JOJOs who are doing things daily

JOJOs Who Make Things Everyday Chapter 584

...Not to mention, this, Sigiya Kaguya might not give it to her.

"By the way, where's Joseph?"

Shinomiya Kaguya seemed to have laughed enough, and asked Hayasaka Ai intently behind him.Since coming back after the dubbing, Shigiya Kaguya really hasn’t seen Joseph. He didn’t care at the beginning. Now let’s see, has he been in his room for a long time?

"...Probably still sulking."

Hayasaka Ai's eyes looked in one direction, judged an approximate position, and murmured.

In fact, when Shinomiya Kaguya proposed to customize women's clothing from the beginning, Hayasaka Ai had such a premonition.That Joseph, who always loves face, must be in a bad mood this time making such a big prank.

She should have thought of this. After all, they were all right here, and they went to the recording studio without any measure. Could it be a bit too much?

"... Hayasaka."

"Huh? Miss, what's the matter?"

"...Let the back chefs cook a little more generous today."

Looking at the TV screen in front of him, Shimiya Kaguya’s tone was as faint as ever. However, Hayasaka Ai, who has been with her for many years, can hear the faint sense of joy in her tone, and a trace of it from the heart. The complex taste.

"Add a slice of spaghetti with cuttlefish sauce-is it for Nero to face it? Joseph, I have worked hard all day today."


However, regardless of the two in the living room, Joseph in the room is indeed sulking, not because of the previous events, but because of the contents of his mobile phone.

There were three greeting messages, two of which came from the other side of the ocean. However, the content, without exception, made Joseph quite uncomfortable.

Abdel: "It's the perfect makeup, Mr. Josta."

Polunaev: "Mr. Josta, how about going with me for a cup of tea in the future?"

Huajingin: "I still want to call you'Mr. Josda' as always?"

"These guys..."

Putting down his mobile phone, Joseph squatted in the corner alone, sighing helplessly, and he could still hear his muttering:

"Obviously such a perfect make-up...why is it seen through...I still think it's perfect."

Chapter 171: Everyday Three Two Things

"Battle Trend" is on fire again.

Although before the broadcast, the publicity and all the work are in place, it is difficult to not fire.But in fact, although the performance of the first two episodes was very good, it not only made the original party feel enjoyable, but also attracted a large number of new passers-by audiences. In fact, although the initial fight was wonderful, it still made many people cling to Look at the attitude.

However, when the third episode of "Battle Trend" was broadcast, it attracted a frenzy. "Battle Trend", which had already been played quite terrifying, immediately caused a wave of new topics. "Jump" and anime have started to spread in other directions.

Suddenly, countless forums and posts suddenly flooded with similar titles, such as "I'm in Love!The best-looking heroine in anime ever!

Then, many people who didn't know the truth about the water stickers or people who were killing time were attracted by such titles. They clicked in with a hint of curiosity or sordid thoughts, and were instantly taken by a pink screenshot Blind.

The people who were deceived went black almost at the same time, or were so scared that they sprayed a screen of water. Suddenly, many people who were fishing at work or in class were exposed by this screenshot. Accepted the penalty of wage deduction or penalty station.

No way, this picture... is really terrifying, so scared that people will be woken up in dreams in the middle of the night, and beyond the horror-level horror.

Audiences who were deceived into have left their own speeches in the comment area. They either had a fucking face or a fragrant mouth, but without exception, they were all people who were fooled by this picture.

Of course, almost every forum or post like this will have a similar problem:

-Ask for a name.

This can be regarded as a disguised form that has aroused a wave of attention for "Battle Tide". Although it is a two-episode series, the traffic and network views of the third episode of "Battle Tide" are going to be out of the fourth episode. For a time, the exposure and discussion of "Battle Tide" are rapidly increasing.

However, Joseph was not happy.

Obviously, the fourth episode was the moment when he showed great power and fought against Santana. However, a group of people just stared at his dark history, even neglecting the excellent painting and fighting behind.

