I've Become a Land Shark

Chapter 147 Collision!

"Bite the land shark fiercely, the dragon's wave!"

A dragon's wave unique to biting land sharks erupted from the desert. It was slightly yellow in color and had a bit of sand in the wave, catching the fossil pterosaur off guard.

The fossil pterosaur was still in confusion and was accidentally hit.

With a "boom", the fossil pterosaur's abdomen was directly shaken by dragon waves.

Luzhou was also suddenly startled.

"Fossil pterosaur, the ultimate impact!"

The fossil pterosaur rotates its body at this time, driving the flow of the wind. Looking carefully from the outside, it can be seen that the head of the fossil pterosaur drives the wind, like a bullet.

No, it should be said that the fossil pterosaur turned into a bullet, tore open the air, and turned into a meteor that was no less impressive than biting a land shark.

"The fossil pterosaur is facing a special-attack ground-biting land shark, so be gentle." Lu Zhou kindly reminded.

"No need." Sirona definitely disagreed when she heard that the other party wanted to let the water go.

The fossil pterosaur also wants to contract its strength, but it no longer has the strength to change it. After using the ultimate impact, the user's muscles will be deadlocked for a period of time.

In other words, it means that it cannot move for one round. At this time, the fossil pterosaur has been injured, and there is still a sandstorm on the opposite side, which is not conducive to a protracted battle, so Luzhou decides to go all out and decide the outcome with one blow.

"Shasha, let's come too, Dragon God dives!"

That's right, Liebite Land Shark has learned the Dragon God Dive after evolving.

All the bone spurs in Liebite Lu Shark's body popped out, controlling his own bone spurs. The bone spurs on his chest slowly bent until they directly covered his chest, as did the bone spurs on his head and legs.

The bone spurs on the hands did not change much. They just straightened and became sharper. They exuded bursts of cold air, which made people shudder.

"This... what kind of monster is this?" Even Lu Zhou, who had seen a lot, had never seen a biting land shark like this.

At this time, the biting land shark is like wearing armor made of bones, just like Aldos in SV.

The bone spurs on the body are like cold-weapon guns, which can penetrate the fossil pterosaur without expending too much effort.

Liebite Land Shark's wings suddenly contracted, and a thrust burst out from behind, like a jet plane.

When is the power of flight greatest? Of course it's in accelerated form.

Just like that, the two "meteors" on the ground and underground collided directly, bursting out bursts of fire.

There are also some bone fragments, like shrapnel after a bullet explodes, cutting through the air and stabbing into the sand...

When the smoke and dust cleared, a figure was seen standing on the field, while another figure with huge wings fell into a coma.

"Shark sand!"

The figure standing proudly on the battlefield is the biting land shark!

Sirona quickly ran towards Liebite Land Shark. At this time, Liebite Land Shark's chest armor had broken into a large piece, and there were also many cracks in the bone spur armor on his body.

There was still blood flowing from the bite of the land shark, and the battle scene must have been very large and violent.

"It's okay, Sharksha."

Sirona quickly hugged the Fanged Land Shark and looked around, seeming to confirm the injury.

"You've worked very hard, fossil pterosaur."

Luzhou was also uncompromising. Unexpectedly, Liebite Land Shark not only specialized in special attacks, but also learned physical attacks.

It's really my own plan. I didn't expect there to be an elf like this. Speaking of which, this biting land shark is very different.

"Huh? This wave!" Luzhou's attention shifted to Sirona.

Sirona directly used the power of the waveguide to treat Liebite Land Shark. Liebite Land Shark looked very serious.

But these are only skin injuries. The bone spurs of the sharp-toothed land shark are like nails. Excessive damage will indeed cause damage to the biting land shark, but it will not damage the internal parts.

It only hurts for a while and then it's fine.

"It turned out to be the power of waveguides. I didn't expect it to be passed down to other people in the world." Lu Zhou recognized that this was the power of waveguides. It turned out that the waveguides just emitted belonged to Sirona.

"you know?"

Sirona was also shocked. How did this person know the power of waveguide? Didn't it mean that the inheritance of waveguide power was almost extinct?

"As expected, the waveguide just now was emanated from you, right, Sirona?" Luzhou said with certainty.

"If there are no fluctuations in other waveguides, then it belongs to me." Sirona was not sure if there were any descendants of waveguides around.

You know, many people who practice hard like to hone themselves in the desert. Maybe someone they meet casually is the kind of hidden master.

"Come out, Gardevoir."

Like a noble queen, Gardevoir gracefully appeared on the field.

"Let me introduce, this is my Gardevoir, my first partner!"

Luzhou generously introduced his partner to Sirona.

"Hello, I am Sirona, and my first partner was the biting land shark."

Originally, Sirona wanted to shake hands with Gardevoir, but Sirona was still treating the biting land shark in her hand and couldn't sell it, so she just smiled and nodded at Gardevoir.

"Hello, Sirona, I'm Gardevoir."

Most of the super-powered elves are telepathic, and Gardevoir is no exception.

Gardevoir's special ability: Gardevoir can feel the moods of humans and other Pokémon, and some can see the future clearly. Gardevoir has telekinetic abilities and can even distort space or create a black hole to protect his trainer. Apparently they are not affected by gravity, as they use their superpowers to support their bodies. They also have the ability to teleport.

Gardevoir is well known for his loyalty to his trainer, even to the point of giving up his own life for his trainer. In the wild Gardevoir family, they live in packs and take great care of their young.

Like Lucario, Gardevoir is also very loyal to his master, but he is not as well-known as Lucario, so most trainers will ignore this issue.

Wait, Gardevoir? !

Lie Biting Lu Shark's eyes at this moment did not have red hearts in his eyes like when he saw the one he liked.

But Biting Lu Shark was very calm, his eyes were calm, and he didn't have any special emotions. In fact, it was just like that.

Gardevoir's body is white and looks like she is wearing an elegant dance evening dress, with the inside of the skirt being green. Its hairstyle also changed into a curly shape.

Gardevoir is the image of a noble queen, cold and elegant.

In fact, the feeling of Biting Land Shark is just like that. After Biting Land Shark evolved, it seems that its temperament has changed a lot, and the previous love for Gardevoir is not that strong.

But Biting Lu Shark wants to say something: I will always like Sirona!

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