The coalition forces formed by hundreds of pirate regiments came just now, after some shelling.

Most of it has sunk into the sea, or is sinking into the sea. "Okay, that's great!"

"The power of this shell is too strong, even stronger than the navy's shell!"

"The cannon has also been modified. Its power and range are several times stronger than ordinary cannons!" "It's a new explosive!"

"Is this the second team of the Qingdi Pirates? It's amazing!" "There are so many pirates, and most of them are wiped out at once!"

"I'm afraid the rest of the pirates will be sunk and wiped out after a few rounds of bombardment." "That's great, long live the Qing Emperor Pirates. With such a cannon, who dares to attack again?" Honeycomb Island!" The merchants on Honeycomb Island were all surprised.

In fact, before the pirates attacked this time, some merchants already knew that there would be pirates attacking the Honeycomb Island.

After all, businessmen in this era are actually more or less connected with pirates.

Some of these merchants were openly doing business as maritime merchants.

But secretly, there is also a connection with the dark world.

Even directly doing no-cost business.

It's just not like those professional pirates who have been at sea for many years.

Whether the new world is big or not, it is not small.

Some powerful businessmen have long known about the actions of so many pirate groups.

In fact, if it weren't for these businessmen who had just invested a huge amount of money in Honeycomb Island.

If it hadn't happened too quickly.

They fled one after another, just like some time ago.

"With such powerful artillery fire, the Honeycomb Island is as stable as Mount Tai. Even if the Qing Emperor is not there, no pirates can capture the Honeycomb Island. It seems that I have to increase my investment in the Honeycomb Island."! ""Who says no, the Qingdi Pirates are too powerful. If Qingdi doesn't say it, with such artillery fire, even the navy doesn't have it. I'm afraid this place is safer than the navy headquarters and the world government! "

"The Qingdi Pirates, with such artillery fire, who dares to attack the Honeycomb Island?"

When these businessmen saw such a powerful artillery fire, they expressed that they would increase investment in Honeycomb Island.

In today's world, it is really difficult to find a place suitable for investment.

Either I was afraid of being robbed by the nobles or the royal family, or I was afraid of being robbed by pirates that day.

Although Honeycomb Island is the territory of pirates.

But the rule here is freedom of trade.

Whether it is pirates, navy, or kingdom noble merchants can trade here.

In addition, the honeycomb has now become the economic center of the new world and the political center of Qingdi's domain.

This makes for an excellent trading environment here.

And the Qing Emperor Pirates will also protect the personal property of those who come here to trade on Honeycomb Island.

This rule is the Qing Emperor's decree promulgated by the Qing Emperor.

That is the order of the Emperor of the Sea, who would disobey it.

What's more, with the current income of Honeycomb Island, the Qingdi Pirates don't think much of their property.

So investing here is very safe.

This is why these businessmen are willing to invest heavily in the honeycomb island, and many chambers of commerce have even moved their headquarters to the honeycomb island.

But they also have their concerns.

The Qing Emperor Pirates are a pirate force after all.

Don't look at the Qing Emperor Pirates now in full swing.

Under an order from the Qing Emperor, the navy must temporarily avoid the edge.

But you must know that pirates are pirates after all, no matter how strong the pirates are, they have never exceeded three generations.

Not to mention three generations, it is already a miracle that a pirate group can have two generations.

Especially those top big pirate groups, all of them lost or fell apart after the powerful pirate captain got old or died.

But seeing that the Qing Emperor Pirates have such a sharp weapon, these businessmen can't help but greatly raise their expectations for the Honeycomb Island.

People grow old and die.

However, as a tool of war, cannons can be used for a long time as long as they master this technology.

The emergence of such a powerful artillery fire has greatly increased the enthusiasm of businessmen to invest in Honeycomb Island.

""Sure enough, these idiots can't do anything!"

"Let them attract the attention of the Qing Emperor Pirates, it can be regarded as waste utilization!"

"It's up to us next!"

Suddenly, a large number of water bubbles floated on the sea surface around the honeycomb island.

(King Zhao's) At this moment, one pirate ship after another rushed out of the sea.

