JOJOs who are doing things daily

JOJOs Who Make Things Everyday Chapter 357

"...By the way, what should this guy do?"

"This guy? Um... just make a call and let the police take it away!"



Ten minutes later, there was a scene of two policemen holding a young man into a police car on the street.

The three of Xu Lun breathed a sigh of relief as they watched the police car slowly drive away.

However, in the back seat of the police car, the young man with his head low and seeming to be pensive had a strange smile on his mouth...

In the tight jeans, a small bulge came out, and I don’t know what it is...

Chapter 81: Jonathan’s Exploration, Contradictory Heart

"...This is it."

At noon, Jonathan looked at the photo he was holding, and after careful comparison with the building in front of him, he was able to get a ticket. This is it!

This photo was bought by Joseph using the "Purple of the Hermit" to smash a camera.Under the effect of Jousuke’s "Crazy Diamond", Joseph used his abilities a few more times, so that everyone has a photo on hand. However, no matter how much he tries, the final result is just pointing. It's just this building.

The building in front of Jonathan was a church.A typical Christian church is located on a not-so-obtrusive hill in Tokyo, and you can still hear the ancient bells and hymns as if to the Lord.

As a former British nobleman, Jonathan was not unfamiliar with things like churches, even a little familiar.

Whenever he did something wrong or got into trouble, his father would always take him to church to atone for his sins.Jonathan still remembers the kind and gracious old godmother at the time, and when he came to the church at this moment, he was a little nostalgic.

...However, just under the brilliance of this lord, there is a heinous "devil" hidden.

Taking a deep breath, Jonathan slowly embarked on the journey.

Facing the closed door of the church, Jonathan adjusted his emotions and pushed open the door of the church!

"Squeak..." The wooden door made a rubbing sound, and Jonathan could see the scene completely.

... Ordinary, too ordinary, just like small churches everywhere.There is not even a quarter of the size of the cathedral that Jonathan often visits. The environment and scale here make Jonathan wonder if it can hold more than twenty children for worship.

…Of course, this is Japan. Buddhism is spread more widely than Christianity. Naturally, there will be no large-scale worship.

"Welcome, no one has been here for a long time."

However, not far away, a middle-aged man dressed in the costume of a priest, who seemed full of breath, walked slowly.It seems that he should be the priest of this church.

"Hello young man, I am Father Puglia."

"Um... hello Mr. Father."

Out of a certain vigilance, Jonathan did not tell the other party his name.Although this was a bit rude, out of the protection of his life and family and friends, he chose to temporarily put aside his gentleman's etiquette and prioritize the overall situation.He is not a rigid person.

"Young man, do you want to worship?"

"No... I am here to atone for my sins. I made some mistakes and want to ask the Lord for forgiveness."

"With such sincerity, I believe the Lord will forgive you for your mistakes, young man."

The priest seems to be a very hearty person, and he has good kindness towards such rare people as Jonathan who come to church to make atonement.Such a personality is not uncommon among priests. Those priests and godmothers who listen to everyone's sins and patiently guide them are generally optimistic and kind-hearted people.

Jonathan slowly followed behind the priest, watching the falling sunlight around him and the priest's steady footsteps, Jonathan chose not to say anything, and continued to follow silently.

It wasn't until the two of them came to a high platform that Jonathan found a strange abruptness-a high platform that seemed to be placed on top.

"It was originally a bronze statue of a demon."

The priest standing on the high platform noticed Jonathan’s sight and enthusiastically explained:

"It hasn't been too long since I have been here. I found that the bronze statue of the demon that was originally placed here has disappeared. Maybe it was because it had been left unattended for too long and was stolen?"

"...Is it." Jonathan nodded when he heard the words, and put his suspicion in his heart, without showing a trace on the surface.

"So." The priest stood on the high platform, looked at the pious kneeling Jonathan, and said loudly:

"Lost lost lamb, under the glory of the Lord, count your sins. May my Lord forgive your suffering and forgive your sins."

"...Yes, Mr. Father."


For a full hour, Jonathan carefully counted his mistakes like the most devout Christian. Although he had a clear conscience throughout his life, he had to admit that he also made many mistakes.

For example, the sacrifice of his reckless Uncle Qi Beilin, for example, he still failed to turn Dior into a good person at the beginning, for example, he knew that Dior could not be changed, but still chose to let him stay at home, holding the last glimmer of hope , I want to influence him.

...Of course, this is not the purpose of Jonathan's trip. He actually wanted to explore this church while the priest was away.

Generally speaking, for more than half an hour, many priests will feel a little uncomfortable because of standing for too long. It is very common to go back to their own small room in the church and relax with a cup of tea or something.

But... the priest stood without boredom. Jonathan had spent an hour with him, and he was still standing there, as if his lower body was a glance of someone else.After changing to other people, he was not tired standing, and those kneeling were tired to death.

"May the Lord in heaven guide your path and illuminate the lost road in front of you, young man."

"...Thank you, Mr. Father."

Jonathan stood up slowly. He looked at the priest's indifferent face somewhat condescendingly at 195. After a long time, Jonathan could not find anything. In the end, it seemed that he could only choose to leave in a shameless manner.

Before leaving, Jonathan seemed indifferent, turned and asked:

"By the way, Mr. Father, do you still take in orphans here?"

"...Actually, we don't have much money for incense here. As you saw just now, we are very deserted here." The priest said with a somewhat helpless expression upon hearing this, and said frankly:

"I still have church subsidies that I can get, but my life is still very difficult. I occasionally go to the city to buy something. If I really encounter a child who is lost in the mountains, I may directly hand it over to the police."

"So that's it." Jonathan nodded clearly, the answer was very realistic.Not every priest has a generous mind. They are also human and need to live. In Jonathan’s perception, except for some cathedrals, few churches accept orphans.

Jonathan slowly left here. The priest watched Jonathan's leaving back, until no one was visible, and then slowly closed the door of the church again.

Although this trip seemed almost useless, for Jonathan, he had already obtained some simple information.

Although this church is small, it is sparsely populated and few people come here, so it is very suitable for Tibetans.Jonathan suspected that this church should have an underground part dedicated to assault.

Secondly, the priest is not a simple person.Although it seems ordinary, his steps are steady, and every step he takes is quite steady. Obviously, he has exercised very well in the bottom plate. Jonathan suspects that he should learn some ancient martial arts and other physical fitness skills.

Although Jonathan and the priest seem to have a huge physical gap, Jonathan can be sure that the explosive power created by the priest once he does it is definitely not an existence that can be taken lightly!

...Secondly, he can walk in the sun, he is not the vampire he imagined.

"So... why..."

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