Jianbao Gold Finger

Chapter 25 Buying a Car and Driving

It's all here, there is always no reason to go back without even entering the door, so the equation reluctantly followed Zhang Xiaotian to the door of this 4S store!

Looking from a distance, the equation was shocked by this "majestic" 4S shop. He wondered if he had come to the wrong place?It's not like the gate of a 4S shop at all, it's a bit like the main gate of any scenic spot!A three-storey single-family storefront, which should have been modern and simple in appearance, is all made into the appearance of an ancient building. The dark gray brick roof, the four corners upturned eaves, and six red lanterns hung under the eaves. It's a little beaming during the New Year!Although it feels a bit nondescript, it really fits the image of the ancient capital of Qin'an!

Not only that, there are actually two huge stone lions standing at the gate of this 4S shop, staring at the equation majesticly and solemnly!

Suddenly, the equation felt a bit weak in his legs, such a magnificent storefront, how much money would he have to slaughter in a while, he subconsciously touched his wallet, and couldn't help but feel distressed in advance!

Following Zhang Xiaotian into the door of the 4S shop, the spacious and bright exhibition hall made Jiujia feel refreshed and happy. It is a big brand and the environment is good. Jiji sighed!

But two people came in for a long time, but no one came to receive them, but looking around, how many people were there at the reception desk?But they all looked down at their phones, and none of them looked up at them!

"Is there anyone, don't you do business?"

Zhang Xiaotian roared, but the equation was taken aback.

"Next time you call, can you remind me first!"

The equation covers its ears,

A young female salesperson walked towards the two people unhurriedly, and then stood there and looked at the equation and Zhang Xiaotian from head to toe carefully, and then there was a hint of coldness in her mouth. With a cold smile, rolled his eyes and opened his mouth arrogantly.

"Two gentlemen, we are selling imported brands here! Domestic brands go left and agricultural vehicles go right and turn right!"

"Agricultural vehicles? I rely on, you look down on people, you..."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Xiaotian immediately exploded. He has never been looked down upon like this before.

In fact, Zhang Xiaotian is usually pretty stinky, and he has to make himself savory when he goes out, but today because he got up early and was not with others, but with his own brother for more than 20 years, he didn't take care of himself. Came out in a sports outfit!The equation is not to mention, the millennia-old ripped jeans, white T-shirt, and a jacket, look...it really doesn’t look like a Land Rover can afford it!

"Hey, how can you curse? The quality is so low!"

The salesperson immediately exploded when he heard Zhang Xiaotian’s words.

"Say my quality is low? Are you really embarrassed? Your face is made of 24K pure gold, isn't it? You are really strong!"

Zhang Xiaotian is not at all unambiguous to hurt people, regardless of his men, women, and children, he just can't look down on his brothers!He has the problem of protecting the calf when he was young. If anyone dares to look down on the equation or the joke equation, he must pass his level first!

But the equation didn't care about the young snob girl, but slowly visited the exhibition hall, and from time to time discussed with Zhang Xiaotian which car he liked and which car was not good-looking!

Seeing that the other party not only did not listen to his words and left, but instead looked at the show car in the exhibition hall, but also opened the car door from time to time to sit on it. The salesman was anxious, ran over and closed the car door that was just opened severely.

"Can't you hear what I said? There is no suitable car for you. If you want to buy a car and go to another house, I think the farm tricycle shop on the corner of the street is suitable for you! Don't hang around here, if you bump our car in a while It's broken, you can't afford it!"

The saleswoman is young, and her mouth is full of bitterness.

The equation looked at the white fingers pressed on the car door he wanted to open, and his anger suddenly rushed up. If you don't get angry when you hear this, then don't call a man!

"Call your manager!"

The equation spoke calmly, and the words revealed a trace of majesty that he could not control. Even Zhang Xiaotian was baffled by his sudden momentum.


The young girl was taken aback,

"Can't you hear me? I said...Call your manager!?"

The equation is said again,

"You... why are you looking for our manager? Our manager won't receive you!"

At the end of the day, he was young. The salesperson didn't expect that these two hillbillies would be so tough. Suddenly he was a little overwhelmed.

Hearing the girl raise his voice, the two male sales staff sitting at the front desk were aroused to protect themselves and got up and walked towards them anxiously!

"What's the matter, Xiaoyang!"

"They don't buy a car and they touch it, I won't let them touch it, they still need a manager!"

It’s pretty vain for girls not to act.

"What's the matter with you..."

The two heroes who saved the United States immediately stepped forward and said,

"If you don't want to lose your job, go away. Do you want me to find your manager in person, or do you find it?"

The mystery of the equation is really useful. When he said that, the three young people were really confused. After looking at each other, they decided to call the manager first!

After a while, a man who was white and fat, like the big doll holding a fish in a New Year picture trot over!Seeing the equation and Zhang Xiaotian, he was stunned for a while, and then seemed to search for a circle in his mind, but did not find any information about these two people, so he tentatively asked.

