Jianbao Gold Finger

The first thousand five hundred and eighty-five chapters are severely punished (1)

I heard that Yuan Yue said that this matter is so serious, and Nagasaki's two hands are somewhat not! Of course, they just have a good thing, but they are better than anyone who knows that their dereliction of duty is, but at this moment they can't show it so, otherwise ... them two It will be buckled with a serious dereliction of duty, that kind of ... they must have a very serious!

"We don't know if this thing is so serious! More ... The situation is so urgent, we are also anxious, we haven't thought about so much, we ... we are also kind, I am afraid that I can't find a delay, hurt everyone ... "

One of them hurriedly defended, and the other is also nod, agreed!

"Can't find?"

When you hear this, Shu Yushen can't hear it. She slowly walked forward, bending down the body slightly, and his eyes stared at the two lying hands. The police have always used this trick, and the prisoner who is not honest is staring at their eyes, they can't hold it!

"Before, I observed a few stray dogs in the small alley. I saw two black dogs in the stray dog. As for the black, it is indeed ordinary people. There is a lot of homes, but there is a store that is specially sold in the corner of the street corner of this Wangjia. I saw a whole body black scorpion standing there, very looked! Come, you are two Tell me ... If you can't find it, where did you find it? After you go out of Wang Jia five meters, I found that there is no dog and donkey that I will come back. "

Shuqing said this, I saw the two hands under Nagasaki, and I couldn't say it in half of the words below the low!

"Do you still feel that this is a little thing? You are using your lazy, your endless jobs are joking, including your Nagasaki, the owner!"

Yuan Yue, this time, Nagasaki's face has become difficult to look, and the two men finally realize the seriousness of the mistakes, but also mixed the mains, this is the battle. Nagasaki loudly anlert!

"The main, we are wrong, we are really wrong! We also have to have this kind of thing, urgent and nervous, so ... so this only made such mistakes, the main, we Two have been following you, you are understanding us ... I am absolutely not a heart ... "

The two hands were torn in front of Nagasaki, and Nagasaki smashed like this in front of himself with the old age of more than a dozen years. I couldn't bear it! Indeward, they absolutely impossible to be deliberate, suddenly happening this kind of thing, I have never encountered it before, they have made mistakes between them, or if you don't think about this matter may bring serious consequences. It is also possible!

So, Nagasaki watched the two people cried in front of themselves. This long sighed, turning back, no longer looking at them!

"You ... Let's go! Don't kill you is already my biggest tolerance!"

Nagasaki said faintly, with a sorrow in the tone!

After listening to Nagasaki, the two hands were first stunned, and then the face was saddened, unspeakable, but their heart is clear, this is indeed that they are the best results, Nagasaki did not kill them. They are already there. Read the old feelings!

So, two people worshiped by Nagasaki, and then got up!

But the two people just left Wang Jia's small yard, suddenly suddenly had a short sword with a short sword, and even a sentence did not come and said that the export was a life!

Nagasaki saw this scenario could not be greatly shocked. When he slept in the direction of the short sword, he only saw that Yuan Yue's hand has not been recovered, and his face is not angry because there is no death of the two people!

"You ... Yuan Girl, are you too much?"

When Nagi suddenly roared, he felt that his authority was trampled, and the two people who were put away were killed by Yuan Yue in the blink of an eye. She is clear that she is in her face! And I saw the mainstry, and the rest of his remaining in the rest of Yuan, I came up toward Yuan Yue!

Yuan Yue is not slow to turn, look at Nagasaki, anger!

"Hey, why do you forgive them as the owner of the two people? It is reasonable, but ... I didn't say that I forgive them! You forgive you, I pursue me, we Do you have any opinions? "

Yuan Yue did not panic until the two bodies, he wiped back his short sword, and wiped the blood of the short sword on the entity, and then turned back to Nagasaki!

"If it is dangerous, if it is not equation but I am, I may also pay for them! But they biased my anti-scales, so I would never forgive them!"

Yuan Yueyi stared at Nagasaki to say this sentence, I didn't know what to say when I heard Nagasaki!

Just when Yuan Yue said that "equation is my anti-scales", this anti-scale is awake, heard this sentence, then the heart is sweet, it is a fight against the sky, dragging It's a little dizzy, I want to go to Yuan Yue, but Yuan Yue next, let him fall in the glasses, think about it or go back and wake up Li Zhaowen!

"It's like your son's long wind is your defair, whoever is almost killed, will you let go of that person so easily?"

Yuan Yue asked Nagasaki.

Nagasaki said that it is right.

Three invisible black lines are not affected by the forehead of the equation.

"Head ... This is Yuan Yue, is it takes me to raise it? Son also said, not all said that when the girl will mother love? Especially when men are fragile, I just coma It is also a fragile, let's go ... "

I don't want to have a laughter, he shakes his head, and then continue to call Li Zhaowen!

Under the call of the equation, Li Zhaowen also woke up, wake up, I felt that there were a few places on the body, and I went down and found that there were a few things on my body. I bite a few times. Bite a few small meat.

"Hey, don't you say this dog blood, will you hurt? Why is it still bitten?"

Li Zhaowen squatted while trying to operate his wound! He has no painful feeling for a long time. This cold is really a little pain!

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