After hearing Frederick the Great's words, Ron still gave a slightly disdainful snort, and then she turned her head away and stopped talking to Frederick the Great.

Even if Frederick the Great could see through the thoughts in her heart, Ron would not admit it in front of her.

And Da Feng, who was sitting across from them, didn't speak anymore. She just sat here quietly and looked at Xia Mu who was chatting with the surrounding ship girls not far away.

The words Ron said to her just now made her heart change again, maybe it doesn't matter if she doesn't have to be so different.

After all, the Commander doesn't seem to like their character, and sometimes even deliberately avoids them, so they waste many opportunities to be with the Commander.

Maybe they were more gentle in front of the Commander, and they could get more opportunities for the Commander to accompany them.


Just when Da Feng was still thinking about how to make the Commander love her more.

She seemed to sense something from not far away, so she hurriedly stood up from her seat with a panic-stricken face.

She was attracted by Ron because of her own attention just now, and she was thinking about the Commander later.

So she completely ignored the continued use of the reconnaissance plane to observe the surrounding situation, and then let the guy who was extremely frightening to her sneak around her.

"I suddenly have something to do! Leave for a while."

After Da Feng hurriedly greeted Ron and Frederick the Great, she hurriedly walked out of the courtyard.

Looking at the expression and actions on her face now, it seems that something very terrible has happened to her, and she seems to be running away in a hurry.

"What is this guy doing all of a sudden?"

Ron on the side did not understand what happened to Dafeng suddenly, as if he saw something very terrifying.

But she didn't know there was anything that would make Dafeng feel scared. After all, they were not afraid when facing sirens before, and they wouldn't have fled like Dafeng.

"Hehe, it is estimated that the little guy came over."

Frederick the Great looked at Dafeng who was far away and couldn't help but smiled softly, and then she looked at Ron next to him and continued to speak softly.

Of course, she immediately understood what happened to Da Feng. It was estimated that the child of Da Qinghuayu came to play with her again.

It was obvious that the big blue-and-white child liked Dafeng so much, but Dafeng would deliberately avoid her every time, and even if he saw it, he would immediately hide away.

But Frederick the Great can understand this. After all, Dafeng's fear of the big mackerel emerged from the depths of his soul, and she had no way to suppress it.

And the big mackerel's love for Dafeng is also engraved in the depths of the soul, so the big mackerel often goes to Dafeng to play.

Even though she was playing hide-and-seek with Dafeng every time she passed by, she still enjoyed it.

"That little guy?"

After hearing Frederick the Great's words, Ron still didn't quite understand, until she saw the big mackerel coming from the other side, and she didn't immediately realize what was going on.

After all, she has also been in the port area for several years, and she basically knows many things in the port area.

Of course, she has heard of Dafeng's fear of big mackerel, but she has not seen Dafeng showing the expression just now. After all, they rarely get together to chat like this.

"Have you seen Da Feng? She should have been here just now, right?"

When the big mackerel came to Frederick the Great and Ron from outside, she looked at the two of them with some doubts and asked.

She remembered that she saw Da Feng sitting here outside the courtyard just now, but when she came in from outside, Da Feng was suddenly gone.

However, she was not too surprised by this. After all, she was basically like this when she went to find Dafeng. It seemed that Dafeng would leave early every time she came over.

However, this big mackerel is also very interesting, as if Dafeng wants to play hide-and-seek with her, she can look for Dafeng everywhere in the port area.

"Da Feng? She went over there just now. It's still too late for you to catch up now."

Frederick the Great showed a very gentle smile on her face after hearing the words of the big mackerel, and then she stretched out her hand and pointed in the direction where Dafeng left just now.

Of course, she will choose to take care of the big mackerel, after all, no matter how you look at it, the big mackerel is smaller.

And the big mackerel won't do anything to Dafeng, she just wants to go to Dafeng to play, and doesn't have any other bad thoughts.

And this may also cure Dafeng's fear of big mackerel in his heart.

After all, if the two of them have been together for a long time, perhaps Dafeng will have resistance in his heart.

"Hee hee, then I must catch her this time."

After hearing the words of Frederick the Great, the big mackerel smiled with great joy, and then after thanking Frederick the Great, she hurriedly ran in the direction where Dafeng left.

Usually, she is rarely able to catch Dafeng. After all, Dafeng has an reconnaissance machine that can observe her position at any time, so every time she passes by, she can only miss it.

But, of course, the little clever ghost, the big blue-and-white fish, has some other methods, so she can still catch Dafeng sometimes, as long as it is stuck in the blind spot of her reconnaissance plane and attacked suddenly.

And sometimes it's all about speed, depending on whether Dafeng runs fast or she chases fast.

But no matter what the process and results are, the big mackerel is very happy to play, and she doesn't know if the big phoenix is ​​happy or not.

Volume [*]: Chapter [*]: The Sticky Cheshire

"Hehe, Dafeng is probably not at peace anymore."

Now that her eyes returned to Xiamu, Belfast, who was standing on the side, saw Dafeng and Damaoyu hurriedly hurried out of the courtyard, and she said softly with a smile on her face.

