Journey To the West From The Qin Dynasty

Chapter 746: I was born with the power of space

Li Jue and Tathagata were in a chaotic battle, and it was difficult to distinguish between them.

In the state of the Great Sun Tathagata, it is really unmatched, and when Li Jue is fighting against it, he has lingering fears.

If the Tathagata had used this state before, I am afraid that Taishang Laojun would not be able to last that long, and he would not be able to step into the Quasi-Saint realm safely and steadily.

Although he has the power of space to resist, I am afraid that he will have to pay a huge price at that time, and it is not as safe and smooth as it is now.

It is also fortunate that the Tathagata was reluctant to use the power of merit and belief before, which was intended to be used by the Tathagata to cultivate and increase his own mana, and to use it to become holy.

Now that he is forced to act with the power of the incense of faith, I am afraid that the Tathagata's heart is bleeding at this time, and every second he fights, he will feel distressed for a second.

This state can make Tathagata become very powerful. Although Li Jue can compete with him, Li Jue actually consumes a lot of money.

I am afraid that after a few days and nights of fighting, his physical strength and mana will be exhausted in this high-intensity battle.

But the Tathagata does not have this trouble, because he has the power of the incense of faith to bless his body. As long as Buddhism does not collapse, and as long as all beings in the world still believe in Buddhism, he will have the power of incense incessantly.

In this way, he will not have his mana and physical strength exhausted, which means that he can maintain this state of the Great Sun Tathagata for a long, long time.

Li Jue only has four temple groups, and most of the incense beliefs have been allocated before, so that he can use it to break through the cultivation base.

The belief in incense in Buddhism is extremely strong, and the number is huge, even if it is for the Tathagata to maintain this state of the Great Sun Tathagata, it is more than enough for a year and a half.

Although Li Jue is a little anxious now, the Tathagata is more anxious than him, because this battle seems to be evenly matched, but in fact Li Jue is just maintaining its normal state, while the Tathagata has used the state of the Great Sun Tathagata.

This state is very unstable and consumes a lot of money. Although he is the master of Buddhism and the master of Lingshan, he cannot use the incense of Buddhism faith so recklessly.

Otherwise, his position in Buddhism will be shaken, and the two saints in Elysium will be very disappointed in him.

In Buddhism, there are still many Buddhas who coveted the position of Buddha. Their strength is not bad, and their seniority is not bad. The only thing is that they lack a little luck and means, and finally set foot on the position of Buddha. That's all.

The Tathagata has this means, strength and luck, but if he uses the faith of Buddhism and the power of incense to fight useless battles, and he has not won in the end, he has achieved his goal, and his position in Buddhism will definitely be shaken.

Although the entire Buddhist belief and the power of incense are enough to keep the Tathagata in this state for a year and a half, it is impossible for the Tathagata to really hold it for that long.

Even fighting for a few days and nights is very luxurious. Every time the battle is longer, the pressure on the Tathagata increases.

Taishang Laojun was not too worried when he saw this scene, because he knew that this battle would not last long.

as predicted.

The Great Sun Tathagata continued to frantically absorb the power of faith in Buddhism, making his own strength reach a new level again, slightly stronger than Li Jue.

I want to take this opportunity to defeat Li Jue in one fell swoop and win a big victory.

However, it was still not possible. Although Li Jue was slightly behind, the battle was finally delayed.

At the back, when the Great Sun Tathagata wanted to continue working hard, Li Jue began to use the power of space.

He used the power of space between breaths, breaths, palms, and punches, and his body could melt into the void anytime, anywhere, and then make the Tathagata's offensive vanish.

When he showed this method and let the Tathagata's attack go to waste, the Tathagata chose to stop in an instant.

There was a flash of coldness in his eyes, and then he seemed to make a huge hesitation, and finally dissipated the state of the Great Sun Tathagata.

"I really can't believe that you still have the power of space. This ability is innate. I have never seen you show it before, but now I see you use it, and it has reached an extremely advanced level. I'm afraid you The power of space is already small enough."

Li Jue nodded with a smile, "The power of space is not innate to me, but actually transformed by my acquired practice."

If it was before, Li Jue would never admit this fact, because in this case, he would be arrested by others to study.

After all, a space power that is not innate and acquired through acquired practice is an irresistible temptation for all beings in the world to be strong.


Today is different from the past. Li Jue is so powerful that even the state of the Great Sun Tathagata can't help him. Unless the sage personally takes action, even if a group of quasi-sages come to him to trouble him, they can't help him.

Therefore, Li Jue generously admitted that although the eyes of Tathagata and Taishang Laojun both flashed with envy, they really did not expect that they would be able to pry from Li Jue's mouth how to cultivate the power of space. Famen.

The Tathagata sighed, "At that time, there were not a few people who wanted to suppress you and kill you in Buddhism, but this seat felt that you were not enough to be afraid of, so I never paid attention to you, but I didn't expect it to be a danger to raising tigers. "

Li Jue chuckled, "In this way, you have no eyes."

In fact, it's not that Tathagata made a wrong judgment. In fact, Li Jue used to act more cautiously. Although he said that the talent displayed was different from ordinary people, it was not beyond common sense.

That's why he has been able to develop steadily so far, not to mention that the Tathagata misjudged him, those saints didn't notice Li Jue's abnormality.

Therefore, Li Jue was able to get to where he is now, not because of others' charity, nor because others overlooked it, but because he concealed it well.

The Tathagata said: "But if you think that you can use this to threaten the future of my Buddhism, then you are delusional, and the strength you have shown today has actually pushed you into an extremely dangerous situation. "

After he finished speaking, he laughed and turned to leave.

Li Jue snorted coldly and ran after him, smashed the palm of the sky with one move, and shot it down from the top of his head.

"Am I allowing you to go?"

Not in the state of the Great Sun Tathagata, Tathagata is really not Li Jue's opponent.

And how could Li Jue be used to the Tathagata's attitude of doing it when he said it, and leaving when he said it, and how could he have to teach him a lesson.

But the next moment.

Li Jue was stunned. He saw that the Tathagata disappeared out of thin air, and appeared in a black hole that was thousands of miles away in the next moment.

When Taishang Laojun saw this scene, his expression was calm and his eyes were calm.

On the contrary, Li Jue's eyes widened, and his face was shocked, "The power of space!"

The Tathagata even has the power of space.

The Tathagata, who was thousands of miles away, turned his head and said calmly and calmly: "Your power of space is not innate, but I am."

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