Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 2481: The Tale of Sleeping Beauty (18)

  The dragon girl had a dream.

   One, a dream that doesn't know where is where.

  In the dream, she stood in front of a castle.

  The tall and magnificent castle, in front of the castle are two huge trees.

  The huge towering tree, like a patron saint, guards firmly in front of the castle.

  The strong body covers the castle, making the castle extremely mysterious and impossible to spy on.

  She stood in front of the castle, in a daze, yet to react.

  I saw a sudden change in the surrounding environment—

  She seems to be in a garden, where countless flowers are blooming, competing for beauty and showing herself enthusiastically.

  Beautiful and vivid colors, blue sky, and that familiar atmosphere...

  She rubbed her eyes and took a closer look.

   see only...

  There is a swing in the garden.

   And on the swing, a little girl with blond hair and white snow is sitting.

  Long, wavy golden hair hanging down, wearing a delicate and small crystal crown.

  The swing is swaying gently, and the little **** the swing is also swaying slightly. The light skirt looks like a butterfly elf among the flowers.

  It is still pure white, just like the bright moon in the sky.

  Quiet posthumous title, but deserted.

   Just sat there quietly, with his back to her.

  Like reading a book.

  The slight sound of paper turning, one page, another.

  Extremely focused.

   The evil dragon girl looked at it, her head tilted.

   Before I had time to do anything, the next second, the screen changed again.

  The little girl with blond hair and snow skin was gone. She was standing in a long, bright corridor at this moment.

  The corridor is covered with soft and luxurious carpets, and there is no one around, only a door in front of you.

  The door was closed, and a woman's gentle voice came from inside.

   Like a storyteller, telling her children bedtime stories.

  Standing at the door, one could hear the happiness and patience in that woman's voice.

   Carefree, is a happy mother.

   "Legend... Long, long ago, there was a rich kingdom."

  Inside the door, the gentle woman said.

   "In the kingdom, there is a beautiful, gentle and kind princess."

  “One day, a dragon suddenly appeared and took the princess away. The king was very anxious and worried about his daughter’s safety.”

   "So, in order to save the princess, the king ordered that whoever can only kill the dragon and save the princess, he will marry the beautiful princess to him."

  "At this time, a prince appeared, and after many hardships and dangers, he finally found the dragon's lair, defeated it with the sword in his hand, eliminated it, and successfully rescued the princess."

   "So, the king was very happy and ordered that the princess should be married to this brave prince..."

   "Why marry a prince?"

  Suddenly, a childish voice came from the door.

  The sound is not loud, but soft and clear.

  With a bit of indescribable calmness and reason, but also with a maturity that does not belong to this age.

  Like a little adult, raise reasonable doubts.

  The evil dragon girl standing outside the door raised her eyes when she heard it.

  I only listened to the mother who was telling the story gently inside, her voice paused, and she stopped to explain.

   "Of course it's because the prince is very brave, he dared to risk his life, he didn't fear the dragon, and came to save the princess."

  She was very patient, "His Royal Highness is so outstanding, if the princess marries him, she will be very happy."

   "Then, what if the princess doesn't want to marry?"

  Mother was stunned: "Don't want to marry?"

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