A group of people repeated the episodes and stared at the episodes for a few minutes. It was strange that he was happy!

I am obviously best at fighting!You just stare at my black history to see what's going on?!

and also!Who allowed you to take screenshots and spoiler?!The spoilers are dead to me, bastard!

However, regardless of Joseph's reluctance, his photo of women's clothing spread out at an unimaginable speed. In one day, almost all people in Japan saw Joseph's photo of women's clothing." Fang Yan".

Someone even attached a title to this screenshot-"Tequila Girl"!And countless netizens have regarded him as the "most beautiful anime heroine", vowing to take this beautiful photo and compete with the "beautiful bastards" of other dramas!

Suddenly, the beautiful photos of "Tequila Girl" spread all over the country, and countless people cheered for it and vowed to carry it forward.

And Joseph, this time not only in front of Shinomiya Kaguya or Hayasaka Ai, but also among the Joestars and even common people, he lost his image.As a result, for a long time later, he was shameless to face other acquaintances, and even more shameless to face his children and grandfather.

Of course, these are already something to do.

In the past few days, Cheng Taro has been busy with the story of the third part of "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure" about Zhenbai's painting. This time, Cheng Taro saved much energy because he was on the scene for almost all the battles. Through his retelling, there is almost no problem.

There were only a few battles that Chengtaro didn't know, but fortunately, Huajingin was still by his side, and Abdel and Polunaev could be contacted at any time, and the problem was not big.

He Li also joined in full of interest and contributed a lot of things about Chengtaro’s past to Zhenbai. If Chengtaro hadn’t stopped him, He Li would have liked to let Zhenbai start painting when Chengtaro was born, and continue to paint. To the end.

Everyone discussed it, let's start with how DIO was fished out of the seabed.Although they don't know the details, they can guess one or two through imagination. It's nothing more than the old-fashioned being fished out by the ship, and there is almost no other possibility.

These days, eating, sleeping, sleeping, and doing nothing is really white, and she has renewed her enthusiasm. She is really boring these days and wants to sleep anytime and anywhere, wishing to become a hamster that has been frozen under the ice for five hundred years. Fortunately, Now she finally has something to do.

However, the only thing Jotaro cares a little about is that when he talked about [substitutes], he only mentioned the name of his [substitutes], but Zhenbai had already silently set up his person. The picture, even the picture of the Platinum Star is drawn.

Seeing the platinum star on the drawing, Chengta Lang stared at Zhen Bai silently for a long time, and finally he didn't say anything.

He only felt that there were too many "wonders" around him.One is just a monster fox, a fool who seems to know about him, a soft girl who already knows, and a snow girl who can't wait to dissect everything about him.

Thinking about it this way, Cheng Taro couldn't help feeling that he should have confessed the facts to others earlier, otherwise many things would not be as tired as today.

It's just... there is one thing that makes Chengtaro a little concerned.

Since that day when Xuenai confessed to Xuexiaxia, he always felt that Xuexiaxia's attitude towards him was very subtle.

Although it has been very subtle before, now Chengtaro feels another level of difference.Xuexia would not avoid him deliberately, nor would she deliberately keep a distance from him. Even during this time, she even reduced her poisonous tongue a lot, and hardly stopped being poisonous in front of Chengtaro.

Is this woman... has her sex changed?Chengtaro thought of this several times.However, he wouldn't ask questions just because of this change, so the two of them passed each other in this way for several days.

Today's Jotaro is also living the peaceful life he has hoped for as always. This is the day he yearns for, but on this day, he seems to have to see some blood.

Of course, it wasn't that Chengtaro was about to make an appointment with others. No one in the whole Chief Takeru dared to provoke Chengtaro, let alone a tough challenger.Today's blood, Cheng Taro has to be released, there is no way.

Seeing the continuous influx of people in the hall, Chengtaro stood in the back row silently, holding a sheet with his name in his hand, listening to the screams and timid sounds from time to time in front of him. Helplessly sighed towards the sky.

...Physical examination is really troublesome.

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