Bai Ye led the soldiers forward for a while, and they passed through a barren land. The surrounding scenery was monotonous and heavy, as if it was a colorless picture. However, just when they were about to lose their patience, a skyscraper suddenly appeared in their sight.

This building stands tall and towering into the sky, its height is daunting. However, the erosion of time and traces of abandonment have been deeply engraved on it. The exterior of the building is mottled, and the former glass curtain wall has been shattered, exposing the rusty steel frame inside. Some walls have even collapsed, exposing the ruins inside, as if telling the world about its past glory and current decline.

In front of Bai Ye, a skyscraper that has been abandoned for many years stands in the ruins. It is lonely and solemn, like a silent giant, silently guarding this barren land.

Most of the windows in the building have been broken, leaving only some hollow frames. Occasionally, a few windows still retain intact glass, but they are also obscured by dust and dirt. Through these windows, you can see the ruins and debris inside the building. Some broken furniture, fallen ceilings, and broken wires all seem to tell the story of the past prosperity and current decline.

Part of the top of the building has collapsed, exposing the internal steel skeleton. They glow coldly in the sun, like the fangs of a monster, making people shudder. Around the building, some broken walls and collapsed floors were scattered, like toys randomly discarded by giants, looking messy and disorderly.

The building is surrounded by weeds and wild vines, which stubbornly take root in the cracks and ruins and grow upward, as if fighting for the right to survive on this land. These plants add a bit of life to this abandoned building, but they cannot conceal its heavy and desolate atmosphere.

Bai Ye stared at the building quietly, his eyes full of awe and curiosity. He knew that this building was once a landmark building in the city and a place that countless people yearned for. However, now it has become a ruin, forgotten in this desolate land. He imagined the glory and bustle of this building in the past, and the people who once worked and lived here. Their laughter, laughter, and busy figures seemed to still be echoing in his ears and appearing in front of his eyes.

However, the reality is cruel. This building has been abandoned for many years. Its former prosperity and liveliness have disappeared, leaving only ruins and desolation. Bai Ye couldn't help but lament the ruthlessness of time and the cruelty of war. They can make all beautiful things disappear, leaving only these dilapidated relics.

He walked around the building, observing every detail of it. He found that although the building had been abandoned for many years, its structure was still solid and traces of its past were still retained in many places. He imagined the workers who built this building back then. Their hard work and sweat were condensed into every brick and steel bar of this building.

Bai Ye stood among the ruins of the building, feeling the heavy atmosphere exuding from this abandoned building. He knew that although this building had become a ruin, the history and memory it carried would never disappear. It has witnessed the rise and fall of the city and the joys and sorrows of countless people. It is a silent monument that records the past and present of this land.

In these ruins, Bai Ye felt the weight of time and the vicissitudes of history. He knew that he was just a passerby and could not change the fate of this building. But he also understands that the existence of this building is a power in itself, allowing people to remember history, cherish the present, and look forward to the future.

Bai Ye stood silently in front of the ruins of the building, paying tribute to this once giant. He knew that no matter how the future changed, this skyscraper that had been abandoned for many years would always stand on this land and become the most unique scenery in this ruins.

They could not imagine that such a huge building existed in this desolate land. The soldiers took out their cameras one after another and pressed the shutter, hoping to freeze this moment in eternal memory.

Bai Ye stood at the front of the team, his eyes deep and firm. He looked at the skyscraper and felt an inexplicable emotion in his heart. He knew that this building was once a landmark of the city and a place that countless people yearned for. However, now it has become a ruin, forgotten in this desolate land.

He took a deep breath and turned back to the soldiers. His voice was firm and powerful, as if it could penetrate this desolate land.

"Look at this building, it used to be the pride of this city, but now it has become a ruin. This is the cruelty of war, it can make all good things come to nothing. However, we cannot give up because of this, we To keep moving forward, for our home and our future.”

The soldiers listened to Bai Ye's words, their eyes shining with determination. They know that Bai Ye is their leader and the driving force for their progress. They put away their cameras, returned their attention to the task, and prepared to move on.

Bai Ye led the soldiers to slowly approach the skyscraper. They walked through the ruins, stepping on broken glass and twisted metal, feeling the building's former glory and current desolation. They stopped from time to time and carefully observed every corner of the building, trying to find some valuable clues.

As they delve deeper, they discover that the interior of the mansion is more complex and larger than it appears on the outside. The corridors are winding, the stairs are broken and broken, and every corner is full of unknowns and dangers. However, Bai Ye and his soldiers did not back down. They carefully explored every corner of the building, looking for any possible clues and information.

While exploring, they discovered something surprising. Some furniture and objects still remain in some rooms. Although they have been eroded beyond recognition by time, they can still be seen as exquisite and luxurious as they once were. In other places, they even found the remains of some words and patterns. Although their original meaning was no longer identifiable, it gave them a deeper understanding of the history and background of the building.

After several hours of exploration, Bai Ye and his soldiers finally walked out of the skyscraper. They stood on the ruins and looked back at this once glorious building, their hearts filled with emotion and awe. They know that although this building has become a ruin, the history and memory it carries will never disappear.

Byakuya turned to face the soldiers again, a smile on his face.

