Jianbao Gold Finger

Chapter 260: Traced Home

Seeing the appearance of the equation with his jaw dropped in shock, Ye Lei smiled slightly, he turned the wheelchair and moved towards the equation!

"I finally found someone who can heal my two legs, but I can't let you run away! Didn't you say that my legs need to be aired a few more times last time? Then I have to follow you closely, What if I can’t find you one day?"

After listening to Ye Lei’s words, he managed to slow down the magic equation but smiled clearly.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. In fact, it is the old man Ye who is afraid that I will regret it. He will send you to ask me for the piece of seven-colored emerald! His old man is thinking about that piece of seven-colored emerald. "

"En...Both of them! Of course, my legs are the most important thing. Qiseicui just came here to get it!"

Ye Lei’s words are true. In the eyes of Mr. Ye, no treasures can match his grandson’s healthy legs.

"Understood, let's go, go to my room, I will give you another piss!"

As the equation said, he walked into the house, and as soon as he entered the house, the whole family surrounded him.

"Xiao Cheng, you are back!"

Lian Yuerong saw her son happily and said,

"Mom, are you okay!"

"Well, what's wrong, eat well every day, sleep well, everything is fine!"

"Xiao Cheng, grandma thought you wouldn't be able to come back before the New Year!"

Grandma Huang Qizhen smiled kindly.

"Grandma, how could I not come back during the Chinese New Year?"

"Brother, did you bring me any gifts?"

Fang Yuan came up and asked the equation for a gift, but was scolded by his aunt.

"Go and review your homework. How can anyone open her mouth to ask for a gift? It's getting rude! It's both of you, spoiled by her!"

The aunt smiled and cursed, pointing to the equation and way.

"My sister, I am willing to get used to..."

The way he scratched his head and said with a smile,

"By the way, equation, these two said that they have something to do with you. It seems that you have already met!"

Uncle pointed to Ye Lei and Xu Yinan and said to the equation,

"Oh, yes, these two are my friends, this one is Ye Lei, this one is Xu Yinan, both of them are distinguished guests from Beijing!"

Equation introduced to his family, but after listening to his introduction, Xu Yinan hurriedly corrected him.

"What distinguished guests, we are all friends of the equation, hello grandma, uncle, and aunt!"

"Okay, okay, you are a distinguished guest when you come home. You sit first, and Auntie will cut the fruit for you. By the way, did you have dinner? Auntie will make you something to eat..."

Lian Yuerong warmly entertained Ye Lei and Xu Yinan,

"No need, Auntie, we have already eaten!"

Ye Lei hurriedly said politely,

"Mom, we don't eat anything, don't be busy! We still have something to talk about in my room, so we will go up first!"

Saying hello to everyone, the equation and Xu Yinan carried Ye Lei to the equation room on the second floor!

"Brother, have your legs changed in the past few days?"

The equation came in and asked,


Ye Lei was extremely excited as soon as he mentioned his legs. He supported the handle of the wheelchair with both hands, and with the strength of his legs, he was able to stand up halfway. He showed the equation with excitement. It seemed that he had already Own the world,

"Your reaction is much faster than I thought. It seems... you may not need to take as long as I said to be able to stand up!"

The equation was also amazed by Ye Lei's rapid recovery. It seems... his ability to apply aura is gradually becoming more sophisticated, and... he can feel that the aura from the two-winged beast is better than himself. The aura absorbed from other objects is more refined and richer. Probably this is one of the reasons why Ye Lei's legs recover faster!


Ye Lei asked in surprise,


The equation nodded, he looked at Ye Lei's legs and slowly raised his hands.

"Brother, get ready, I'm going!"

The aura in the equation slowly rises, and it surrounds him and Ye Lei tightly. Ye Lei suddenly feels as if he is surrounded by a warm gas, and the whole body is indescribably comfortable. Look at the equation. Ye Lei thought in front of him, if he continues at this speed, I am afraid that in a few days, Ye Lei will be able to stand up completely!

The qi stroke ended soon, and the equation called in Xu Yinan who was waiting outside the door.

"It's over so soon?"

Xu Yinan felt that they would be over in just a few minutes.

"Only the first time it takes longer to break the blocked or even broken meridian, the time and energy will be longer, and the subsequent repair is very simple!"

The equation was talking while packing his backpack. When he first took out the box containing the two-winged beast, he heard Ye Lei "Huh" and looked at the box with some confusion.

