Jianbao Gold Finger

The first thousand five hundred and twenty-five chapter guess

The equation took Yuan Yue, Li Zhaowen and Xiaoxi returned to the inn now found it in the Changshan City. Until the door, Li Zhaowen's anger has not completely dissipated.

"Mom, even yin me? But ... when is I am in the tricks? How can I run to the dirty place for the spring? Almost by a man .... .. "

One mentioned here, Li Zhaowen's fire and "Teng" slammed up, I want to think about this man is too cheap. I want to go back to the man.

"Forget it, I estimate ... The man also spent money did not do what she wants to do, this will also be a fire!"

The equation smiled and stopped Li Zhaowen.


Listening to him, Li Zhaowen slightly.

"Brother, you mean ... is the man who doesn't know who is harmful to what illusion? He didn't know if I was median."

"He knows that you don't know if you have a illusion, but ... I think he should give you the one of the illusion, you will not feel that you have a charm to come to Yuancheng Your illusion is then returned to the spring of the Changshan City, waiting for you? "

If you listen to the equation, everyone feels very reasonable, nodded.

"Who is it given me this illusion? I am still very powerful, I don't know if I don't know ..."

Li Zhaowen also scratched his hair.

"Remember ... Is there a table that we encountered during the source of the source of Yuancheng? You also hurt the beard ..."

I heard the equation reminded that Li Zhaowen suddenly realized.

"Of course, remember! Is it ... Is them? Yes, I have to sin them in these few days! You must be a revenge, give me such a vicious illusion."

Li Zhaowen said, "" stood up, and he was going out.

"What do you do?"

Xiao Yan saw he got up and asked.

"Back Yuancheng! I have to find them to find out, I can't wait!"

He is very unhappy, but he is stopped with a helplessness!

"Okay! You hurt the other side, they want to revenge can also understand! Fortunately, there is no matter now, you will go back now, I really don't necessarily find them, but also wasting time! The gentleman revenge is not ten years. Waiting for us to come back from the trays of the beasts and then passing the source city! Those people ... are not worth looking back. "

If you listen to the equation, Li Zhaowen feels reason, but this evil in your heart is difficult to calm. So he saw it privately, it seems to be looking for.

"Hey? Yanyong big brother? I have a heart, I have to find him, vent it out of this villain!"

He said some indignation.


At this moment, I heard Li Zhaowen mentioned Yuyang, and the equation would only remember that Qian Yanyu has not come back.

Seeing that there is a big white, but this money is still incomprehensible. Even if he did not find Li Zhaowen's trace, he should be back, but ... arrived now, there is no movement.

"Yuan Yue, where are you separated from Yuyang?"

The equation turned to ask Yuan Yue.

"Let's go out, because the spring is full of gardens and another place where the discovery is just the opposite, so ... we have no good to see him after going out!"

I heard Yuan Yue, the equation couldn't help but be a little strange!

"Yuyang is always stabilizing, if he did not find a togone, he should come back, but ... this person?"

"Will not be retaliated as me, ?"

Li Zhaowen thought of himself, and he was also "left home"!

"Forget it, Yuan Yue and Xiaoxi are here to rest, Zhawen, let's go see it!"

After listening to Li Zhaowen, the equation also felt something wrong, so he left Yuan Yue and Xiaoqi. He rushed to the direction of the spiritual power with just ridiculous Li Zhaowen!

"Yuyang he ... don't there?"

Xiao Yan looked at the two boys left, and he did not help but ask himself.

"Nothing, it seems to be a megabyte, is this not lost?"

Yuan Yue smiled and said to Xiaozha.


Xiaozhen nodded and expressed his agreement to Yuan Yue.

So Yuan Yue and Xiaoqi have no matter what they are born, the two girls have already developed a habit of sleeping.

The equation is set in the inn, there are two rooms in the yard, one of the girls, and a boys. So the two people returned to their own room, and they were calling and slept!

This is sleeping until the sky is bright, equation they come back to the yard's voice to wake them two noisy! Yuan Yue opened his eyes and looked at the sky of bright tangutang. This was only simple to clean up.

When I went out, I saw what equation and Li Zhaowen were sitting in the stone table in the small yard. Only two of them, did not see Qian Yuyang's trace.

"Yu Yang? Is it going back to the house?"

Yuan Yue asked in front of it.

"Didn't find it! I have gone with my brother, but I didn't find him, there is a full air, I don't have it!"

Li Zhaowen shook his head helplessly.

"Nothing, but ... there is bloody, there must be anything before."

The Equation is a slightly, like a little concern.

"Don't worry, brother! I have a hypnotized illusion from home, you can find it back, Yu Yang must have no problem! You use my method to find him!"

Li Zhaowen's small head is still very fast! The equation listened to his words slightly nod, and then this began to calm down and start the feelings of the Yuliang! Fortunately, in the current body, Qian Yanyu has a fond of gold, which makes him rose a second-order spirit, so that his aura can be conveyed further, so that the equation can feel better, otherwise .. .... Equation may also love Mo Can help, only one range, one range is looking for!

The Changshan City Protocol team is even prison.

Qian Yanyu has been closed in the cell! Qian Yanyu's young man was closed in the cell of the heavy penalty. He was paying attention to the other people in the cell from a port!

"Hey, boy, what happened?"

There is a question that it seems to have a big serious seriously.

"Nothing to commit, being embarrassed!"

Qian Yuyang found a corner and said faintly.

"Nothing to commit? Hey, it's right, come here to say that you have not made things!"

On the side of the heavy prisoner, he said to Qian Yuyang.

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