Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 1958: robbery (32)

   Chapter 1958 robbery (32)

  The well water was clear and clean, and it was so warm that he could touch it. It was so warm that it warmed him.

  He paused again.

   Then, with lowered eyes, he still didn't say anything.

  As if he didn't notice these abnormalities.

  After washing his hands, he wiped them with a dry towel.

  Walking into the house, hugged the soft and beautiful fox on the bed.

   rubbed against it, and slightly curved the corners of his lips.

   "Little raccoon."

   "... ouch?"

  The fox shook its ears, and the tip of its tail swayed vaguely.

  The colors are bright and eye-catching.

  The boy hugged it, curled the corners of his lips, and said nothing.

   seems to just want to call it.

  He rubbed its belly, then hugged it and sat down at the table.

  Open the book Mr. Xuetang gave him, and turn to the first page.

  Holding the fox, leaning against its head, the voice is soft.

   "Shall we read together?"

   "Mister said, as long as I finish this book, I can go to him."

   "When the time comes, I'll take you to the school to play, okay?"

  He really looks like a bewildered person now, talking to a fox anytime, anywhere.

  Even though the fox might not understand, he still kept talking to himself.

  It seems that I am completely immersed in my own world.

   It seemed that the picture was a little weird for a while.

  The fox sat on his lap and wailed.

  The big tail curled quietly on his stomach.

   When his eyes fell on the book, it tilted its head.

This is…

   "Three Character Classic"?


   Its ears drooped immediately, and it leaned against him, feeling a little bored.



  The boy seemed to understand what it was saying, and kissed its ear, softly and emphatically.

   "I will read interesting books soon, when I can learn all the words."

   "Mr. said that as long as I can learn the characters in this book, I can understand many books."

   "When the time comes, what do you want to watch, let's watch it together, okay?"

  He always likes the word "together".

  Do everything together.

  The fox softened his heart.


  It didn't say anything, just raised its head and licked him.

  He bent his eyes suddenly and hugged it tightly.

  Hands covered its soft belly, rubbing it from time to time.

   "Good little raccoon."


  It is not good.

   I just have to accommodate him.

  The fox chatted in every possible way. He had read and copied the Three Character Classic, so he had no interest.

   But he wants to see, it can only watch.

   I was a little distracted for a while.

  The young man read slowly, but also seriously.

  While hugging its big heater, it was quiet.

   After reading a page, turn a page.

  Be careful, and look down at it from time to time.

   "Little Tanuki, are you sleepy?"



  The boy smiled and rubbed against it.

   "Then go to sleep, don't worry, I won't fall on you."

  meaning, he still won't let go of it and let it go to bed.


  The fox is listless.

   It couldn't resist him, so it had to find a comfortable position in his arms.


  I fell asleep~

  It didn't forget to tell him before going to bed.

  The boy rubbed its ears, "Sleep, good fox."

  The fox rubbed against his palm, and then closed his eyes.

   fell asleep.


  The boy held it and continued to read.

   While gently touching its back, he browsed quietly.

   didn't speak anymore.

  In the room, it was completely quiet.

  There is only the slight sound of flipping the book from time to time.

   Page and page.

  (end of this chapter)

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