JOJOs who are doing things daily

JOJOs Who Make Things Everyday Chapter 62

However, the Commissioner for Discipline and Discipline replied with a pair of dead fish eyes: "All students who temporarily enter and exit the performance hall need to register with us. Students, we don't have your data here."

"..." A trace of embarrassment flashed across the face of Dongfang Jousuke whose lie was exposed, he had to touch the back of his head and walk away with a smirk.

What to do... It's a shame that I can't keep up with the performance of Miyazaki... Higashikata Jousuke stroked his chin to find a way. He would definitely enter this performance hall today!

"...Yes! Backstage!" Dongfang Fight's assistant slapped his hand and thought of a good place.

The performance hall naturally has more than one entrance. In order to facilitate the entry of the performers, two separate backstage entrances are also set up at the back of the building. Because they are locked when there is usually no performance, no one is there. Higashikata Jousuke Thought of there.

After a long time, Dongfang Jousuke finally came to this so-called backstage entrance.

It is said that it is an entrance, but in fact it is just an iron door, and to this extent, it seems that the age is a bit old.

"Okay, then just sneak in in a hurry..."

Higashikata Jousuke thought so, reached out to touch the doorknob, and tried to twist it away...


"Nani?! It's locked? Didn't it pass from the backstage?!" Higashikata Jousuke couldn't help being startled, looking at the airtight iron gate, his heart moved slightly.

Turning his head to look around, after confirming that there was no one else, Jousuke stepped back slightly, looked at the iron gate, and shouted in his heart:

"Crazy Diamond!"

The invisible blue-pink brawny is formed behind Jousuke!His burly figure and steel-like muscles far surpassing ordinary people demonstrate the power of this stand-in beyond ordinary human-type stand-ins!



With a punch at the lock of the iron door, the iron door with the broken lock opened in response, Jousuke slid in quickly, and closed the door again.

With a movement in Jousuke's heart, the originally broken lock was restored miraculously. Seeing that the lock of the iron door had returned to its original state, Jousuke relocked the door without any traces.

"Then... the rest is to find the backstage." Higashikata Jousuke entered the door, looked at the only corridor in front of him, recalled the approximate location of the performance hall in his mind, and walked forward exploratively.

I just felt that the sound of the performance was getting closer and closer to him, and Jousuke's mood also became a little excited. Finally, when he confirmed that the sound was coming from behind a door, Jousuke finally opened the door with emotion. ...

Then the next second, Jousuke was dumbfounded.

Long black hair that flows down like a waterfall, and a blue dress with glittering sparkles. For design reasons, the back seems to be hollowed out, exposing large areas of white skin. Although it is not naked, it is just that. Enough to make Dongfang Jousuke this innocent boy blush.


The girl seemed to have noticed the noise here and turned around in a hurry, quite frightened. However, except for the vacillating door that was opened, no one was seen.

"..." The black-haired girl felt weird and walked out carefully, trying to look at this corridor, but apart from the empty corridor, there was only a gust of wind.

Was it blown away by the wind?The black-haired girl regained her usual sense of indifference, and after bringing the door on again, she didn't do what he thought.

However, at this moment, a call came from behind the black-haired girl:

"Student Dongma? It's your turn soon, come and prepare~"

"..." The black-haired girl heard the sound and did not answer, but walked over with a cold face.

And just as the girl named Dongma just walked away, the red curtain on the side trembled, revealing Jousuke's scared face.

It's so risky... Fortunately, I chose to rush in while she didn't pay attention, and if she ran down the corridor, it would be exposed... Higashikata Jousuke patted himself shaking his heart, only feeling frightened, the heart jumped out.

"Let's go to the feels like an agent stealing information in a movie..." Higashikata Jousuke muttered to himself, and began to lean out carefully and walk towards the performance area...

Chapter 63: A Girl Like a Doll

"It's Kaoru Miyawon? I didn't expect this junior to be unexpectedly amazing."

"...After all, if you are not good, you won't be specially invited to perform."

"That's true, but do you think Dongma is good or Gong Yuan Kaoru is good?"

"...The two fields are different, right? But I'm really looking forward to whether they can play together."

The two girls in charge of miscellaneous items passed by, and after a long while, Higashikata Jousuke was controlling his stand-in and lowered the red curtain.

Ordinary people can't see the double, and the light here is relatively dark, so Higashikata Jousuke used the "crazy diamond" to hold the red curtain he removed for camouflage, and it can be integrated with the background to facilitate his sneaking.

"Listening to the sound should be coming soon..." Higashikata Jousuke can already hear the unique sound of the violin, and he can be said to be very upset.

Damn... why should I oversleep?!Made myself so embarrassed now!Even the performance of Gongyuan is invisible!

However, no matter what Higashikata Jousuke complained in his heart, he still chose to proceed cautiously.

at last!A glimmer of light made Higashikata Jousuke see hope, he ran a few steps faster with excitement, and soon saw all this!

It really is a piece of stairs leading to the stage!Higashikata Jousuke can see everything on the stage clearly through this.At this moment, in front of him, the blond girl who had been thinking about it, was in a clean white dress, under the spotlight on the stage, shining her light!

Like an angel!Higashikata Jousuke couldn't help showing a smile, feeling that he sneaked in so carefully and did so many seemingly silly things, and it was all worth it.

He just wanted to see the beautiful side of the girl, as long as he could look at the girl's angel-like cheeks, even if the journey was hard, he was willing to go through fire and water.


Higashikata Jousuke couldn't help but stroked his chest. With a reddish cheek, he shook his head with a smirk and muttered to himself:

"Sure enough... I lost first..."

Higashikata Jousuke couldn’t help but recalled the conversation he had with his ancestor last night, Jonathan’s expression when he laughed lightly at his youthfulness, and because of this, Higashikata Jousuke has only been clear until now. He is like an angel to him. What kind of feelings does this girl have.

It turned out to be like this... I didn't expect that I would encounter such a thing... Higashikata Jousuke shook his head and looked at the shining girl in front of him. He couldn't help but feel a little mixed.

It's really dazzling...

"Hey! Who are you!"


There was a sudden shout behind him, and he forcibly pulled back the thoughts of Higashikata Jousuke who was a little wandering, and he turned around in shock.

I saw only two girls, one he had seen, the long black one with a backless back in a dress, and the other seemed to be her companion, a girl with short chestnut hair.

And it was the girl with short maroon hair that made the noise, and another girl with long, black straight hair was watching Higashikata Jousuke with cold eyes.

"I, I, I..." Dongfang Jousuke was anxious for a while, frantically looking for excuses, and then said after a while:

"I'm the one to perform! Let's prepare here! The next one will be my turn soon!"

"Liar!" The chestnut short-haired girl immediately exposed: "The next performer is obviously Dongma classmate, don't lie!"

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