He didn't feel this way when he was in the quilt just now, but now he came out and found that it seemed to be colder today than yesterday.

Moreover, the icy sea breeze kept blowing in from the slightly opened window, causing the curtains beside it to float up, and it also caused a layer of goose bumps to appear on the surface of Xia Mu's body.

"Is it snowing outside?"

It was only then that Xia Mu realized that it was a vast expanse of white outside the window, but because there was a layer of water mist on the window, he couldn't see it clearly.

But he felt that it should be snowing outside, because he vaguely saw some white snowflakes falling from the sky through the window. He remembered seeing this scene once when he was a child.

Because he lived in the south since he was a child, he did not see snow several times, so every time it snowed, he had a very deep memory.

"Commander, put on your clothes first."

Just when Xia Mu retracted his gaze from the window and was about to continue looking for his clothes, Z23 on the side came to him with his clothes.

Because Xia Mu didn't remember when he fell asleep and returned to the dormitory yesterday, he naturally didn't remember where his clothes were placed.

He didn't even know if he came back here yesterday with his clothes on, or if he was taken off again by the ship girls while he was sleeping.

But these things don't matter. Anyway, he and the ship girls are the only ones in the port area. Even if he doesn't wear clothes, it doesn't seem to matter, although he definitely won't do it.

"Well, hurry up and put on your clothes too."

Xia Mu nodded lightly after hearing Z23's words, and then he reached out and took his clothes from Z23's hand.

After Z23 got out of bed, she didn't put on her own clothes first, but brought the commander's clothes for him first.

After all, she won't feel cold after using the power of the ship, and she won't catch a cold or get sick because of it.

But the commander is different from them. Even if his current physical strength and condition are very good, without the defense pendant, he may catch a cold because of it.

Even if you catch a cold, you can quickly recover with the potion made by Akashi, but it's not right to make the commander sick in the first place.

Therefore, the ship girls in the port area will take good care of the commander and will not let him catch a cold or get sick because of it.


After hearing Xia Mu's words, Z23 smiled and nodded lightly, and then she took out the clothes from her ship's space.

It didn't take long for the two of them to put on their clothes, and Z23 also helped Xiamu tidy up his somewhat rolled up collar.

Because of the difference in height between Z23 and Xia Mu, she could only stand on tiptoe and raise her hand to tidy up Xia Mu's collar more conveniently.

Such Z23 looks very cute in Xia Mu's eyes, especially her focused and serious appearance now makes Xia Mu's face slowly reveal a very gentle smile.

"Okay, Commander."

When Z23 sorted Xia Mu's collar, she continued to look up at Xia Mu and said softly with a smile.

As she spoke, she reached out and gently stroked the clothes on Xia Mu's body, smoothing out the wrinkles.

Z23's actions now look like a very caring little daughter-in-law, which makes Xia Mu's heart skip a few beats involuntarily.

Among these little guys, it is estimated that only Z23 is so gentle and considerate. Although Javelin and Ayanami sometimes come to help him organize his clothes, they are naturally not as mature and stable as Z23.

As for the little guy Lafite, not to mention, Xia Mu usually takes care of her, and she rarely takes care of herself.

However, Lafite's mission is just to accompany Xiamu, and Xiamu doesn't need her to do too much for herself.

"It's really snowing."

After Xia Mu put the defense pendant on his neck again, he came to the window and opened it gently.

After opening it, he found that it was really snowing outside, and the port area was completely shrouded in snow, which seemed to have a completely different feeling than usual.

And now there are still snowflakes falling from the sky, making Xia Mu's face slowly show a happy smile.

"The snow should have started in the early morning. It didn't snow when we slept last night."

Z23 also came to Xia Mu's side at this time, and then she looked at the snowy white outside and said softly.

It wasn't snowing outside when they brought the commander back here yesterday, so the snow should have started in the early morning.

And it seems that the snow has become much smaller now, otherwise the port area will not be turned white in just two or three hours.

"This is the first time I've seen such heavy snow in real life."

Xia Mu nodded his head lightly after hearing Z23's words, and then he turned to look at Z23 beside him and said softly.

He himself likes snow very much, because there are many fun things to do in this way, and he also likes this snow-white world very much.

But apart from seeing such a scene on TV before, he has naturally never experienced such a thing in reality.

Volume [-]: Chapter [-] Belfast enjoying the life of a maid

"Haha, it's going to become more lively in the port area now."

Z23 smiled slightly after hearing Xia Mu's words, and then she turned to look at Xia Mu next to her and continued to speak softly.

The ship girls in the port area also like snow very much most of the time, especially the little guys like destroyer girls and submarine ship girls.

Because in such an environment, they have a lot of fun things to do, such as snowball fights and snowmen, and they can have a lot of fun.

Even though it used to snow at this time every year, it only happened in one or two months of the year, so the ship girls naturally wouldn't get tired of it.