"You two are..."

"Are you the manager here?"

Equation squinted and asked, because Equation’s eyes are relatively narrow and slightly upward, so squinting like this looks really interesting and dangerous, plus he is still standing next to him. Zhang Xiaotian, who is tall and strong, has increased his risk factor.

"Yes, yes, I am the sales manager here, my last name is Yu!"

The manager nodded hurriedly.

"We are going to buy a car...but your staff told me that the farm tricycle on the corner is more suitable for me. What do you think?"

The equation is really angry,

"Who? Who said that? How do I usually teach you that the customer is first, how can you judge people by their appearance?"

The manager looked at the three salespeople in front of him sternly, and asked in his eyes,

"Manager, didn't you teach us that observing our behavior is the most important thing in our business? Well, you see, they are like people who can afford to buy our store car?"

The girl was numb with the equation, and Zhang Xiaotian almost didn't stand still and got stuck on the car door while watching the car!

"Nonsense, when did I teach you something like this?"

The manager hurriedly denied,

"Okay, I don't have time to see how you educate employees!"

Equation took out his bank card from his pants pocket and threw it in front of the manager.

"You fire her and I will pick up the car immediately!"

Manager Yu was shocked by the equation's words, he hurriedly interceded with the equation,

"Ah? Excuse me... Expulsion? Is the expulsion a bit too serious? I promise...I will criticize and educate her, and... I will detain her. bonus!"

When the salesperson heard the equation say this, his face changed suddenly, and his eyes suddenly turned red.

"Well, I can buy the car anywhere, not necessarily at yours..."

The equation said that he picked up his bank card and got up to leave.

"Eh eh eh... This gentleman, wait a minute... OK, no problem, I'll let her go!"

After weighing the pros and cons, the manager made a choice. This kind of beautiful young girl who just graduated is everywhere, but the one million that makes money immediately is not so easy to find!

"Brother...Big brother, I was wrong, don't let the manager fire me! I just got the job, and there is a 10-year-old brother in my family who wants to go to school. I can't live without a job!"

The young girl grabbed the sleeve of the equation and cried so much that it was completely inconsistent with the image of arrogance and arrogance just now.

"Big brother, what she said is true. She doesn't have a mother, and her father married again! Grandparents supported her after finishing college, and now her younger brother also has to go to school. The elderly can't afford it, and all the burdens are on her. That's it! You have a large number of adults, so forgive her!"

The colleague on the side also helped the girl talk,

The equation looked at the girl who was crying badly, and bowed her head for a moment. In such a short time, this story...should not be made up.

"In this case... shouldn't it be more down-to-earth work? Think about it, if your grandparents go out and get humiliated like you were just now, what would you feel like? You can't be like this!"

He said earnestly,

The young salesman immediately lowered his head in ashamed.

"Big brother, I was wrong... I was really wrong!"

The tone is sincere and full of apologies!

The equation is not a cruel person, and the words just now were only spoken out of breath.

"Okay, this is over! Dog, which one do you like?"

He looked back at Zhang Xiaotian, who had been selected for a long time in the exhibition hall,

"This, the latest Range Rover Sport!"

Zhang Xiaotian was sitting on a silver sports SUV and couldn’t bear to get down.

"Cheng Zi, let me tell you, this car is really super fierce! The top speed is 220, acceleration is 6.7, pixel-type laser LED headlights, it will start working when the speed is above 80 kilometers per hour, and no other external lights are detected. In the environment, it can provide a clear viewing distance of half a kilometer away.

Zhang Xiaotian jumped up and down the Range Rover excitedly. The manager felt a pain in his heart, but he didn't know the origin of the opponent, so he didn't dare to say anything.

"There is also a touch car entertainment system, which is my favorite! Moreover, you don't have to worry about the Land Rover's engine, its off-road capability and its comfort, it is absolutely top-notch!"

"Yes, right, right, our Land Rover philosophy is purity, courage, adventure, and extraordinary, we strive to do our best in everything!"

The manager is a little dizzy, isn't this guy here to grab work with him?Why did he say everything he should have said?

"Is it you who bought a car? Or did I buy a car? What's the use of just what you like?"

Although the equation says so, his eyes have already betrayed him. This new Land Rover Range Rover Sport has more powerful and powerful body lines, and the overall appearance is more concise, sportier and full of impact. , Let alone open it, just look at it, it is already super attractive!

There is probably no man who dislikes cars, just like no woman dislikes diamonds. That is the law!

Zhang Xiaotian's already active heart was so stunned by Zhang Xiaotian, the equation was really tempting. He gently stroked this beautiful silver SUV, looked at Zhang Xiaotian, hesitated and opened his mouth gently.

"Otherwise...just this time?"

"Manager, this is it! Swipe!"

Zhang Xiaotian made the decision happily, and the equation himself is reluctant to himself, so he will help him make this decision!The money you make, buy something you like, is it right?

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