Jianbao Gold Finger

Chapter 383: Sunken Treasure

Chen Yicheng's work is really comprehensive. He not only helped the equation salvage the sunken ship, but also prepared a cargo ship for him!It is absolutely impossible for the equation to take the entire shipwreck away, so he prepared a ship specially for the equation to load the objects in the shipwreck, and the staffing is all his personal selection, very reliable own people!

The equation is extremely grateful for this, but Chen Yicheng doesn't take it seriously. Compared with the things that the equation allows him to regain his manhood, everything is a trivial matter!

The sunken ship was firmly placed in the exclusive position of Chen Yicheng Company in the port. From the damaged hull of the sunken ship, the cabin can be clearly seen. There are large wooden boxes that are still neatly arranged, with all the edges of the box. It is framed with brass-colored metal, so even if the wood of the box is damaged, the box is still intact and not falling apart!

"Equation, this thing is inside, should I ask someone to move it out for you?"

Chen Yicheng squatted on the side of the huge sunken ship, looking at the neatly placed box inside, and speaking to the equation, the equation nodded, but then added,

"Brother Chen, I need your staff to follow my deployment and arrangements, because many of these things are afraid of collision, so we need to move them directly from the sunken ship to the cargo ship to prevent secondary collisions!"

"Okay, no problem, brothers, did you hear it? All follow Mr. Fang's arrangements, and all of them are gentle. The things here are all valuable things. If they break, we can't afford it!"

Chen Yicheng shouted to his employees, that his biggest boss has spoken, who would dare not listen?

"Okay, get it!"

Everyone responded enthusiastically!

During the whole day, the employees finally moved all the boxes in the sunken ship without stopping and without a minute of rest. A rough calculation of the equation shows that there are more than four hundred and thirty boxes, which is completely beyond his imagination. , Even if there are an average of sixty items in this box, this is a living antique of more than 25,000, which makes the equations that are used to the big world surprised. So many objects, I have to return I really don’t know how to digest it!

At the end, the equation left the five big boxes outside,

"Brothers, these things are for you, thank you for helping today..."

The equation said to more than twenty strong young men,

"What's this...I should help you? How can you..."

Chen Yicheng saw the equation like this and hurriedly stopped him.

"Brother Chen, these things are not for you, you can't stop them!"

The equation smiled and patted Chen Yicheng on the shoulder, motioning him to listen to his words.

"To be honest, this is the hush fee I give to everyone! Don't think too much about it. There are about three hundred things in it, including ceramics, gold and silverware, ancient coins, etc., and one piece is worth it. Three to fifty thousand yuan, and some can even sell more! Brothers took it evenly, and if you take it to a more formal antique store or market, everyone can get hundreds of thousands. And I’m the only one to everyone. The request... is to ask everyone not to talk about this at will, and bring this secret into the coffin. If everyone tells this story, then everyone's money will also be recovered, so... I just ask for it. Everyone!"

The equation is very sincere, and everyone understands it.

"Boss Fang, we are all rough guys. We don't know what is in your box, let alone talk about it. If you say it, you won't have money to take it. Who can do that stupid thing!

A black-faced boy said with a smile,

"Heizi, depending on what you said, have we helped Mr. Fang carry any boxes? Why don't I know?"

A young guy who looked more clever suddenly spoke, and suddenly made everyone laugh.

"Well said, add bonus, add bonus..."

Chen Yicheng was also teased by his employees. At this time, another young man walked outside slowly and said,

"What Mr. Fang? Have we met?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, and then they walked out of the port one after another. Chen Yicheng was also stunned, and then he laughed and reacted.

"Boy, you're so good. Go to the head office personnel report next month. You can go to the marketing department to work for me!"

Chen Yicheng actually followed his employees and ran out, leaving only a few of them standing in place, looking at each other happily!

In order to avoid attracting the attention of the Indonesian police, the group chose to leave overnight by a cargo ship. Chen Yicheng did not return with them. He still has things to do in Indonesia!

The cargo ship has to sail from Sumatra to Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, and everything from Jakarta to customs, Chen Yicheng has been prepared for the equation, and it is declared to the outside that it is a ship of distressed crafts, production documents, etc. are all complete, and Chen Yicheng has already said hello from the customs, and all the customs declaration and everything are done in one day. Even if the customs checks, they don't understand that these things are antiques, and they think they are just old crafts!

So in the afternoon of the next day, they left the border of Indonesia smoothly and headed for their homeland!

Equation stood in the cargo hold of the cargo ship, staring blankly at the several times old wooden boxes in front of him, smelling the long and decadent smell from their bodies, and fell into deep contemplation!My first soul consciousness was released from this sunken ship!The current equation definitely does not think that this is just a coincidence, there must be something in the midst of pulling oneself to find one's own soul consciousness!

After adsorbing the first ray of soul consciousness, Equation slowly realized that he seemed to have the ability to control wind, just like yesterday's waterspout. Although it is not huge, it is a real wind control ability. , Anyway, only by being able to come and go freely to control the wind can it be called the real Fengshen!

So he raised his head and looked at the large boxes piled up in front of him. He chose the box with the most spiritual energy on the top layer, then he slightly hooked his finger, and the box fell straight down like it was blown off by the wind. He lifted his fingers slightly again, and immediately seemed to hold the box that was about to hit the ground firmly as if there was an air current, and then...it slowly landed!

Equation smiled in satisfaction and stepped forward to open the box. Suddenly, Equation's eyes were dazzled by a golden light. After he adjusted to the dazzling golden light, he turned to the huge box. Look inside,


Although the equation has seen many rare and antique cultural relics, he was still shocked by the scene in front of him. It was a whole box of gold ware made of gold, including all kinds of gold ornaments and various kinds of gold. Utensils, some gold bars and gold ingots, and these gold wares are all placed in the same box. They were meant to be transported to a foreign country to be sold, but unexpectedly they were sunk to the bottom of the sea on the way, where it was dark. Silent in the sea for more than a thousand years, now... they finally see the sun again!

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