Jianbao Gold Finger

Chapter Thirty Five

After the two brothers moved all the boxes into the villa, the family had already chosen their favorite room!

"Brother, there is actually an elevator here, my goodness, it's like a dream!"

The 16-year-old Fangyuan is the most excited one.

"Xiaocheng, there are six rooms in this house, excluding the attic. The master bedroom on the second floor is for grandma! The other two rooms are my aunt and my parents. The master bedroom on the third floor is for Fangyuan, and the other two rooms are for us. Choose one! The loft has one on the left and one on the left and the sun there is particularly good. I think it can be used as a study or a sun room!"

Way said to the equation,

"Yes, that's it! Come and collect your own things!"

The equation pointed to the pile of boxes under his feet,

"Well, after moving for so long, I didn't leave a room for me!"

Zhang Xiaotian said jokingly,

"Why didn't you stay, the nanny room is there!"

The equation refers to the nanny room next to the kitchen,

"You kid, all right..."

Zhang Xiaotian immediately scrambled with the equation. The young man's laughter was cute in the eyes of the old man. The laughter of the family rippled in this spacious villa, and it has not dispersed for a long time!

On the first night in the new home, the whole family was so excited that it was hard to sleep, even grandma Huang Qizhen!Since I couldn't sleep, the whole family gathered in the huge living room and talked about it!

"No one would have thought that in this life... it is incredible that we can live in such a good house!"

Huang Qizhen spoke slowly.

"If Lao Fang and Xiao Zhou know well, they must be happy for us!"

Xiaozhou is the father of the equation, Fang Zhou!

"Yeah, Mom, they must be happy for us!"

Lian Yuerong was afraid that the old lady would be in a bad mood when she mentioned her son who died young and his wife who had left before her, so she hurriedly agreed!

"Grandma, I have always known that my father sacrificed to fight the bad guys. Then what kind of criminals did my father sacrifice to fight against?"

Today, the whole family gathered together, and grandma mentioned her father again, so the equation brought out the doubts in her heart!


Lian Yuerong looked at her son reproachfully,

"Your father... was sacrificed in a special operation! It was a group of foreign tomb robbers who went to our Qinling Mountains to robber the tomb. Your father was actually performing other tasks at the time. He was inadvertently. Found this group of tomb robbers! After asking his superiors for instructions, he took four criminal police comrades to perform this special task. As a result... only two of the five returned!"

Grandma’s voice became very deep, containing sadness that has never faded for two decades.

"Foreign tomb-robbing gangs? Foreigners dare to come to China to robber tombs?"

The equation aroused anger,

"In the early nineties, the antique business was still chaotic, so there were many people who fished in troubled waters, including those foreigners who always wanted to find some sideways in our country!"

Uncle Fang Hao also said,

"Xiaocheng, when grandma and your mother resolutely disagreed with you to become a policeman, it was really because we were afraid, not because we didn't want you to fight violence, but because the family had already lost two police officers. We really can't take this risk anymore! You... don't blame grandma!"

Huang Qizhen looked at her grandson, her eyes filled with love for her grandchildren and apologies for preventing the equation from becoming a policeman.

"No blame, I don't blame anyone, you see, isn't our family doing well now?"

The equation was not perfunctory grandma, he did think so. The family was chatting happily when there was a faint snoring sound. Everyone looked at it and realized that Fang Yuan was asleep on the soft and comfortable sofa!

"It seems that our princess will spend the first night in this new home on the sofa!"

Looking at her sleeping sister, she smiled helplessly!

Early the next morning, the equation woke up in the fragrance of birds and flowers. He really opened his eyes in a daze. After a long time, he realized where he was!When he walked to the window and stretched, he saw that the yard was full of flowers, and the figure of grandma was watering the flowers from the flowers!

"Grandma, where are the flowers?"

He opened the window and asked loudly,

"Went for a walk in the morning. Someone sold them outside the community. I thought it was just right, so I bought some. Look good!"

Grandma's flower suddenly made the equation that had always felt unreal feel at home for the first time!

When I went downstairs, I could smell the aroma of food on the stairs. The equation is now more certain. This... is already my home!

"Mom, the buns you pack are the most delicious!"

The equation picked up a meat bun and stuffed it into his mouth, and said to his mother Lian Yuerong with a smile.

"If it tastes delicious, eat more!"

Lian Yuerong smiled and stroked her son's hair.

"Little brother, hurry up, I'm going to be late!"

Fang Yuan rushed downstairs with his schoolbag on his back, picked up a meat bun, stuffed it in his mouth, and ran out!Because it is far away from the city, and there is only Formula Car at home, so everyone who needs to go to work or school needs to take Formula Car!

"Dad, brother, hurry up!"

As a high school student, Fangyuan is the most anxious one here!

Send Fangyuan and Uncle to the place safely. Only two brothers, Way and Jiji, are left in the car. Jiji took out a bank card from the pocket of his clothes and handed it to the way!

"Brother, take this one!"

"what is this?"

Looking at the bank card in Fang Cheng’s hand, it is a bit strange.

"There is some money here. Buy a car for myself and my uncle. You can buy the rest of the car as you like!"

The equation is saved in the card with a million, and he wanted to save more, but he was afraid that the method would not be required.

"What are you doing? I'm not short of money!"

Sure enough, the method decisively refused,

"Take it, I didn’t give it to you. I think I’m giving you trouble every day. You know how lazy I am. You can sleep for an extra minute without taking it! You hurry up and buy a car, save me. People are tired!"

The equation pretends to be relaxed. He knows that he is definitely not willing to take his money for no reason. It is not because he and himself are outsiders, but because he loves his brother. He must feel that it is not easy to make money. To be an elder brother is to take his brother’s hard money!

"I have a little savings, I can buy a small car with a loan..."

"Brother, if I don’t have money, that’s it! Your brother made money, and it’s easy to make money. I put the money in my pocket and ask my brother to borrow money to buy a car, do you think Is that okay? You hold it now, my hands are sore!"

The equation threw the card on the way and ignored him,

I heard the way a long sigh, then reached out and took the card up.

"Well, I take it, when I..."

"Stop, you know I don’t like to listen to those words! Since I was little, my uncles have made money and brought me to grow up. So how do you say this? We are a family, no matter who we make money, It’s always been spent together, so why is it special to me?"

When the equation hurriedly interrupted the way, he said with an unhappy expression,

Hearing this, I knew that I couldn’t say more, and I happily stuffed the card into my bag,

"Then I will accept it!"

"Well, remember, don't be willing to spend money, you must buy a car with a higher safety factor!"

The corners of the mouth of the equation showed a smile of satisfaction!

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