"what happened?"

The equation was unknown, so I looked at Ye Lei, and then at the box containing the beast.

"Three brothers know this object?"

"It contains the wrong gold and silver biplane of the Liao Dynasty?"

Ye Lei looked up at the equation,

"How did the third brother know? This is indeed a wrong gold and silver two-winged beast from the Liao Dynasty. Could it be that the third brother has seen it?"

The equation hurriedly opened the box, took out the two-winged beast that he loved very carefully, and handed it to Ye Lei.


Ye Lei took a closer look, his expression became a little subtle, but Xu Yinan, who was standing by the side, spoke instead before waiting for him to speak.

"Eh, Sanshi, why is this two-winged divine beast so similar to the one you gave Xiaodi?"

"It's not like, it's that one!"

Ye Lei said that he would never admit his mistakes.

"This sacred beast... is your third brother?"

This time the equation was strange. He looked at the two-winged beast in his hand with a confused face.

"Equation, where did you come from, this two-winged beast?"

Ye Lei asked straightforwardly.

"I used to treat a child for a medical examination, and then his father knew that I was in the antique industry, and he brought it to me. This thing is a bit more expensive, but the other party gave it to me with a very sincere heart. As a thank you gift for saving their son, I accepted it..."

The equation tells the truth,

"Consulting? Could it be...Equation, is the child you treated called Shi Wendy?"

"The third brother knows Wendy?"

Now the sub-equation is even more surprised,

"It's really him! Wendy is my nephew, he is my cousin's child! This two-winged beast is my birthday gift to Wendy on his tenth birthday!"

After listening to Ye Lei's words, the equation couldn't help but be surprised. This big family is different. Is it necessary to give such an expensive thing to a child's birthday gift?

"That means... Brother Shi is your cousin!"

"That's right! Look at our fate... I heard from my cousin that there was an expert from outside the world who rescued Wendy. At the time, I was disdainful. I didn't expect that expert was you!"

Ye Lei smiled and shook his head.

"Then this two-winged divine beast..."

The equation looked at the things in his hands hesitantly, and he was really reluctant to let him return to the original owner!Seeing the equation, Ye Lei seemed to have an idea, and Ye Lei hurriedly spoke.

"Since I should give this thing out, then this thing has nothing to do with me! Whether its owner wants to sell it or give it away, I can't even care about it. Since my cousin gave it to you, That proves that he really thanked you very much for saving Wendy!"

Hearing what Ye Lei said, the equation's heart couldn't help but relax. This sacred beast is not a monetary value to him, and its value cannot be displayed in the hands of ordinary people at all!The source of aura can only play its value when it is in the hands of the aura who thinks like this!

He was thinking about the equation here, and he heard Ye Lei continue talking.

"The two-winged beast is said to be the beast that the Fengshen'Feilian' stayed with to suppress and exorcise evil spirits. It was later used as a substitute for the Fengshen! After that, people beautified its image and made its image into crafts. It is a good symbol to put it at home as a town house, to ward off evil spirits, and to protect safety!"

"It turns out it's just a stand-in for Fengshen..."

The equation listened carefully to Ye Lei’s story about the two-winged beasts. It turned out that the two-winged beasts were the beasts that assisted Fengshen Feilian. The gods that can be assisted by the two-winged beasts...what does it look like?

"Not long after the two-winged beast was sent out, I had an accident! They all said that the danger came to me because I sent away the safe beast! But now it seems that the two-winged beast has been I sent it away, but it still protected me, because it sent you to my front!"

Hearing what Ye Lei said, the equation that was in a trance was suddenly taken aback. He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell. He tried to sort out a clue that made sense in his mind.

"Third brother, do you remember, before and after the car accident... Did anything unusual happen to you? For example, you were robbed... or your home was stolen!"

"How did you know? I remember it seemed that half a month before the accident, my grandfather's house was stolen, but nothing was lost, and the thief was also caught!"

Ye Lei was very surprised how the equation knew about his family's affairs. His eyes on the equation became deeper and deeper.

"I don't know, I just guessed, because I also encountered a'thief' a few days ago and didn't lose anything! And... I found out what their purpose was!"

Equation’s eyes fell on the two-winged beast in his hand,

"You mean, their purpose... is this sacred beast? Then you mean..."

Ye Lei's eyes widened and looked at the equation in disbelief.

"Yes, I suspect... your car accident... was not an accident!"

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