Jianbao Gold Finger

Chapter 798: Pluto's Choice

Seeing everyone withdraw from his hall, Hades stood up, walked slowly to the side of the equation, and sat on a chair beside him.

"Fengshen, sit down too!"

He said,

"Ah good!"

The equation nodded, then found a chair and did it!

"I will leave you alone, presumably... you already probably know what I want to say next!"

Pluto’s expression is a bit solemn,

"I guess... it's probably Chi You's two subordinates!"

The equation naturally understands what he means, and it can probably be thought that since he left himself alone at this time, then... his mind is probably toward himself!

"Yeah! As you said, there is nothing wrong, they... really want my underworld to help Chi You!"

Pluto shook his head helplessly.

"My underworld has been peaceful for thousands of years, without war or chaos. Now he wants me underworld to help him regain the world, that is, to trap my underworld subjects in war! My underworld has different roots than Chi and you stupid. If the war really starts, then the first battle must be my fighters from the underworld. I don’t want to see such a situation! If...however this battle is going to be fought, why not? Fight for yourself? To die for him?"

Pluto’s heart is determined, and his words are naturally sonorous and powerful.

"Pluto's thoughts are the same as mine! The world has been calm for so many years, but Chi You will regain his so-called things as soon as he wakes up! What are his things? That was thousands of years ago. Now, in the current society, there is no such thing as who is there! This time I came to the underworld and found that although you are the Pluto, you are extremely democratic. Governance is not compulsory, and the people live and work in peace and contentment, which is great! Why! Who must be separated?"

The equation agrees very much with Pluto's statement, and Pluto can't help but nod frequently after hearing his words.

"Yeah, where is there anybody who said that now? Although I am a Pluto, I have to ask everyone's opinions when I do things! Nothing belongs to one person forever, I'm just a member of the underworld Managers, my management depends on every one of my people! But if they are not satisfied, it is very easy to dismiss me!"

Pluto’s management concept is very advanced, Equation smiled and nodded.

"But I can tell from everyone's faces that they are very satisfied with your governance!"

"I hope so! I only hope that our underworld will always be so stable, but... now it looks like it's very difficult..."

Pluto shook his head helplessly, and then suddenly he raised his head to look at the equation.

"Fengshen said before...I want to go to Kunlun Xu?"

Pluto's words caught the attention of the equation, and he hurriedly spoke.

"Yes, I'm going to find the Holy King Bone Box, could it be... Pluto has a way?"

"Yeah... you know, I had a very good relationship with the Hall of Night God before. At that time, the Hall often sneaked out of Kunlun Xu to come and play with me. Therefore, I know an unknown one that goes to Kunlun Xu’s path! From there...you should be able to escape those monsters and enter Kunlun Xu!"

Pluto said frankly to the equation.

The equation nodded and looked at Pluto gratefully.When he talked about Kunlun Xu with Pluto before, Equation felt that Pluto was hiding something, but... he didn't know what Pluto was hiding.By now, Pluto finally chose to believe in himself, so... he told all he knew!

"Really...there is a path?"

The equation looked at Pluto in disbelief,

"Well, when you set off to Kunlun Xu, I will let Cui Yu and Lu Lu follow you, and they can find the way I said! Hundreds of years ago, Si Lu was injured by a monster, and I sent them both I went to Kunlun Xuli and looked for the spirit knot!"

Pluto is really like his own son to Siri.

"Pluto is so helpful, the equation is grateful!"

Equation with both hands, bowed slightly to Pluto,

"Fengshen is polite, starting today... we are on the same front. As for me, it is very real. If you are considered my person, then you will always have the same heart with you! "

Pluto really likes his personality equation, one is one, two is two.

"Okay, with your words from the Pluto, you must protect the Netherworld thoroughly!"

Speaking of the equation definitely!

"Good... good!"

The two people chatted for a long time, only to discover that although they are one young and old, they have similar views and concepts on many things. Pluto has many ideas that have been assimilated by people in the modern world, and the concepts are very advanced. No wonder This underworld is well managed by him!

"His Royal Highness, I'm helping Siri retire...it won't cause you trouble!"

Equation took the initiative to bring up this matter, he did not want this matter to become a stumbling block between him and Pluto,

"Hahaha... how come?"

When Pluto heard the equation, he couldn't help laughing a few times.

"This is the way between father and son. I gave the order and the son did not obey. The father would always feel that his majesty was questioned, and he would naturally object to his son's resistance! But he ignored his feelings! He ran away from home and made me even more angry, so...it is even more impossible to agree with his idea of ​​divorcing! But in fact...I was already thinking in my heart, whether I did something wrong! "

The equation looked at Pluto and couldn't help but smile. This Pluto is really a qualified and lovely father!

"That said, my approach is to give you a step down?"

"Yeah, you are a crooked beating right now!"

Pluto smiled and nodded.

"Well, in the past few days, let Cui Yu and Lu Lu prepare to take you to Kunlun Xu. You should also prepare when you go back. Going to Kunlun Xu is definitely not an easy task. There are many dangers in it! I just Ask Cui Yu and the others to pick a few fairy grasses. There are fairy grasses everywhere in Kunlun Xuli, and they just came back after plucking them. And you are going to find the Holy King Bone Box in Kunlun Xuli, which is really very impressive. It's dangerous!"

There was a trace of worry on Pluto’s face,

"Okay, it's still Pluto's thoughtfulness. I will go back and prepare. When Judge Zhou and Judge Lu are ready, we will set off immediately..."

Before I finished speaking the equation, I saw Li Zhaowen rushing in from outside the hall and rushing straight to the equation.

"Brother Fang..."

"Zhaowen, what's wrong with you...? Pluto is still there!"

The equation looked at Li Zhaowen who was out of breath, could not help but asked strangely.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Your Highness Hades, I'm bothering you!"

Li Zhaowen apologized to Pluto, then turned to look at the equation,

"Brother Fang, I just ran into a doctor girl on the street. She was selling some pills. On those pills, I felt a spirit of my own!"

Li Zhaowen’s words make Pluto a little strange,

"There is your aura on the pill? You made the pill?"

"Of course not, I didn't know the face of the medical girl!"

Li Zhaowen shook his head hurriedly, staring at the equation.The equation lowered his head and thought about it, then raised his head to look at Li Zhaowen.

"Perhaps... the spiritual energy on the pill comes from your soul consciousness... or divine consciousness!"

The equation is right,

"Where is the doctor girl?"

He asked hurriedly,

"Still on the street..."

Li Zhaowen said hurriedly. After hearing what he said, the equation hurriedly got up to bid farewell to Pluto

"His Royal Highness, then I...I will leave first..."

"Okay, go! If you need my help, just speak up!"

Pluto nodded.

So the equation took Li Zhaowen and walked down the Hall of Hades!

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