Jianbao Gold Finger

The first thousand five hundred and sixty-five chapters disease (1)

When I entered the door, the equation was very keenly smelling a strand of death, I thought ... Xiao Yuanfei's grandfather really has been sick into the cream! It is no wonder that Xiao Yuan Fei will so anxiously to go to the black boxing to make money, just to treat the grandfather who is dying!

Xiao Yuanfei's house is very small, and one into a small room that is about two or three square meters. It is placed with a soil stove, a wooden shelf with a tableware and a large water cylinder, next to the water cylinder. There is a wooden door that has been seventeen, the wooden door is open, the decayed dead is coming out of the door!

"Grandpa ... in the room!"

Xiao Yuanfei walks into the door, first looked at the door, then ... He seems to have decided to decide the general long comfortable tone, this only walked toward the house, while I walked again Our grandfather.

"Grandpa, I am back ..."

His voice with a little trembling.

The equation looks at this Xiao Yuanfei's back, and the heart understands that he feels at the moment! His reasoning is so nervous because his grandfather has reached the stage of death, he should be held by his side and look at his old man. But he didn't want to give up hope, and he didn't want to look at the grandfather who worked hard and grew up and didn't do anything. So he wants to go out to make money, and go to a little hope.

However, Xiao Yuanfei is very clear. At this moment, every time he left home at this moment, it may be his last meeting with Grandpa. Every time I returned home, he is most afraid of reading ... is a grandfather that has quietly passed away ...

So at this moment, Xiao Yuanfei will feel such tension and fear in the moment of walking into the classroom.

"Xiaofei ... is back ..."

Finally, the grandfather's unfortunate voice came from the house, and the steps of Xiao Yuanfei immediately accelerated, "" will drill into the hut!

A few people also looked at each other, followed by Xiao Yuanfei into the small room.

The equation they saw that this whole house is more than the outside kitchen, there is an old wooden bed, a cabinet and a shabby wooden table with some black leaves.

And in the old bed of wood, it is lying on a thin bone, full of silver, but the old man with a loving love, I saw his face wax yellow, the eyes turbid, the spirit is sluggish, but it can look at his own grandson's eyes but shines brightly. Ray!

He is really love, loves his grandson.

"Grandpa, how are you? I have given you the thin porridge you left before you drink? Do you feel better?"

Xiao Yuanfei took the door and kneelted on the bed, looked at the grandfather on the bed asked, asked Grandpa to watch him!

"Porridge is drinking ... Grandpa, I feel a lot ... Cough and cough ... cough ..."

The grandfather's words have not finished, and they will start vigorous coughing.

Xiao Yuan is so busy to shoot in the back of the elderly, and it is very gentle.

It is said that the eyes of the equation are slightly smashed, just see a little rice grain on the window of the house, it seems like someone flips the porridge, accidentally sprinkled to the window! He couldn't help but turn over the grandfather.

Xiao Yuanfei's home is very poor. The equation naturally understands the grandfather. He must not deliberately waste food, just ... He is very ill, you have a disease, you can't eat it! And the old man says that people will not eat, then it is a signs of signs! So he is to let the grandson reluctantly lie to himself, but it is actually ... the porridge is being fell out of the window!

The equation is emotional, with the friendship of this grandchild, I feel that the eyes of the elderly in bed are seen from themselves and others, and their eyes are full of doubts, and even a vigilant.

"Xiaofei, these are ..."

He looked at the equation, asked to Xiao Yuan.

"Oh, I have a grandfather. These are my new doctors. I heard that this doctor is a god doctor. After his patient, he has returned to health, it is very powerful! So ... I specially found him Come to see the disease ... "

Xiao Yuanfei remembered that they followed the equation after they were, they immediately stood up from the bed, and then pointed at the equation. Several people thought of their grandfather!

"God doctor?"

Listening to this word, the old man is a bit unbelievable to see the equation pointed to by his grandson, and the turbid eyes will go up and down him, and you will lose more than yourself! Looking at this young man who looks like this, how to see it is like a god doctor in his own grandson!

"Grandpa, are you too young? I just think this brother is so young. How to see it is not a doctor! But my ability I have already seen it, not just this brother, These are all very powerful people! You ... you let the god doctor take a look, anyway ... always has no harm! "

Xiao Yuanfei looked at the doubts in the eyes of the grandfather, and they couldn't help but explain it.

The age of equation has always been a key point for others. Sometimes he is also very depressed, and even occasionally thinking about it, you should get someone more attention to others. Later I thought about it, I didn't think about it, they didn't agree ... I didn't have any losses! On the contrary, there is a loss like they!

However, "Suspected" is also a human condition. He is not happy, but it is also understandable!

When I listened to the grandson, the suspicion in the eyes of the old man did not decrease, he hurriedly pulled Xiao Yuanfei, turned his head to carry a few people in front of the equation, whispering in the ears of the grandson!

"Take a look at it is really no harm, just ... this treatment fee can be all your hard work, if you don't know, give people, people are diagnosed, then Your hard work is not a white fee! Grandpa is not a matter, but you have a hard work every day, grandfather is really ... "

The old man is white, but it is fear that Xiao Yuanfei is cheated and the treatment fee!

Li Zhaowen, who has always been straight, listening to it, this anger can't help but go up. I have a few games in the black Boxing, but I have made a bitter, but also get the chicken flying dog jumping, a chaotic, the result is to let his grandfish suspected? I thought here, I can't help but I want to say a few words!

But he just stretched his legs, he was pulled by an equation. The equation shook his head with him slightly. Grandpa is not easy to earn money, don't want to spend out, let him carefully!

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