"We have learned a lot today. Although this building is abandoned, it has provided us with a lot of valuable information. We must continue to move forward, look for more clues and evidence, and make full preparations for our mission. Prepare."

The soldiers nodded one after another, and smiles appeared on their faces. They knew that although today's exploration was full of hardships and dangers, their gains were also huge. They will continue to follow Bai Ye's footsteps and find their own future and hope in this desolate land.

Following Bai Ye's order, the soldiers started moving forward again. They walked through ruins, over obstacles, and headed toward an unknown future. The skyscraper gradually disappeared from their sight, but the memory and impression it left will be engraved in their hearts forever.

Bai Ye led the soldiers to continue marching forward. Their steps were firm and powerful, leaving a series of deep marks on this barren land. As they went deeper, the surrounding scenery gradually became desolate and desolate, as if it was a forgotten world.

Suddenly, a strange sight appeared in their sight - a lake. This lake is different from ordinary lakes. Its water surface shows a strange blue color, as if it contains some mysterious power. There is a faint halo surrounding the lake, which makes people feel mysterious and scary.

The Radiation Lake lies quietly on the barren land. It is like a blue gem, but it exudes a chilling breath of death. The lake surface is sparkling, reflecting distorted reflections of the surrounding broken scenery, like deformed paintings. The color of the lake is not the common clear blue, but a deep blue, almost black, and seems to hide endless secrets.

Around the lake, there are overgrown weeds, and some withered and yellow plants hang down their branches and leaves feebly, as if they are bowing to this land of death. There was a strange smell in the air, a mixture of radiation and dead silence that was suffocating. The soil near the lake has a peculiar gray color, which is the result of long-term erosion by radiation. It looks extremely hard and cold.

In the center of the lake, there are occasional slight ripples, as if something is gently stirring at the bottom of the lake. But whenever the sun penetrates the clouds and shines on the lake, those ripples will quickly dissipate and calm will return. This atmosphere of silence and weirdness makes people shudder.

At the edge of the radiation lake, some rocks are exposed, and their surfaces are covered with cracks and holes, which are traces of long-term erosion by radiation. These rocks seem to be telling the vicissitudes and changes of this land. Their existence is more like a silent warning, warning people of the dangers and horrors of this land.

The soldiers immediately realized what was unusual about this lake. They took out anti-radiation drugs and nervously took them. They knew the lake was likely a radiation lake with lethal amounts of radiation. Only by taking anti-radiation drugs can you protect your life.

However, Bai Ye seemed unusually calm. He did not take anti-radiation drugs nervously like the soldiers, but stood quietly by the lake, staring at this strange scene. His eyes were deep and firm, as if he could penetrate the mystery of this radiation lake.

The soldiers couldn't help but feel a little surprised when they saw Bai Ye's reaction. They all cast doubtful glances at Bai Ye, wanting to know how he could face this radiation lake so calmly.

Bai Ye smiled slightly, his voice calm and confident: "This lake is indeed full of radiation, but my body is strong enough to withstand the effects of these radiations."

When the soldiers heard Bai Ye's words, they couldn't help but feel a surge of admiration in their hearts. They know that Bai Ye is a leader with extraordinary strength and profound heritage. His body has gone through long-term training and tempering and has become extremely strong. They believe that under Bai Ye's leadership, they will be able to overcome all difficulties and complete this mission.

Bai Ye continued to observe the radiation lake, his eyes revealing a deep light. He could feel the powerful energy contained in this lake. Although these energies were dangerous, they also contained some unknown possibilities.

He turned around and said to the soldiers: "Although this lake is dangerous, it may also be the key to our search for clues. We must explore this area carefully and look for any possible clues and information."

The soldiers heard Bai Ye's words and nodded in agreement. They know that this mission is full of unknowns and dangers, but as long as Bai Ye is there, they have the confidence to overcome all difficulties.

As a result, Bai Ye and the soldiers began to carefully explore the area around the radiation lake. They avoided the edge of the lake and moved along a relatively safe area. In this area, they found some strange traces and markings that seemed to be some ancient symbols or patterns.

Bai Ye carefully observed these traces and marks, and an inexplicable feeling surged in his heart. He seemed to be able to feel the history and information behind these symbols. They seemed to be telling him the stories and secrets of this land.

As time passed, Bai Ye and the soldiers gradually penetrated into the area around the radiation lake. They discovered more and more clues and information, which seemed to be closely related to their mission.

During this process, Bai Ye's body always maintained strong resistance, and he was not affected by any radiation. Seeing Bai Ye's performance, the soldiers admired and trusted him even more. They knew that as long as Bai Ye was there, they could overcome all difficulties and complete this mission.

In the end, Bai Ye and the soldiers found the clues and information they needed in the area around the radiation lake. They sorted out these clues and information and prepared to return to base for further analysis and research.

Before leaving the area, Bai Ye looked back again at the strange radiation lake. There was a profound light in his eyes, as if he had already understood the secrets in this lake. He took a deep breath, then turned around and led the soldiers back home.

During this exploration, Bai Ye's body and will have been greatly exercised and improved. He deeply felt the desolation and danger of this land, but also strengthened his faith and determination. He knows that only by constantly moving forward and exploring can he find the real answer and way out.

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