Journey To the West From The Qin Dynasty

Chapter 330: Kill the traitor Li Si

Li Si, the prime minister of Daqin, was in a relationship with the state captain Zhao Gao. Although he did not participate in the imprisonment of Ying Zheng, he indulged Zhao Gao and Hu Hai to cause chaos in Daqin.

Not only that, he probably also knew that something might have happened to Ying Zheng, but he was unmoved.

This crime should be punished by the three tribes of Yi, and he will also be sentenced to be beheaded.

Still, Li Jue Nian thought that there was still some kindness between him and Li You, so he changed his waist to beheading and continued with the three tribes of Yi.

Although the slashing in the waist was changed to beheading, it seems that they still have to die, but in this era, slashing in the waist and car splitting are the most serious tortures, but beheading is still a very gifted death sentence.


After being cut in half, he may not die immediately. The prisoner will suffer for a period of time. This torture is unbearable for ordinary people.

And many people think that if you go to **** after being cut in half, you will never be able to reincarnate.

If he is beheaded, he can go to hell, and he will still be a hero in his next life.

And, die fast.

As for the chariot crack, not to mention, each of the five carriages was tied with a rope, which was wrapped around the person's neck, hands and feet, and then began to pull in five directions.

This process is even more painful than being cut in half. People don't die so quickly, and they are finally pulled into five pieces.

Li Si commuted the sentence of beheading. For Li Si, it was indeed a matter of gratitude and gratitude.

Because he knew that he was sentenced for his own crime, at least the car split, and Ying Zheng sentenced him to be cut in half, all based on his previous feelings.

Later, the sentence of beheading was changed, and he was naturally grateful.

It is day.

Inside the Xianyang City, on top of the prison slashing platform.

The prince Fusu, the prime minister Meng Yi, and the newly appointed censor Wang Ben sat on the stage of execution.

Originally, Wang Ben was the general of the Marquis of Tongwu, and he dealt with Chen Sheng and Wu Guang outside, but Ying Zheng recalled him out of the emperor's consideration and promoted him to be a censor.

This is one of the three civil servants, responsible for supervising hundreds of officials, and this position was previously held by Meng Yi.

Now that Meng Yi is the prime minister, in order to limit the Meng family, it is natural to ask a person who is also on the stage to act as a censorship doctor.

After all, Meng Yi was the prime minister in the court, and Meng Tian was the **** of war in the outside world. In terms of military and political affairs, the Meng family was already headed.

Someone has to hold them back.

Not only was Wang Ben promoted among the civil servants, but Zhao Teng, the highest official in Xianyang, who had been imprisoned, was also hired and became Tingwei.

The position of internal history was ceded to a new civil official, who was upright despite Zhao Gao's turmoil, and was loyal to Qin.

As for the army outside, Ying Zheng also gave Zhang Han and Zhao Tuo who was far away in Baiyue, as well as General Li Xin, and Wang Li, the Marquis of Wucheng of the Wang family.

It's all about balance, and it's all the art of the emperor.

At this time, Meng Yi and Wang Ben were both here, sitting on both sides of the prince Fusu, which was a kind of balance technique.

As for Tingwei Zhao Teng, he did not appear because he was still interrogating and torturing Zhao Gao.

On the execution platform, Li Jue took off the black Jiaowang robe, held a golden saber, and acted as the executioner again.

Originally, all the monarchs and ministers of the Great Qin were against it, so Li Jue, the king side by side, was executed in person, because it was not good-looking.

However, Li Jue insisted on doing so.

In the end, everyone could only agree, and at the same time, they praised Li Jue in every possible way, saying that he was arrogant, thoughtful of Daqin, and did his best to die.

after all.

Li Si's identity is extraordinary, and the executioner who beheaded him must be tough enough, otherwise an accident will happen, and Da Qin will be embarrassed.

On the other hand, the entire bureau has a prison, and there are few executioners left with tough lives. The executioners who were in the Dongcheng bureau in the past were tortured to death and wounded because they were implicated.

At present, no one can pick up a knife, let alone behead Li Si.

That is to say, Li Jue came forward and beheaded Li Si. Otherwise, Daqin could not come up with an executioner who could kill Li Si, but it would make people laugh.

There were a lot of onlookers, and Prince Fusu personally read out Li Si's guilt, causing public anger.

Many people pointed and pointed at Li Si, and some people spat. Fortunately, they were surrounded by soldiers, otherwise Li Si would have been torn apart by these people.

Li Si smiled bitterly, his eyes full of terror.

Li Sidao: "I didn't expect this old man to be conscientious for Da Qin, but at this moment, he ended up with a head-to-head end."

Li Jue said indifferently: "You can have fun, if it wasn't for me, you would probably be cut in half."

After a moment of silence, Li Si really thanked him.

Then he said, "Can you save my son, he has some friendship with you no matter what."

Li Jue said: "I said that the friendship between him and me is insignificant in the face of right and wrong."

With a long sigh, Li Si said again: "To be honest, this old man really didn't expect Zhao Gao to be so mad, he lied to the old man, the emperor has died, let me hide this, and let me be the prime minister, and let my son be the emperor. Doctor Shi..."

