Belfast's words, Little Befa nodded very seriously, and then she looked at Belfast and replied softly.

Although she always wanted to be the head maid, she also understood what the head maid represented.

People who don't have enough strength are not qualified to be the head maid, so she has to work harder to make herself qualified.

Volume [*]: Chapter [*]: Interchange of Mind and Best Understanding

"Have all the preparations for the banquet been completed?"

When the conversation between Beckham and Belfast was over, Xia Mu, who was sitting beside him, looked at Belfast and asked softly.

Now that Belfast has brought Dido and Sirius out of the Royal Castle, it is estimated that the preparations for the banquet should be almost the same.

It's just that Xiamu still doesn't know what the specific situation is, so he still has to ask Belfast by the way.

"The cleaning and arrangement inside is almost complete, and the rest of the maids can finish their work."

"And after I arranged the final work to them, I took Sirius and Dido out first."

"After all, there are so many guests outside, I can't keep leaving them out."

Belfast showed a very gentle smile on her face after hearing Xia Mu's words, and then she looked at Xia Mu who was beside her and replied softly.

The preparations for the banquet were almost completed, so after she arranged the final work to the rest of the maids, she first brought Sirius and Dido out to serve everyone.

So now, we just need to wait for the rest of the maids in the room to complete the tasks in their hands one after another, and then the preparations for the banquet are all complete.

At that time, you only need to wait until dusk comes, and the banquet can officially start.

"Well, then let's continue to play outside. After everything is ready inside, we can go ahead one by one."

Xia Mu nodded slightly after hearing Belfast's words, and then he looked at Belfast and continued to smile and said softly.

After he finished speaking, he picked up the teacup placed on the table in front of him again, and then took a few sips slowly to his mouth.

He also likes and enjoys the feeling of sitting in the courtyard to rest, so it doesn't matter if he can't enter now.

"Ha ha."

Belfast couldn't help laughing softly after hearing Xia Mu's words, and then she nodded slightly to Xia Mu.

She was originally worried that the Commander would be uncomfortable staying outside, but after seeing the look of enjoyment on Xia Mu's face, she felt relieved in her heart.

And Weiwei is still standing behind Xia Mu and gently massaging his shoulders, which makes the expression on Xia Mu's face more enjoyable and comfortable.

Then Belfast and Beckham stood silently beside Xia Mu, ready to serve him at any time.

Dido and Sirius went to the side to serve tea and water for the rest of the ship girls. For a while, the courtyard was filled with laughter and laughter from the ship girls again, and the scene seemed extraordinarily warm and peaceful.



"Hehe, you will really enjoy it."

Just as Natsuki closed his eyes and continued to enjoy the sunshine and the terrifyingly comfortable massage, a very pleasant voice came from the side.

When Xia Mu opened his eyes and turned his head to look to the side, he found that the observer was walking towards him in a very beautiful black dress.

Of course, the dress she was wearing was given to her by Xia Mu in the morning. It was a long black dress that was very suitable for her. It looked very elegant and noble.

The observer has now also hidden the black tentacles behind her, so now she looks no different from ordinary girls.

And this is the first time that Xia Mu has seen her. After all, she always wears and dresses in the same way.

"How is it? Does it look good?"

After the observer came to Xia Mu's side, she turned her body around very cutely in front of Xia Mu's eyes, and then she stopped to look at the corner of Xia Mu's mouth and asked in a soft voice.

When she turned her body just now, the skirt on her leg was also dancing very beautifully, showing her beauty perfectly in front of Xia Mu, which made Xia Mu feel a bit of surprise involuntarily.

"Well, it looks good, this dress suits you very well."

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