Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 2469: The Legend of Sleeping Beauty (6)

   The road was wide enough to accommodate the four of them walking side by side.

  Won't be scratched by the thorns on the side, and finally don't have to work hard to open the road.

   Finally I can rest, and I finally thought I could breathe a sigh of relief.

   but don't want to...

   On the road, there are more and more disgusting and scary things.

  The further you go, the more inexplicable pieces of meat on the ground.

   Horribly many, as if a thick carpet had been laid on the road.

  Let them have nowhere to go, and they even forget how to walk.

  Everyone tried their best to stand on their toes and see every stitch.

   I didn't dare to look at those pieces of meat at all, and I didn't dare to think about what they were.

   Just relying on the courage of luck in my heart, I gritted my teeth and moved forward.

   Never look back.

   "Hang on! We're going to find the princess!"

   One of the princes said.

  The other prince nodded with difficulty along his nose and mouth.

  Although the journey is dangerous, he believes that they will be able to find and save the princess!

   A few ignorant people, just with reckless courage, move forward.

   Grit your teeth and insist.




   Two roads, parallel lines.

   Just separated like this, far away, without interfering with each other.

   It's like parallel time and space, completely separated.

  The farther and farther you go, there is no possibility of meeting again.

  In the jungle, time is still, and I don’t know how long it has passed.

   Just when the people on the right almost collapsed, the lone person on the left encountered a fork again.

  This time, one road has become three.

   One in front, one on the left, and one on the right.

   It’s still exactly the same way, like a three-point mirror.

   Almost identical, can't find any difference.

  The long stretch of road is extremely flat, without a single pit.

   Looking straight ahead, it looks like three identical caves.

   Dull, depressing, lifeless.

  As if no matter which one she chooses, the ending will be the same.

   are all dangerous, hidden unpredictable dangers.

  She stood at the intersection and stopped for a while.

   Immediately, go straight forward.

  Choose the most middle way, still relying on intuition.

   There is no reason, I just think that choosing the middle way will find what she wants.

   Of course, not a princess.

  She is not at all interested in the legendary Princess Sleeping Beauty.

  The man who trusted his intuition so much, bent down and rubbed his sore legs, and continued walking.

   Go forward.




   "April! Look! Castle! Castle!"

  On the parallel road on the right, there was a sudden loud cry.

  It was like the dawn that appeared in the endless darkness, driving away the heaviness and despair on the road in an instant.

   Tired but still full of vitality, it brought infinite hope and strength.

  Prince Beate shouted, causing the remaining three people who were almost desperate to look up into the distance.

   I don't know when it started, but the broad road has gradually become clear.

  The light came on.

  Although it is still a bit dim, it is not impossible to see everything clearly.

  Mr. Yuan grows dense thorns, which are so tall that they can cover the sky.

   But now, the thorns who guarded the princess with due diligence have completed their mission and are no longer an obstacle.

   I can see the sky, it's full of stars.

  The stars are dotted, twinkling and twinkling, and there are shooting stars passing by from time to time.

  Two big trees tall enough to break the sky stood right in front of the exit.

  Like a towering giant holding a huge knife and axe, standing upright in front of the castle, guarding here, silently.

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