I heard the sound of Xu Fatzi, Yuan Yue and Xiaoxi immediately attracted the past, and he was busy opening the crane on the carriage. I saw the cliff in the distance, there was a white water curtain rush straight from the towering cliff, splashed in the water, and also issued a deafening voice.

The waterfall is really like Xu Fatzi, very spectacular, and the world-famous spectacular waterfall in the world living in the equation is too uncomfortable!

Seeing the scene in front of you, the two girls suddenly forgot the question just discussed, excited screams and ran down the carriage! The men laughed helplessly and smiled, and they had to follow!

Getting a bus, I saw that Xu Fatzi stood there, smiled at them, the expression on the face seems to be said "You see, is this waterfall is very spectacular? My recommended is not wrong!"

The equation colleged him to mean, nodded with him, this can give Xu Fatzi to the music, and it is almost in place!

"Walk, we will take a look!"

Yuan Yue is running toward the waterfall!

"it is good!"

Two little girls were excited to run in the past.

The waterfall is really a famous landscape in the Changshan City, approaching the waterfall, Yuan Yue found that there were many tourists who were playing. A group of literati's book is dressed in the spectacular waterfall poem, and a group of young girls swim on the shore of the deep pool under the waterfall, enjoy the trees and beauty of the shore! There is also a group of children, in the hot water in the pool, roll the fish, fish, fish, fish!

Seeing this scene, everyone suddenly felt that it was refreshed, and a happiness was raw.

"Xiaoqi, let's go fishing!"

Seeing people's children and fish, Yuan Yue is also very interested in proposal.

"Ah? Fishing fish? What should I do if the clothes are wet?"

Xiao Yan looked at the clear lady, I also want to go to play in my heart, but ... There is no clothes that have been changed, and the clothes are wet, and the more uncomfortable!


"Two girls have almost played, and the clothes shoes are small to give two girls!"

Yuan Yue's words have not been finished, and Xu Fatzi, on the side, hurriedly said.

"This hospitable, you can't wait until you have a wet shirt, so you have long thought of, so you have prepared two clothes for you, so that several can have fun, there is no worries ..."

After listening to Xu Fatzi, don't say Yuan Yue and Xiaozu, even the equation they have admired five-body investment. This Xu fat man's exquisite heart is really enough, such people ... really can't do it! If you can change the youatrical arrogance, it is not a talent.

"Xu Shao Ye is in mind!"

The equation nodded and said.

"Oh, Fang Zheng, you are too polite, you can have a chance to prepare for these, this is my pleasure of Xu!"

Xu Fatzi smiled and smiled.

"Thank you fat!"

Yuan Yu waved toward Xu Fatzi, then pulled Xiaozhi to run to the water pool. Since there is already a logistics assurance, Yuan Yue and Xiaoxi, these two are not to be played with the girls of the women's tube bundles at all.

Equations, Li Zhaowen and Qian Yanyu stepped into the viewing platform of the side, looking at the waterfall in front of him, but a feeling of emotion.

"Remember ... When I was just an ordinary geological explorer, I have been to the geological exploration work near the world-famous grand waterfall. At that time, the team of our exploration team also took the night to The trendy is going to swim! I think about it ... it seems to be the last life! "

The equation looks at Yuan Yue and Xiaoqi to touch the fish in the water, and the children will be able to say.

And Qian Yuyang did not understand what is "geological exploration" in the square, nor did it know where the "world-famous grand waterfall" is, but looked at his eyes, Qian Yanyang seems to feel a kind of Audience, a kind of attachment to the hometown, pair of past.

Li Zhaowen looked at Yuan Yue and Xiaoqi who were playing with water, and looked at the deep eyes of the equation and suddenly laughed.

"Don't ... How do we go to play? Anyway, Xu Shaoye has prepared clothes for us. Some are arguing what?"

Listening to him, the equation and Qian Yanyu were slightly stunned, and a look did not believe in the way.

"Hey, that is, let's live too serious, too serious, too serious! You think, you can swim with your colleague, why can't you still want to follow us? Tour, or you think you are hiding by your own identity? "

Li Zhaowen issued a soul to the equation.

"What identical? I am still me, a general man ..."

The equation is hurriedly denied.

"Get it, that is, think we don't match you with you?"

"Stapless, walk, but ... If you lose, you will be crying!"

When I heard Li Zhaowen, the equation walked over the water side of the pool and took off the outer shirt.

"Cry? Hey, I am really not afraid of swimming! But I said it, it is simple swimming, not using spiritual power!"

Li Zhaowen also came up and stubborn, and chased the equation and followed it.

"That is nature ..."

The two people are still in the mouth.

Qian Yanyu stood in the same place, can't believe that these two people really want to go to Tanshui to swim. This is the Lord, a high-spirited tall man, two people have to swim in the light day of the day?

Qian Yanyang looked at the back of two people for a while, this slowly reacted! They are not the people of this gods, and they are not subject to the rules of the tens of thousands of gods. I want to think ... He is also inexplicably yearning to the world! That can let you go, enjoy the world of freedom!

"That ... money son, Founder and Li Gongzi are so ... go swimming?"

Xu Fatzi is also very disquest, and the whispering question Qian Yanyu, but the money Yuyang is just a smile, and two people who have been far away.

"Free point ... is not good?"

After that, he also stepped up, leaving only a man who stood in the countryside.

"The upper person is good, can wealth free, personal freedom, free, where is the person like me ... ..."

After sighed, he turned to see the two people brought over.

"Quick, take out our clothes, this you will come back in a while!"


I heard my family's command, two followed by the clothes immediately!

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