Looking at the comfortable disaster, very happy, the equation is some accident.

"I thought ... You will say that 'The fire is broken, you know not to know?'!"

The equation said with a smile.

"How is it possible? I have been here for a year. I have already touched the environment, customs here. I haven't figured out what is the dynasty, or what time is time, but it is not a rule of law society. ..... I also don't need to talk to those gangsters. If the law is really useful, I will not be caught in the house hall! "

When I mentioned this, I couldn't help but hate it. The white teeth in my mouth were grinded.

"Come here for almost a year?"

If you hear the feelings, the equation is against Li Zhaowen. Sure enough, the time to come here is almost the time here, you can affirm that they should be at the same time, the same opportunity to enter this god!

"Yeah! I remember that I was borrowed from the Hong Kong City because of a case. I was doing the case outside. I suddenly turned out, then I fainted! Wake up! Lying on a beach at the time, I am so inexplicably here! "

Semicone has some helplessly told your own experience.

"When I just came here, I couldn't understand. Later, I figured it out that I was probably rushing together! But it's okay, before ... I met you and Yu Yuan, I also It is an insight to have some strange things, so ... I didn't feel particularly scared or panic. I have a little bitter, but I have a little bitter, but I've been able to go to the medical skills This unfamiliar place is alive. I have been to the day before yesterday. I was dizzy on the way to visit, waking up, I have been sold to the ! "

Listening to the experience of Shuqing's past year, the equation they lived long. Fortunately, Shuqing is the police, or a forensic, the physical quality is too hard, the spirit is very strong, and there is a medical skill, so look at her situation, it should be not bad here!

"That embassy is a black store, but also what parents sell children, I guess ... 10 eight nine are being captured!"

Li Zhaowen muttered.

"Right, how can you here? Is it more wearing?"

Speaking of this, Shuqing This suddenly remembers asking for the ethius why they are here. She looked at the equation in front of him, Li Zhaowen and Qian Yanyang, then looked at it again, it seems still what people are looking for.

The equation knows that she is looking for a fortune!


The equation paused slightly.

Shuqing is actually implicated by himself. It has come to this gods. Moreover, it has been in the same way that they are not quite the normal people. When she is with Yu Yes, there are many more human cognition. The thing is that there is no denying, and she is not deceived, so she is also known that their identity is different.

Therefore, the equation determines the truth.

"That ... in fact, when you are in Hong Kong, we are also! We have some big things happened here, that is, some life and death! Although we have reached our own goals, But because I was seriously injured, I had to avoid the chasing of the other. So ... we used some ways to come to this mission, and what you said is a shot. When you are here, it may be because you are in the scope of the way we use that method! "

Suddenly heard the reasons why I came here, I have always been a little sudden, it may be that she lives here is still good, or her acceptance ability and adaptability are really strong, soothing. It didn't show that it was very surprised or a desperate look.

"This kind of chance is really too small, I've hit it ... It is also an aspect!"

She shrugged and showering, there is no way, then ... she looked up to look at the equation, and the words stopped.

"That, he ... he is still alive?"

Semicone is still hesitant!

"Of course, let's live in the sea of ​​the wide range, this time is there, I stayed in the sea city to help me look at some things!"

The equation naturally knows who he is in the Shu Dynasty.

"Oh, just alive ..."

Semicone is so sad, it seems to be a look.

Looking at the side face of Shu, the equation is really happy, he can imagine what expression will be imagined to get Yu Yuan in seeing Shuqing.

"Semicone, let's go!"

He suddenly opened his mouth.


When I listened to the equation, I was very obvious!

"Of course, I know that you have strong ability, one can live very well! But here is not ordinary place, it is full of uncertainty! You also know ... we are different from ordinary people, you It will be more secure with us. More ... we are friends, come to this strange place, we are partners, is a family, now ... you have encountered us, you will no longer One person is a single one, when you are tired, we will help you, when you are afraid, we will accompany you, you need people to rely on ... We will appear right away. I will walk with us. Let's ... "

The equation is inviting her in sincerity!

Shuqing is here, he has a responsibility and is obligated to protect her, then take her back to his own world.


I suddenly heard these words of the equation, and I saw him.

See Shuqing Some, the equation is gently open.

"He ... waiting for you!"

After listening to this sentence, the skin of Shuqing was red. From the moment of seeing the equation, she has always been very strong. It seems that it doesn't matter, and now this sentence immediately let her red eyes, she hurriedly lowered, gently wiped the tears of the eyes, then Looking up and smirk your equation!

"Well, I will walk with you!"

Got a sure answer, the equation laughed.

Although Li Zhaowen and Qian Yanyang, Li Zhaowen and Qian Yuyang don't know the feelings, but also knowing them from their conversations, and Sema love seems to know that they are different from ordinary people. I know that a girl such a woman in this strange place for so long, I also admire her, my heart hurts her, and now I heard that she agreed to walk with them, and she could not help but smile. Smile.

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