I've Become a Land Shark

Chapter 174 The battle between Kira and the armored tyrannosaurus

In the dim cave, the Pokémon hunter walked along the rightmost path.

Ho ho ho ho (the invaders have been almost wiped out.) The Bangila at the beginning said to the surrounding tribesmen.

Ho ho ho ho (but a few little mice snuck in.)

The Bangira at the beginning seems to be the boss of these Bangiras. The Bangira clan has learned many things from humans, just like the arrangements of ordinary ethnic groups, etc., and has a clear division of labor.

Only powerful Banjira can serve as part of the attack and defense. Of course, there must be more than just these Banjira troops fighting.

This should be the leader of some team, Bandila.

So the Banderas conveyed news to each other in the clan area, and almost all of them were keeping an eye out for Pokémon hunters.

At this time, in a huge cave, a very huge figure was vaguely displayed in front of the light.

What's wrong?

It opened its eyes slightly and asked around about the current situation through a slit.

Even though it looks lazy, you can still feel its unusual strength and the pressure hidden behind its laziness.

Ho ho ho ho ho (a few little mice came in and are cleaning now.)

A small Yukila stood nearby and conveyed the internal news of the Banjira.


The huge figure Bangira closed her eyes, seemingly not worried about the symbol executives and Pokémon hunters at all.

Looking at the figure who fell asleep again, Yukila couldn't help complaining: This Banjira sleeps every day, but the people in the clan treat him respectfully.

If he hadn't been forced to work by his parents, he would have stopped doing it a long time ago. It only eats and sleeps. It must be so fat because of its size.


Yukila was complaining on the side, but he didn't know that all his soliloquy was heard by Bangila.

He is an interesting Yukila, and Banjila is not angry. After all, young Yukira doesn't know who he is, so he can just laze around in the cave peacefully and leave ordinary things to the clan leader. .

Yes, the Banjira clan is divided into two types of management. Bangira, who is usually responsible for the development and life of the clan, is the leader of the Banjira clan.

The Overlord Bangira is like a patron saint. The ordinary group of elves cannot even defeat the ordinary Bangira, let alone the Overlord Bangira.

But the powerful elf race is also a little afraid because they know the existence of the overlord Bangila.

As long as the Banjira clan doesn't do anything excessive, basically nothing will happen.

However, the Liebite Land Shark clan is the opposite of the Banjila clan. It is very weak. Many powerful Liebite Land Sharks have gone out to ship their own strength, resulting in Liebite Land Shark not having enough real clan land. Ground thug.

However, the strength of the single-unit Bite Land Shark still makes people and elves really bite the Land Shark's existence.

In terms of overall strength, Liebite Land Shark is inferior to the Bangira clan. Because the Bangira clan is united, their individual strength is comparable.

The Liebite Land Shark clan is not a vegetarian either. Back then, all the clans were under their feet, including Banjira...

The Symbol Executive led the Pokémon to the bottom of the cave.

It seems like this is it.

After avoiding the exclusion of many Banjira, Yukira, and Shakira, they finally arrived at the door of this passage.

I have to say that it is strange that there is no guardian of the Bangira clan here. It seems that even if this is not the place where the overlord Bangira lives, it is still a very remarkable place. Maybe it is the lifeblood of the Bangira clan.

Iron-armored Tyrannosaurus, go straight into the drill.

The armored tyrannosaurus's straight drill is very useful in caves and other places. When a sharp corner hits the wall, the mountain walls fall down one by one.

Yukira inside the mountain wall felt that the mountain wall was peeling off, and finally the figure of the armored tyrannosaurus was revealed.

Ho ho ho (who are you?)

Looking at the very honest expression of the armored tyrannosaurus, Yukira knew that this was not a member of his clan.

Even though they are about the same size, little Yukira has seen black, white and blue ones, but the one who looks so simple and honest is definitely not a Benjira.

As for why there are other colors of bangera? This little Yukila is hard to explain.

Eh? Just a Yukira?

The symbol executive was a little disappointed, there was only one Yukira. No wonder the guards here are so lax.

Yukira-chan? Knock her out quickly.

The armored tyrannosaurus came in front of Yukira. The little Yukira formed a huge contrast with the huge armored tyrannosaurus.

The armored tyrannosaurus also secretly laughed and said: Such a small elf still wants to let him go? Isn't it too much to make a fuss out of a molehill?

Looking at the armored tyrannosaurus that underestimated the enemy, the symbol executive didn't say anything. If the opponent was Bangila, he would still remind him, but if it was a little Yukila, there would be no need to panic at all.

Hurry up and solve it. Our target hasn't been found yet.

If you keep dilly-dallying, you will easily overturn.

No matter how loose the search here is, they will always search this area.

I saw the armored tyrannosaurus moving its huge body and quickly attacking Yukira on the opposite side.

At this time, Yukila did not retreat at all. The Banjira clan would not retreat easily. Even though the opponent was larger than themselves, Yukira did not look afraid.

Yukira looked at the huge tail that was about to attack, without panic at all, he aimed for the tail and swept it towards him, and even in one leap he came behind the armored tyrannosaurus.

What's going on? Armored Tyrannosaurus?

The symbol executive looked at the armored tyrannosaurus with a look of incompetence on his face. He couldn't even hold down a small Yukila. It seemed like he was too good at it.

The Pokémon hunter ABY next to him was watching this rare battle with great interest. He wondered if Yukila could kill this armored tyrannosaurus before.

Of course it's unlikely, but how can you say for sure?

Yukira in the cave started a sandstorm, and the sand on the surrounding ground gradually surged.

Endless grains of sand attack the armored tyrannosaurus.

Few elves can think of using the effects of weather to attack.

Not to mention little Yukila, and it was little Yukira that brought a little surprise to Pokémon hunters.

This Yukira doesn't look like an ordinary Yukira.

The sand gradually filled the armored tyrannosaurus's body, which not only slowed down the armored tyrannosaurus's body, but also made it feel a little suffocated.

This is?

The eyes of the symbol executive can see many grains of sand entering the body of the armored tyrannosaurus...

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