I've Become a Land Shark

Chapter 176 One hundred and sixty-one battles! Overlord Bangira

Seemingly defenseless, he lay on the ground and screamed, warning the symbol executives and Pokémon hunters with his threatening screams.

Look, she still wants to resist?

Pokémon Hunter B narrowed his eyes slightly and laughed.

Just as the Symbol executive was making his next move, a soul-stirring sound aroused everyone's hearts to tremble.

Two red eyes suddenly appeared in the dark cave. Being stared at by these eyes, the Pokémon hunter and the symbol executive felt that their whole bodies were cold. They could not move their hands and feet. They only felt that they were being stared at by ferocious beasts. On.

Since when can the Banjira clan be allowed to be bullied at will?

A huge, obviously non-human voice lingered in the cave.

The very domineering and somewhat angry voice struck the ears of Pokémon hunters again and again.

This, what exactly is this...

I saw a small mountain of elf slowly changing from a lying form to fighting strength. Through a little light, Pokémon Hunter Y could recognize that it was a Bangera.

Five or six meters of banjira?

Pokémon Hunter Y has never seen a Bangira like this. This Bangira is not comparable to ordinary Bangera in terms of size or the pressure it exerts on his side.

It seems that this is the overlord Bangila.

At this time, the symbol executive knew why all Banjira avoided this area. It was not because there was nothing there, but because there was nothing that could threaten the security here.

What about you?

Overlord Bangira's eyes were filled with anger, and underneath, there was also a hint of relief.

This Yukila has inherited the excellent genes of the Banjila family very well. Even if it faces the elf with a huge disparity in strength, it will not be afraid. Even if it is reckless, it must be reckless to the end.

I had been silent just now, just to see where the potential of this Yukira was, but to my surprise, it exceeded my expectations.

Being able to accurately control the sand to suffocate the opponent, this ability to control the sand can be said to be something that many elves do not have, not to mention the ability to use the destructive death ray.

Even if it is not particularly powerful or very accurate, its potential is enough to serve as the backbone of the next Bangira battle.

Facing Yongila facing him, Overlord Bangila's look was enough to immobilize him.

I saw Overlord Bangira instantly sending out a wave of evil from his mouth. Yongjira, who was unable to move even though he didn't know how to move, was knocked unconscious when he faced him.

Falling into the wall, not knowing whether to live or die.

Yukila looked at the huge size and thought it was Banjira who was too lazy to cook and was very emotional.

I didn't expect to be able to defeat such a difficult opponent with just one look and one skill. That's how big the gap is between me and myself.

Yukira's eyes became a little hot when he thought about it. Can he become such a Benjira? Use its strength as an example.

And little Yukila never thought that one day she would be stronger than the overlord Bangira...

The symbol executive's eyes looked a little flustered, but he quickly calmed down.

As expected, it's the overlord Bangira. The Yongjira I carefully cultivated can't even survive a single face-to-face encounter.

The Symbol executive had to sigh for a moment. With this strength, he could definitely attract his attention.

Oh? Then who gave you the courage?

How long has it been since someone came to challenge the Banjira clan regardless of life or death? Is it that the overlord Banjira hasn't gone out to kill people for too long, or does he think he is old and will just eat in the cave and wait to die?

Of course, Banjira in the Alola region might be too unrestrained. Can Lillie defeat Bangira with just one Ice Nine Tails?

It’s impossible to think so, right? The only explanation is that the Bangela is just a superficial Bangela. It is also possible that Bangila deliberately let things slip.

Although you are very strong, I think you can't deal with some things, right?

The Symbol executive was deliberately dumbfounded.


Overlord Bangila became a little interested. Do these ant-like humans think they are vegetarians? Or is it that everyone is looking down on themselves?

The Pokémon hunter is a little embarrassed. This is really too difficult. Aren't you deliberately mocking the overlord Bangira on the opposite side?

No matter how you look at it, it feels like Banjila on the other side of the stone is really powerful, and the team on your side is just a makeshift team.

You hold on for a while while I prepare.

The symbol executive was fumbling for something in his bag, while the Pokémon hunters with black lines all over the sky felt a lot of pressure. This must be looking down on themselves too much.

In the past, I might have been able to hold it up, but who can hold it up now?

Reluctantly, the Pokémon hunters released their own Pokémon.

Come out, Night Giant.

Come out, Boscodora.

Come out, Gengar.

Come out, Dragon King Scorpion.

Come out, Scorpio King.

Come out, flame chicken.

Powerful elves were released one after another from the pockets of Pokémon hunters. Which one is not an elf that can stand alone?

In fact, the Pokemon hunters' Pokemon are far less like this, but there are very few Pokemon that really play a role in this battle. Maybe they are just delivering food, so it is better to send their strongest Pokemon to fight to the death. Woolen cloth.

As long as the overlord Bangila is held back for a while, and the symbol executive prepares his things, he will be able to live a peaceful life after the task is completed.

Although I don’t know what the symbol executive is hiding mysteriously in the corner, I can only place my hope on the symbol executive.

After all, if you don't have absolute certainty, wouldn't it be in vain on your side? No matter what he thought, Symbol executives would not come to die together.

Therefore, Pokémon hunters will have to put in a lot of effort to deal with Overlord Bangira.

In front of the overlord Bangila who is five to six meters tall, all the elves look smaller.

Overlord Bangila swept his tail and put Yukila in the corner, twisted his neck, and looked ready to fight.

It's been a long time since I fought. I wonder what the strength of the elves is now.

Looking at the elf who was very solemn and full of blood on the other side, Overlord Bangila's eyes were slightly bent.

What is this clan elder saying? You are the backbone of the Banjila clan, so just go it alone and be the backbone.

Yes, there was a bit of difficulty in arranging the overlord Banjila land. The patriarch had no idea where to put it.

Then you can guard a passage alone. Every day's food, clothing, housing, transportation, food, drink, and entertainment are all arranged by us...

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