JOJOs who are doing things daily

JOJOs Who Make Things Everyday Chapter 591

And Cheng Taro didn't care about this. He came to see everyone this time, not specifically to see Yukoshita.On the other hand, Xuexia is actually the last thing he needs to visit, because he is relieved.

"Huh? JOJO?"

"...You have nothing else to do?" Seeing Yubihama walking in the direction opposite to him, Jotaro looked at her neatly dressed, and said lightly.

"Ahaha..." Yubihama seemed a little embarrassed when he heard the words. After rubbing his hair into a small ball, he said with a little embarrassment:

"In fact, I have the task of making cakes, but I don't know why, the cakes are always fermented and not very beautiful, so I just..."

......So you were kicked out as idlers?Jotaro shook his head helplessly and asked Yubihama to go to the kitchen or something. He didn't know who had the idea. Fortunately, he stopped it quickly. Otherwise, it is estimated that a large-scale food poisoning event will happen today.

At this time, when there was no one around, there was no one in the backstage except Yubihama and Seitaro, but Yuihama Yui looked at Seitaro’s eyes and did not look at her. Okay. After a while, he slowly said:


"...Just right, I have something to ask you."

However, before Yuihama Yui could finish speaking, Jotaro interrupted directly.

He didn't have such a sharp feeling as before, and he didn't have a particularly heavy feeling of oppression. As if asking about tomorrow's food, he asked very calmly:

"What do you know? How much do you know? My notes—"

"——I took a peek."

However, this time, Yui Yoshihama was the one who interrupted.When she answered this sentence, she was uncharacteristically without a trace of shame, but there was a bit more complicated emotions.

With Yuhihama's decisiveness, Chengtaro didn't know how to answer at this time. He was silent and looked away, waiting for Yuihama Yui to break the silence.

"...Actually, from a long time ago, I felt that JOJO was not an ordinary person." Yuihama Yui walked forward a few steps, and stood on the same horizontal line as Jotaro. She also looked at the outside background that was still being arranged, slowly Slowly speaking:

"At the beginning, when I was very anxious because of my father's affairs, I heard that a very powerful person came to the school, and one person can defeat more than 20 punks without injury."

"It was from that time that I started to pay attention to these things."

"...JOJO, am I a bad girl?"

Yuihama Yui said this, with his arms wrapped around him, his hands firmly grasping the skin on his arm, and his head lowered and said lowly:

"Actually, from the very beginning, I approached you for my own business... It rained that day since you took me home, everything I pretended..."

"..." Chengtaro was silent for a while, did not speak, but quietly continued to listen to Yuihama Yui.

"I'm a very bad person..." Yubihama smiled bitterly, and now she, even herself, began to hate herself.

Especially when she knew all this, but when Jotaro was misunderstood, she couldn't even stand up and speak for him.People like her, even if they know more things than others, are still a coward after all.

Such a self... how could she be qualified to stand behind the person she was looking forward to?


Suddenly, Yuihama Yui only felt the top of her head sink, as if something was slowly covering her hair, and a heavy hand gently stroked the top of her head.

Yui Yui looked up blankly, only to realize that at some point, the hat on Chengtaro's head had disappeared, and he had buckled it on her head with his own hands.

Jotaro didn't speak, however, just such a move made Yuihama Yui's face suddenly turn from sadness to joy.

"...You are really gentle, JOJO."

Can you forgive even me like this?Like me, such a coward.

"...No one has ever been born brave."

Seeing that Yuihama Yui with flowers in the pear rain, Jotaro was silent for a while, watching this guy who is always silently in front of the lubricant in the club, usually there is no sense of existence, but he is always doing everything A girl who runs around human relations.This time, he didn't blame her.

A young girl who couldn't even resist in the first place, to this day, can confide all the truth to him and face her past mistakes. Such a person is no longer qualified to blame the other party.

"Will I be as brave as JOJO in the future?" Yuihama Yui wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes and asked softly.

"... Maybe." Cheng Taro was taken aback when he heard the words, and smiled faintly:

"However, you don't need to be as brave as anyone else. For Yui, it's better to be like Yui."

Everyone's brave performance is different.Either the fearless or the coward, as long as he can truly face his fears, then he is a brave person.

For Yuihama Yui, when she confessed her seemingly gentle and kind heart, but it was extremely difficult to truly confess her sincerity, she had already discarded all of her past timidity and fear.

In the past, in order not to be abandoned by the environment, the girl who pretended to be a sleek and gentle girl in her inner world became sleek and gentle. Starting today, it is the first time that she has truly seen what she wants.

She doesn't want to be the "Yuhihama Yui" in the eyes of others anymore. Now she just wants to be who she is again.

And what made her recognize all this was the young man she had been watching silently, but never dared to approach him.

"...I hope everyone can stay together forever."

This is the deepest wish in Yuihama Yui's heart, and it is what she has always insisted on.She didn't want the happiness she finally got, and left her again.

Jotaro looked at Yubihama. After a long time, he nodded softly and said:

"Before Yui became independent... always will."

"...Thank you, JOJO."

Thank you, my love.——Yuhihama Yui didn't say this sentence.

In the future, maybe I won't say it.

This love is not superficial love.Yuihama Yui loved not only Jotaro, but everyone in the Ministry of Service, and those who helped her find her true heart and self, she could give the word "love".

Just as she loves Jotaro, Yuihama also loves Yukino Yukoshita, and also loves Higiya Hachiman. She loves those who make her regain herself.

This time, Yuihama Yui will never give up.

Chapter 179: Xu Lun is extremely resistant

At the same time, on the other side, the atmosphere does not seem to be very good.

"Hey you."

"..." Yukino, who was still instructing work in various places, was paused by this slightly familiar voice. After turning his head, he found that Xu Lun was leaning against the wall beside him, his expression a little bit strange Staring at her too wonderfully.

Faced with this girl who had a relationship with one side, Xuexiaxue Nao paused for a while, temporarily forgetting the other party's impolite address, and slowly said:

"Excuse me, Miss Xu Lun, are you calling me?"

"Ah, of course."

Hearing this, Xu Lun's willow eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and suddenly exuded a breath of unkindness.Obviously, his cheeks and figure are very beautiful, but it contrasted with a ferocious feeling like a grown beast, and everyone in the back row was shocked.

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