Li Jue said, "Li Xiang, after living for so long, Zhao Gao is a human being or a ghost, can't you see that?"

He sneered: "And even if the emperor really dies, you can follow Zhao Gao to do wrong, right and wrong?"

Li Si also wanted to defend himself a few words, saying, "I don't, the old man acts magnanimously, but he just thinks that Daqin will be better if the old man continues to be the prime minister."

Li Jue said: "Come on now, you already have countless eyes, and there is no distinction between black and white. If you continue to be prime minister, you will only harm Da Qin."

"Also, if I'm not mistaken, you wrote the imperial decree for Fusu to commit suicide. Haha, you are so courageous, and you won't be tried for this crime, otherwise you won't end up much better than Zhao Gao, Can you still comfortably lead your neck to be slaughtered here?"


Li Si was taken aback, he was really scared.


He knew that what Li Jue said was the truth. Zhao Gao paid attention to the false imperial decree, but it was his handwriting to write the fake imperial decree.

Strictly speaking, there is no division between him and Zhao Gao, they are both chaos.

Being able to be beheaded is truly a blessing outside the law.

Above, Crown Prince Fusu had already read out the charges, and finally threw down the order of execution, and said a beheading.

Li Jue raised the golden saber and dropped the saber in his hand, and his head fell to the ground.

Before Li Si died, he was still struggling, and he was scared at that moment.

after all.

No one is not afraid of death, especially Li Si, who is old and mature. Although he was able to act calm before, when he faced death, he was still afraid.

He was terrified, he was afraid, when the head fell at the last moment, he was not completely dead.

Unwillingly whimpered, "I, I, have something to say, I'll be honest, in exchange for leniency..."


He has already fallen to the ground, and there is no chance for him to explain.

And after beheading Li Si, Li Jue also gained his life.

The yin and yang scroll of life and death unfolded, and Li Si's life above was like a revolving lantern, and scenes emerged.

Li Si was a native of Shang Cai in Chu State. He was already familiar with the art of war when he was a child. He entered Jixia Academy and studied with Xunzi. His fellow apprentice was Han Feizi.

And he has been gifted since he was a child, his learning ability and memory ability are super strong, belonging to the sequence of genius. At the same time, he is also a calligrapher and writer, which is why before Li Jue appeared, he has always been one of the objects sought after by literati from all walks of life in Xianyang.

When he was young, Li Si, who was unwilling to be lonely, went to Daqin to seek a way out. He joined Lu Buwei's family and served as a diner.

Later, he followed Lu Buwei to the palace for a banquet. In order to make himself stand out, he passed Lu Buwei and made a big speech at the banquet, which attracted Lu Buwei and other officials dissatisfied. However, he recited the remonstrance book he had prepared for a long time, which attracted Ying Zheng's attention and kept him by his side as a counselor.

After that, Li Si's spring came. But later found out that his senior brother Han Feizi was famous all over the world, and even became a legalist giant, and Ying Zheng wanted Han Feizi to take up the post of Qin Tingwei, which made Li Si very jealous, so he found an excuse to slander him and let Ying Zheng kill him.

Later, it was proved that Li Si was a false accusation, but the matter had come to this point, and Ying Zheng couldn't admit his mistake, so he just made the mistake and let Li Si come to the top. And the reputation of Li Si in the market has always been bad, but in fact Li Si is jealous and has a big desire for power, but he is indeed capable.

After Ying Zheng unified the six countries, it was his idea to unify the weights and measures of the car, the track, the book and the text. It can be said that Daqin has become more and more powerful, and Li Si has made great But success is also Yingzheng, defeat is also Ying Zheng, Li Si was greedy for power, worried that Fusu would reuse Confucianism after he came to power, so he tried to kill Fusu. With today's results.

During the period of time when Zhao Gao and Hu Hai were chasing Daqin, Li Si was also the chief general who felt that Zhao Gao had divided most of his power, which made him panic.

In secret, he also contacted the eighteen-way anti-king, using this as his backing, and the first person he contacted was Fan Zeng. He planned to use the strength of Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, to act as an inner responder. If Zhao Gao was in power, he would help Xiang Yu capture Daqin. He will continue to be prime minister.

Fan Zeng naturally agreed, and he was very happy to have correspondence with him, and Xiang Yu was able to conquer many territories so quickly because Li Si was behind the tip.

Not only that, Li Si also secretly contacted Liu Bang, strictly speaking, Xiao He. And Xiao He's ability scared Li Si, and even cut off contact for a while, just because he was afraid that Liu Bang would take power, he couldn't suppress Xiao He, and he couldn't continue to be prime minister.

Two days before the court coup, Li Si had the last correspondence with Xiao He. This is because he felt that Zhao Gao had completely controlled Xianyang, but he felt that Zhao Gao had power and no plan, so he planned to release news to Xiao He and attack him. site.

Then, Hu Hai and Zhao Gao had nowhere to go, so they had to ask him for help and let him command the overall situation. He could also take this opportunity to regain power.

It can be said that Li Si's scheming and scheming are already consummate, and there is no leftover calculation, but no one's calculation is as good as heaven's calculation.

Who knows, the letter was sent out, and he also fell to the ground.

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