JOJOs who are doing things daily

JOJOs Who Make Things Everyday Chapter 56

Some important questions and answers of the author himself

This book has already received more than ten thousand dollars. First of all, thank you readers for your support. This is the first time I have achieved such results. This is inseparable from your support and help. Thank you very much.

But of course, people see more and many problems will be exposed.I have been watching the author's background for so long, and I think it should be time to stand up and say a few words.

First of all, everyone is more concerned about the ability of JOJOs, such as stand-ins, can they be used in this world of daily chaos?

I would like to explain here that there is no plan to add some battle fan settings. I have said before that there will be fewer battle scenes here, so although JOJO’s stand-ins may be used, they are basically Generally speaking, it is unlikely to be used in combat.

Second, do you want to join the villain group?

I have considered the villain series, but the addition of the villain will only allow JOJO to meet and fight in it. If you want to watch it, please leave a post here, and I will consider it afterwards. , But will not join in the near future.

Third, about the CP problem of JOJOs.

In fact, so far, except for Da Qiao and Cheng Taro, the other CPs are already very obvious.It was Er Qiao that was beyond my expectation, because I knew that although the CP of President X Si Gong was quite good, I didn't expect to have such a big reaction, so I thought I should explain it.

In fact, I considered every pair of CP before writing the book, and every pair of CP has profound meaning.

Although Da Qiao does not have a CP, his nobleness and spirit symbolize salvation and the guidance and courage to face the heart by breaking the hypocrisy.

Er Qiao and Sigong Kaguya, Er Qiao represents the person who took Sigiya Kaguya to break free from the prison of the family, breaking the "Sigong Family will not fall in love with a person", symbolizing freedom and breaking free from prison.

Jousuke, Kaoru Miyazono, and Shikyo represent the unyielding spirit of breaking the chains of fate.

Rongrong and Nishinomiya glass, Rongrong is a symbol of resistance in the face of bullying and darkness, as well as the rescue of the unfortunate.

Here I would like to mention in particular, why so many female interactions are set for Jotaro, his sense of harem is very obvious.

Because in this article, Jotaro is the only JOJO representing the "redeemed".

The other four JOJOs are all going to save others. This article is only Cheng Taro, who needs to be saved.

Because throughout the JOJO series, Cheng Taro is the one who bears the most, and he is also the most rigorous JOJO who closes his heart. To complete the transformation from black to white, what I designed is a relationship between Taro gradually went from what he learned to gradually letting go of his heart and the burden.

Jotaro's CP, to be honest, I haven't figured it out yet, but I have already figured out who the losing dog is.

But of course, as the most popular JOJO, Jotaro's mixed daily work may be the most influential one. If you continue to watch it patiently, you will see the impact of Jotaro on the people around you. And change.

That's it for now. If you have any questions, you can ask them in the following chapters.

Thank you for your support.

Chapter 57: Nishinomiya Glass wants to try to change

After experiencing yesterday’s accident, Qiao Luno finally returned to his ordinary campus life...

"Now, Joe Luno-kun, will you have a lunch with me?"

"Go away! Obviously should be with me! Me!"

Giorno: "..."

That's right... Very flat (xian) Fan (chong) campus life... Qiao Luno originally expected that.

I just wanted to find a restaurant to eat something quietly. I didn’t expect that just after the lunch break, the little girls who should have been very reserved suddenly rushed to Qoruno’s seat, all of them holding colorful colors in their hands. Their bento boxes were squeezed here, pushing each other, hoping to win the favor of the boys with their own charm and appearance.

Because Qiao Luno didn't choose to go home these days, he certainly didn't have a bento or something for Jousuke, but fortunately, he has a lot of cash in his hands. Just find a restaurant and eat some pizza or pudding.

And... he doesn't really think about the relationship between these students who are under 14 or 5 years old. His aesthetics are still closer to the mature type. He doesn't need to be more than 20 years old, at least he is a well-developed high school student. ?

Of course, these are all babbles, and Qiao Luno has no thoughts in this aspect...temporary.

"Long-winded, I like to be alone and go."


Qiao Luno's voice had a gentle feeling, so no one hated even such words.Seeing Qiao Luno's expression of impatience, those girls also dissipated very interestingly.


Inadvertently swiping to the door slightly, Qiao Luno found a flash of figures, but because of her petite figure, Qiao Luno could not see clearly under the cover of the crowd.

Qiao Luno walked out strangely, but only saw the bustling students who also walked out of the classroom, and could not tell.

Since this morning, Qiao Luno has always felt that one gaze has been paying attention to himself, but whenever he wants to find the source of this gaze, he always finds nothing.

Although Gioruno always felt that this gaze might be following him, but after a long time, the man did not take any action, but Gioruno could feel this gaze as if he was hovering around him many times... …At the end of each get out of class, and when the class is off.

who is it?Qiao Luno didn't understand, he didn't think his true identity would be known in this school.So what is the purpose of this person tracking himself?

The worst result is a perverted love, pedophile, a kind of person who has distorted ideas about boys of this type.However, according to the other party's action time, he should be the same student as himself, so this possibility is almost zero.

"...Forget it." Qiao Luno shook his head, not wanting to take care of such things.Anyway, the other party didn't do anything against him, just as it was to play games with him until Qiao Luno felt annoying.

...To see that little girl?I haven't seen her for a long time recently.

Qiao Luno remembered the girl named Nishinomiya Glass, and felt that he had to visit her.Seeing the new environment, her condition is better, and she needs a little help from herself.

Helping Nishinomiya Glass was purely a whim of Choruno.It's a unique sympathy between people who have felt the same, right?

It was not accurate enough to know that Nishinomiya Glass was assigned to which class, but Qoruno also knew that Nishinomiya Glass was not in the first year of junior high, so his main search target was placed there.

Only a slight swipe in front of the window of each class, but he couldn't find the familiar girl with pink hair. Qiao Lunuo walked around in the first grade area of ​​middle school, but couldn't find it. .

... Maybe you went to dinner?Qiao Luno shook his head, planning to look for it when the next get out of class is over.

"Senior Qoruno?"

"Huh? Ah, it's you guys."

Hearing someone calling his name, Qiao Lunuo turned slightly and saw two acquaintances.

Kosaka Kirino and Ayase Aragaki... are the descendants of their colleagues.Qiao Luno remembers that they were in the second grade of junior high school.

"Why is Qiao Luno senior in the first grade of junior high school?" The gentle-tempered Ayase asked. She was planning to go out with her friends to eat lunch on the grass, but she found Qiao Lu. Nona's figure was very abrupt, and she felt a little strange and asked.

"...You won't be the kind of scumbag who shoots at the next year?" However, Kosaka Kirino, who has always been unable to hide what he said, frowned, and looked at Choruno with the same gaze as if he was looking at the suspect. .

"...Kirino." Ayase said reproachfully, but she was also a little worried in her heart.

After all, Qiao Luno invited the two to have a meal yesterday. Although it was a joke, in the end they did not ask them to pay. So Ayase has that kind of thought about whether Qiao Luno treats them both. People are still quite skeptical.

"..." Qiao Luno was speechless, secretly asking whether he had such a bad impression on others?

"...I'm looking for someone, so I came here." Qiao Luno felt that he had to explain, he didn't want to be called a pedophile.

"Looking for someone?" Kosaka Kirino still expressed doubt.

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