"Well, you can go and enjoy it today, and tomorrow we will leave this world temporarily."

Xia Mu also showed a smile on his face after hearing Z23's words, and then he looked at Z23 and said softly.

He naturally has no way to play with these little guys today, after all, he is going to accompany the company.

Although he and the ship girls are going to hold a banquet on the royal side tonight, the ship girls will go back to their own rooms to rest after the banquet.

So tonight, the ship girls won't come back to do some strange things with Xia Mu, and Xia Mu will also go back to his room and have a good rest.

Tomorrow morning, they will gather to the Siren headquarters, and then drive the spaceship to jump directly to the world of uncontrollable sirens, and a war is about to begin.

"Commander, let's have a good time with the company today. After we return from that world, we'll have a good time together."

After hearing Xia Mu's words, Z23 smiled and nodded lightly, and then she looked at Xia Mu and continued to speak softly.

She knew that today was their last time to enjoy life, and the next time they wanted to experience these things, they would have to wait until they came back from that world.

As long as they go to that world, they probably won't have the chance to rest or play anymore, so they need to quickly end the battle at that time.

"Then let's go to the toilet to wash up first, and then go to the hall downstairs together."

After Xia Mu continued to look at the beautiful snow scene outside the window for a while, he slowly closed the window, and turned his head to face Z23 beside him and continued to speak softly.

After he finished speaking, he slowed down and walked to the toilet next to him. He had to wash up first, and then take Z23 to the hall downstairs.

Last night, almost half of the ships chose to stay in the royal camp to rest, so now there should be some ships in the hall downstairs to rest and have breakfast there.

The ships in the royal camp basically eat in the hall, and they only choose to eat in the cafeteria very rarely.

Although Xia Mu didn't know whether the company stayed in the royal camp to rest last night, he naturally had to go down first.


Z23 on the side nodded slightly after hearing Xia Mu's words, and then she followed Xia Mu to the toilet.

After Xia Mu entered the toilet, of course, it was more convenient to enter the inside first, and Z23 was washing on the outer floor.

Although the girls don't need to go to the toilet, there are toilets in every room in the port area, so that the commander can use it conveniently when they are in their room.

Therefore, these toilets are basically prepared for Xia Mu alone, and the ship girls usually only wash in it.



About ten minutes later, Xia Mu and Z23 came out of the toilet together, and then the two of them opened the door and walked out slowly.

As for the three people on the bed, Rafi and Ayanami were still sleeping very comfortably, and they were not awakened by the various movements made by Natsuki and Z23 before.

Xia Mu and Z23 closed the door softly after they came out, and exhaled a long breath from their mouths.

It was really uncomfortable to have to be careful when speaking and doing things, and now they seemed to be liberated after they came out of the room.

Even if they wake up Rafi and Ayanami, it doesn't matter, but the two of them naturally won't wake them up on purpose.

After all, they slept so late last night, let them rest in the room today.

They will naturally get up when they sleep enough in bed, but it is estimated that it should be noon by then.

"Master, did you get up so early today?"

When Xia Mu closed the door and was about to turn around and go downstairs, he heard a very pleasant sound coming from the stairs.

Then he and Z23 saw Belfast come up from the bottom of the stairs in their usual maid outfit, and looked at them with a smile on their faces.

"Didn't you have a rest today, why did you put on the maid outfit again?"

Xia Mu couldn't help frowning slightly after seeing Belfast, and then he looked at Belfast who had come to him and asked softly.

Yesterday, Belfast told him that she was going to rest today, and then let him have a good date with the company.

But looking at her current appearance, it is obvious that she does not want to rest, or she will not dress as a maid.

"Hehe, as expected, a maid is more suitable for me. If I don't do this, I will feel uncomfortable."

"And I can still find different fun in many things, so Commander doesn't have to worry about me."

Belfast couldn't help covering her mouth and smiled softly after hearing Xia Mu's words, and then she looked at Xia Mu in front of her and continued to speak softly.

Being a maid has been etched in her heart, and being a maid would make her feel very uncomfortable.

So after a good night's rest yesterday, she returned to the position of the head maid again today, and continued to do the things she usually did.

Although she won't be following the commander as usual today, there is still a lot to do on the royal side, and she hasn't lived here for a long time.

Since she returned to this world a few months ago and became the commander's secretary ship, she has rarely come to the Royal faction.

In the past, she had been living here and serving Queen Elizabeth all the time.

Volume [-]: Chapter [-] The Enterprise Waiting Downstairs

"Okay, if you like."

Xia Mu shook his head helplessly after hearing Belfast's words, and then he looked at Belfast and continued to speak softly.

He naturally knows Belfast very well, and he knows that Belfast really enjoys the life of a maid very much, and he is not forcing himself to do these things.

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