JOJOs who are doing things daily

JOJOs Who Make Things Everyday Chapter 540

"It scared me to death... I was scared to death..." Seeing his best friend wake up, Bixue let out a sigh of relief, and his little hand kept tapping his chest.

However, what Chuixue didn't notice was the mental power that the girl in her arms gradually recovered, and the strange expression that gradually became ruddy.

"Oh, meow!" In the next second, only a huge force was felt, and Chuuxue almost fell to the ground with the help of the situation.

Before Chuanxue could react, the next second, Chuuxue only felt that his tail was caught, and suddenly shouted again in embarrassment:

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! What are you doing with Xia Sejijiang?!"

"Fu Xue! Fu Xue, Fu Xue, Fu Xue—!"

However, the young girl named Xia Seji has completely changed her appearance now. The idiotic look on her face is no different from the evaporating reason. She rubs Fuxue’s soft tail and her obsessive look makes people feel a little bit obsessed. The hair is creepy.


"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! It smells like blowing snow!"

"I wanted to smell it a long time ago! The white tail blowing snow in white ah ah ah ah -!"

... It seems that this girl named Xia Seji, after experiencing a survival from the dead, will take a long time to temporarily relieve the psychological shadow of today's experience.

However, whether Chuuxue will leave any psychological shadow... Then we don't know.


It wasn't long before Chengtaro and his party left. They waited until Fuxue came here before they started to leave. However, the identity and relationship between Fuxue and the brown-haired girl were also made clear by Bikkoku and his party through explanations.

However, it was inevitable that there was a shock, especially Yitai. His somewhat lack of thinking brain had always thought that Xia Seji was a "Standby Messenger", and had never thought about the power in the country.

However, everyone's body also recovered. According to the news given by Chengtaro, Yitai also took the fastest train to Tokyo. I believe that the next day, Yitai will be able to see Jousuke.

Having said that, Jotaro and Bichigu, who had recovered, found Yukoshita and a group of people in this bamboo forest. Huakyoin was going to inform Naranga and Fugar about the related matters, and was released from alert, so they did not follow. .

Not only all the members of the Ministry of Service, but also the incumbent group headed by Miura and Hayama, as well as the two of Sanjiu and Yotsuba also followed, and the group of people marched vigorously, and all this was around The other two are preparing for the next behavior.

"...Speaking of which, that guy Ye Shan has looked for me before."

Behind the team, Biqigu spoke to Jotaro next to him with his hands in his pockets, and spoke slowly without any extra feelings:

"He told me many things, but I didn't listen carefully because my body didn't change back then."

"It's just... this guy doesn't want us to intervene in such things. He wants to maintain the status quo and not change anything."

"..." Cheng Taro did not speak, and to be precise, he listened, but until now, he still can't pay attention to this kind of thing.

Emotional matters are more important than anyone else. However, with such superficial feelings, he has no interest in understanding.Like Biqigu, he values ​​people's true feelings. If a feeling can even be discarded at any time, then this is not enough to call it a feeling.

Biqigu seemed to have noticed Chengtaro's emotions. He smiled helplessly and said slowly: "That's right... I'm really stupid to tell you this."

"...Why don't you have a guess, the success rate of the Hubei confession? If you are more optimistic, I estimate it is 10%?


Cheng Taro snorted without emotion when he heard the words, but did not speak either. Obviously, his and Biqigu thoughts were similar. Rather, this 10% was already considered as a sympathetic comfort point.

"...What are you talking about later."

But at this time, Xuexiaxuena slowed down and came to the two of them. She folded her arms around her chest. Although she couldn't hear any emotions, she said with a little contempt:

"It's annoying to secretly belittle yourself behind and use other people's important things to make bets."

"...Is it really important?"

At this time, Cheng Taro spoke abruptly. He looked at the people who seemed to be very harmonious, but in fact, they had always had a slight sense of distance. He was silent for a while and finally said it. :

"What is important to a person is not true to a person. Such things are really important?"

"...At least for the person who cares, yes." Xuexia was silent for a moment, and then reluctantly nodded.

However, Cheng Taro shook his head. His eyes were deep and extremely silent. After a long time, he slowly said:

"The humble request is only for mercy, not feelings."

"..." X2

However, after moving forward slowly, everyone finally came to this spot that had been selected before.

The sisters Sanjiu and Yotsuba chose to retreat silently and tacitly. The second daughter came behind Chengtaro, whispering as if guessing something.

Yuihama Yui also stepped back slowly. She has done her best to achieve this step, but from her intuition, she may already have an answer in her heart.

All the steps are slowed down slowly.

In the end, Eilao Ming, who was walking in the front, seemed to notice something. A cold expression flashed across her face that hadn't turned around. However, the next second, she turned around, but her face was ready. With a gentle fake expression.

In the face of the girl's seemingly gentle but unsentimental gaze, Hube almost ignored everything around him, biting his teeth, fierce in his heart, and determined to fight!

"Classmate Ename!"

After standing at attention, he lowered his head. In fact, he already had the answer in his heart. He was not a fool, but he just kept silently pretending to know nothing.

However, if things are up to now, is it too soft if you don't fight it?

"I used to be a foolish man, always a very ordinary guy."

"But, but..."

"Such me...I..."

The only road in the middle of the bamboo forest has almost become the home of the two.Everyone hid behind silently, almost deliberately lowering their figure, even Xuexiaxuenao was slightly bent over, watching this scene, waiting for what happened next.

There was only one person, he was still standing extremely straight, Cheng Taro looked at this scene coldly, and finally closed his eyes silently, not knowing what he was thinking.

Higiya Hachiman on the side seemed to have some new movement, but he was squeezed by Chengtaro. Bigiya tried to struggle, but still couldn't get rid of Chengtaro's powerful arm, and finally had to give up.

"Such me—also—"

Finally, at the place where the outbreak was finally approaching, the Hube with his head down suddenly noticed that a pair of playful women's leather shoes appeared in his sight.

The next second, at the moment when he raised his head, he only saw a figure passing by his side in the foresight. He subconsciously turned around to look, but found the girl's body, slowly moving towards The group behind him walked slowly.

No, to be precise, I walked slowly towards the most conspicuous person.

"——Empty classmate."

The girl named Ebina Hime, wearing red-framed glasses, was very literary and slowly stood up in front of Jotaro, gently calling out this name.

In the next second, under everyone's surprised and incredible gaze, she slowly lowered her head to Chengtarou, and slowly opened her mouth under the gaze of the opponent's slightly puzzled eye pupils:

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