As a maid, of course, she has to observe the situation around her at any time, and after she saw Da Feng leave with a panicked face just now, she basically guessed what was going on.

And with the arrival and departure of the big mackerel, it further verified the conjecture in her head just now.

But she just felt a little funny in her heart. She didn't plan to do anything. After all, she had seen such a scene many, many times.

"I hope the big mackerel doesn't scare Dafeng too much, after all, a banquet will be held later."

Xia Mu, who was sitting on the side, shook his head helplessly after hearing Belfast's words, and then he looked at the place where the big mackerel left and said with a smile.

The strength of Dafeng is obviously much stronger than that of the big mackerel. After all, how can a submarine compete with the aircraft carrier in firepower.

But Da Feng was afraid of the big mackerel from the bottom of her heart, and she didn't have any psychology to resist.

And even if Da Feng knew that the big blue and white fish would not do anything to her, she would still feel scared, and her body would subconsciously want to hide.

"Hehe, don't worry, Commander."

"Although the mackerel is usually naughty, she is still very sensible on important occasions."

"At that time, she should deliberately stay away from Dafeng, so that they can enjoy the banquet with each other."

Belfast smiled slightly after hearing Xia Mu's words, and then she looked at Xia Mu and continued to speak softly.

These little guys in the port area are still very sensible at critical times. After all, they are not real human children, but they always maintain that mentality.

So the big mackerel should not continue to look for Dafeng at that time, but let her come to the banquet properly.

"Well, I know."

Xia Mu smiled and nodded slightly after hearing Belfast's words, and then he turned to look at Belfast and continued to speak softly.

He has also been with the ship girls for so long, and of course he understands some thoughts about these little guys.

Even if they look small, they are very sensible and can do a lot of things by themselves.

Even if Anchorage is alone, she can live a good life, and nothing will happen to her because of her mind and character.

But now that Xiamu is in the port area, of course they still hope to be taken care of and loved by the Commander, as if they are acting like a spoiled child with the Commander.

"Hee hee, honey, I'm back!"

Just when Xia Mu's words fell, he felt a stream of air coming from behind, and then he felt a very soft body pounced directly on his back.

He didn't have to look back to know who was coming, after all, only the cute guy from Cheshire could happily shout out darling in front of others.

"Didn't you play somewhere else with New Jersey?"

Xia Mu turned his head helplessly to look at Cheshire, who was resting his head on his shoulder, and then asked her softly.

When he first came to the royal camp at noon, he was already glued by Cheshire, although he also liked the feeling of Cheshire being glued to him.

But this guy from Cheshire would always hold his arm, or stick his whole body directly on his body. After a long time, he would not be able to do anything else.

And at that time, the rest of the ship girls were also rushing here, so Xiamu asked Cheshire to take New Jersey to play elsewhere.

After all, he couldn't keep Cheshire by his side all the time, Xiamu couldn't bear her enthusiasm, unless he and Cheshire were the only people around.

"Hee hee, I missed my dear again in the middle, so I'll rush back to see you right away."

Cheshire smiled very cutely after hearing Xia Mu's words, and then she put her head against Xia Mu's ear and said softly.

After she finished speaking, the hands that hugged Xia Mu's neck tightened again, and she kissed Xia Mu's cheek fiercely.

She did take New Jersey to other areas of the Royal Camp just now.

After all, New Jersey has not been in the port area for a long time, and she has not come to the royal camp very many times.

As a good friend of New Jersey, Cheshire is of course responsible for bringing New Jersey to a detailed understanding of the environment in other areas of the Royal.

But today's banquet is still rare, and they have been able to rest for the past two days, so of course she still wants to stay by Commander's side all the time.

Even if she can't stick to the commander's side all the time, there's nothing wrong with just sitting where she can see the commander.

So after she took New Jersey to visit all the areas in the royal camp, she immediately ran back to Xiamu's side.

And it was not long before the banquet started, so she should come back and prepare to enter the hall.

"Cheshire, I'm still massaging Commander, don't lie on Commander's body all the time."

Before Xia Mu could speak, Wei Wei, who was also standing behind Xia Mu, spoke in advance with some dissatisfaction again.

This is the second time someone has interrupted her massage for the Commander. Because Atago in front is not from the same faction as her, there is no good way for her to take Atago.

But Cheshire is also a royal ship girl like her, so she naturally has to teach her well.

"Hee hee, I like my dear so much, so I couldn't hold back for a while."

Cheshire turned her head and giggled at her after hearing the dreadful words, and then she continued softly.

After she finished speaking, she slowly got up from Xia Mu's back, but she still stood by and looked at Xia Mu gently with her iconic W mouth shape.

Of course she won't talk to Weiwei like Atago, she is still very sensible in these things, after all, everything has to be first come first served.

And when she first came to the port area, she was not less taken care of by Guanghui and the rest of the royal ship girls, and their relationship with each other was also very good.

So after hearing what Weiwei said just now, Cheshire left Xiamu directly, because she knew that if she occupied this position first, Weiwei would not come and grab her.

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