Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 1960: robbery (34)

   Chapter 1960 robbery (34)

  The empress, who loves her son so dearly, sat on the edge of the bed, holding his hand, weeping uncontrollably.

   Wishing that it was she who was lying on the bed at the moment, not her child.

   "Li'er...my Li'er..."

   Filled with the smell of blood, in the impenetrable palace, everyone was silent and stood on one side.

  In the silent palace, only the grief-stricken cry of a mother echoed.

  It hurts so much that it makes people worry.

   "Someone come and save my Li'er... I beg some **** to save my Li'er..."

   "Li'er...my poor Li'er..."

   "Who can help you...Li'er..."




   "His Majesty is here—"

  Outside the heavy Changxin Palace, the eunuch's sharp voice sounded.

   broke the freeze here.

  When the imposing, majestic and steady bright yellow figure appeared, the empress sitting by the bed was still in grief.

   Weeping, clutching her child's hand, weeping bitterly.

   Didn't even look at the emperor who walked in.

  The emperor looked at the weeping queen with a heavy expression.

   Didn't say anything, put his hands behind his back, and looked at the person he brought.

  A well-known eminent monk whose Dharma name is Mingjing.

   "Master Mingjing, please show me, what's wrong with my child...?"

  Although he didn't believe in these ghost stories, what happened to Li'er in the past two months was really weird.

  The legs were connected, and after a long time, they were able to be disconnected in full view.

  It was connected again, and it grew again, but it was broken again, because it was accidentally touched.

  In just two months, Li'er's legs were broken twice.

  Including this time, it is the third time in total.

  It seems to be possessed by an evil spirit.

   Rao is the emperor does not believe these, there is really no way.

   I had to invite him to come and see what happened.

  Master Mingjing, the rumored first person who is not afraid of evil spirits.

  Because it can kill demons and demons, it is famous far and wide.

  The people will go to him when they encounter any bad things.

  He was wearing a plain cassock.

   Wearing Buddhist beads, with a square face, sword eyebrows and eagle nose.

  He has an upright and stern aura, without the kindness and kindness of ordinary monks.

  The undisguised sharp eyes, like a brave eagle, swept across the people on the bed.

   After watching for a few seconds, he turned to the emperor.

   Put your hands together and speak calmly.

   "Amitabha, Your Majesty, His Highness the Sixth Highness, he... was indeed invaded by evil spirits."

  As soon as these words came out, everyone in the palace was shocked.

  Everyone gasped.

  The empress who was still weeping immediately looked over when she heard the words, her voice was once too sharp.

"What did you say?!"

  Master Mingjing clasped his hands together and lowered his head slightly.

   "Amitabha, empress, the poor monk believes that evil spirits have entered His Highness's body and cast a curse on him."

  The empress's eyes widened, and she was terrified.


  The emperor frowned.

   "Master, is there a way to heal?"

  Master Mingjing's complexion remained unchanged, calm and calm, "Of course there are."

   As he spoke, he took out a bell.

  Golden bells, jingle bells, ringing crisply.

  The voice is really nice.

   "Hang this thing on the head of His Highness's bed, and ring the bell for two hours every day."

   "Within three days, all the evil spirits will be eradicated, and your Highness will naturally recover."

  The empress took the bell, "Really...really?"

  (end of this chapter)

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