JOJOs who are doing things daily

JOJOs Who Make Things Everyday Chapter 572

"The Student Union recently wanted to pay for a free magazine job, so can you please help me to collect the material?"

As he spoke, he took out a simple camera from the pocket of his skirt and handed it to Yukoshita Yukino. After Yukoshita took it, he continued to smile and said:

"The content of the magazine has been finalized, such as Tokyo's delicious restaurants, well-decorated cafes, and very interesting movie theaters."

"Last time, I asked my senior to go out with me. It really helped me a lot. But there are still a lot of dissatisfaction, so I want everyone to help."

"...Last time?"

However, Isshiki's remarks caused Yukoshita and Yubihama to be stunned for a while, and they couldn't help but remember the last time they had followed Jotaro and Isshiki spontaneously, but they were thrown away by Jotaro's plan That time.

Was it not a date, but a collection of materials?

"Yes." Isshiki smiled, patted his small hand, and said with a smile: "Actually, I really want to invite Yukoshita and Yubihama, but because I don’t know the two seniors very well, I just Please seniors~"

Did we know each other well before... Chengtaro's expression was all black. Facing Isshi's seemingly innocent, but in fact, his words always revealed some key words, he didn't know how to refute it.

The key point in Isshixia's words did not hide from Xuexia's ears. Looking at the innocent one who smiled in front of her eyes, Xuexia Xuenai sneered in her heart, but there was no wave on her face.

"On the weekend...I'm free."

"I can go too!" Yuigahama has a lot of enthusiasm.The position was made clear at once.

At this moment, only two men remained.Chengtaro looked at them and slowly said, "I..."

"I will come to my relatives at home tomorrow, and I cannot get away."

Before Chengtaro could speak, Higiya Hachiman stood up and said.Before the others could react, he had already carried his schoolbag and walked out from the side. By the way, he patted Seitaro on the shoulder.

"The mission of the flower protector is up to you."

"No, hello, you—"

However, even though Higiya was leaving, it was as fast as a smoke. Chengtaro didn't even have a chance to stop him, so he let him escape.

Feeling the gaze of the three girls, Chengtaro bit his scalp and turned his head to look, but he was facing the unprecedented and moving smile of Yukoshita Yukino. She tilted her head slightly, revealing a skinny smile. With a moving smile, even his tone became sweet and said:

"You must be fine, eh?"


Jotaro seems to have no choice at this time. He has only one plan in his heart now, and that is that next time Higiya Hachiman will be a "deserter", even if it takes time to stop, he must move him back to fight with himself. ".

"……I know."

Chapter 158: Qiao Luno sold off

"Huh? Mr. Chengtaro, are you going out?"

On this day, Qiao Luno, who came home to visit his family, discovered that Cheng Taro was dressed differently today. He took off his big black trench coat and put on white clothes. He looked calmer than before. a lot of.

Accustomed to the dress of the 17-year-old Mr. Chengtaro, Qiao Luno was surprised when he saw this body suddenly, and came forward with interest and asked, "Could it be that I have an appointment with other people?"

"It does." Cheng Taro adjusted the brim of his hat a little, and he adjusted his state and mood, but he muttered to himself:

"I've been with several women for two weeks... yeah yeah... where am I from a workaholic."

"...Such Yanfu is really enviable, Mr. Chengtaro."

Qiao Luno was silent for a while, which could be considered a teasing.During this period, Gioruno seemed to be a lot more cheerful than before, and from time to time he would make jokes, and he no longer looked like the previous frown.

In a sense, is it a return to a little bit of nature?Although Qiao Luno is only 15 years old, he is as calm as an old man who has seen the vicissitudes of the world. Ordinary people are not as calm as him.

"So, who is this time? Are they the two in the hospital I've seen before?"

"...Your instinct is quite accurate, but don't use it for such boring things."

Jotaro stood up slowly, with an almost undisguised look of helplessness in his eyes, lowering the brim of his hat slightly, and slowly muttering to himself: "Hey yeah... I always feel that there is something wrong today. Things are going to happen."

"Is Mr. Chengtaro still hiding things about [substitute] to them?" Qiao Luno was rather curious. Although his [substitute] didn’t know many people, they were all very close people. Sanye doesn't need to say much, she remembers everything back then, even the monsters know.

After all, I often walk by the river, how can I not wet shoes?[Stand-in] If you use this thing too much, you will naturally know more people. This is unavoidable. Qiao Luno can't hide it, so he just let it go, but Cheng Taro is trying his best to avoid it.

"... It's not good for people who don't know these things to know." Cheng Taro's face changed slightly, and he replied coldly: "If the existence of [Substitute] becomes known to everyone, it will cause trouble. Big trouble."

"... But in fact, I think it doesn't matter if people close to us know all this." Qiao Luno slowly said from the side, he only felt that Cheng Taro seemed to have all the burdens alone. Accepted it silently and went out without sharing the burden. Does he want to endure those suspicions and doubts alone?

...This is not good.If there is any danger in the future, don't they even have a chance to react?Who can stand a man who can't even open his heart?No matter how good this man is, no matter how difficult it is, and no matter how understanding... it would be unbearable.

Mr. Chengtaro has always wanted to open his heart, but... he has been unable to do so.When he thought that the people around him might be hurt, he hid all the words in his heart, and took it on silently.

"It's better to take this opportunity and tell them the truth, Mr. Chengtaro."

"...I have my own sense of this matter." Chengta Lang's expression suddenly became a little cold, he seemed a little entangled, but more still he held his own opinion.

"No need to say any more, Qiao Luno." With that said, Jotaro walked towards the door and walked straight ahead without any confusion.

However, looking directly at Chengtaro's leaving back, finally, Qiao Luno spoke again.

"——Even if the other party almost died for you, is it the same?"


Finally, the man took a short step forward.But after this meal, he finally stopped and turned around slowly.

"...What?" Cheng Taro frowned slightly, turned around and asked Qiao Luno:

"What do you... know?"

"...Mr. Chengtaro, you always thought that you didn't ask for rewards for your shots. Then, even if the other party doesn't help you, you will have no regrets, right?"

Qiao Luno took a few steps forward slowly, his height and Cheng Taro were not at the same level, but his calm and calm temperament was not defeated by Cheng Taro's aggressiveness.

"But what would you think if you got her response and the same contribution for your initial help?"

"...Who is she? What did she do?" Cheng Taro frowned slightly deeper, and successively threw out the two most concerned questions.

And Qiao Lunuo showed a slight smile, inexplicably, looking at such a Cheng Taro, he was a little relieved.I am pleased with Chengtaro's heart and the existence of accepting others.

"...The girl who used to share your troubles, from beginning to end, the girl who used you as her'pointer'."

"Mr. Jotaro, in your veins, there is still her blood in response to you."

The young boy's clear voice slowly echoed in the room, and it was also straight into Chengtaro's ears.For a long time, Chengtaro didn't respond at all, but silently looked at the obvious blue veins in his arm, as if he could feel the right blood remaining in it.


At ten o'clock in the morning, around Tokyo Station, the autumn weather had begun to look a little cold.The girl stood here alone, looking around from time to time, looking for a familiar figure.

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