"It's a pirate ship!"

"It even rushed out from the bottom of the sea!"

"How did they do that?"

"It's a coated tail!"

"It's the Berserk Pirates!"

"Lieutenant General York with a bounty of 3000 billion and [-] million Baileys!"

"Reno Pirates!"

"The rewards are 9000 million and 5000 million for the unfavorable Reynolds brothers!"

"The bounty of 9000 is offered for the bomber."

"These are all the top pirate captains in the new world, and they have teamed up."

Seeing these pirate ships suddenly emerging from the bottom of the sea, the merchants on Honeycomb Island exclaimed one by one.

Chapter 183, Chess pieces and chess players

"So choose, Bartholomew. Bear..."

While speaking, Zeth hit the air with a hammer.

A very penetrating shock wave hit the bear.

Xiong raised his palm to resist the shock wave, and used the ability of the meatball fruit to bounce everything away, continuously sending the air-breaking strikes away.

However, even if the bear's meat ball fruit has the property of flying everything away, under the shock waves that constantly hit, it is still shaken and kept retreating.

After withdrawing for tens of meters, the shock wave finally disappeared, and then stopped.

"No matter how you choose, it's just a matter of choosing who to be your dog!" Xiong said flatly.

"Ho ho ho, I won't say that our Qing Emperor Pirates treat the crew as brothers and partners."

"However, there are not many people in this world who can stop people from being dogs. Many people are not qualified to be dogs even if they want to. Even if I work hard so far, I can barely get along without being a dog."

"Of course I prefer to refer to chess pieces and chess players. Your strength makes you qualified to be a chess piece. If you don't want to be this chess piece and your destiny is controlled by others, then you must be so strong that no one can defeat you. , establish a power that no one dares to covet, rise from a chess piece to a chess player, and control the fate of others."

"Do you think you, 763, can be a chess player who can control the fate of others?" Zeth asked.

Hearing Zeth's words, the bear was silent.

Regardless of strength, character, or strategy, he is not good enough to be a chess player.

"Are there only chess pieces and chess players in the world?"

"Of course more than..."

"There is another kind of person who doesn't even have the qualifications to be a pawn!" Zeth said with a smile.

Bear smiled wryly upon hearing Zeth's words.

It seems that this kind of person can't be himself.

His strength is doomed, he cannot become such a person.

"After becoming the Qiwuhai of Qingdi Palace, I guarantee that the world government will never dare to threaten you with the Sourbe Kingdom again, because you are already a member of the Qingdi Pirates. Anyone who dares to threaten me must be prepared to bear me. Prepare for anger, the current world government is obviously not ready for this!"

"And you become the Qiwuhai, guarding the first half of the Great Navigation Road, and you can also return to the Sorbe Kingdom, become the king again, and protect the Sorbe Kingdom!" Zeth said.

After Zeth finished speaking, he stopped talking and waited for the bear's answer.

He also considered Xiong's strength (cffb) and character, and he admired Xiong quite a lot, so he said so much.

"I can join the Blue Emperor Pirates, but I won't be Shichibukai, and I won't be returning to the Kingdom of Solby!" Xiong said.

Hearing Xiong's words, Zeth was surprised.

In Zeth's opinion, it is the best choice for Xiong to become Shichibukai.

"Let him be there quietly. Perhaps it is the best choice for the Kingdom of Solbe to cut off the relationship with the Kingdom of Solbe!" Xiong said.

In Xiong's view, the Qingdi Pirates have always been in opposition to the World Government.

Don't look at the fact that the Qingdi Pirates are now deterring the sea, making the world's governments temporarily avoid the edge.

But in the end, it may not be the opponent of the world government.

There will eventually be a battle between the Qingdi Pirates and the World Government.

If you become the Qibuhai and return to the Sorbe Kingdom, you will inevitably tie the Sorbe Kingdom to the carriage of the Qingdi Pirates.

Although it may be beneficial to the Sorbe Kingdom at the beginning.

But if the Qingdi Pirates are defeated, then the Solbey Kingdom will inevitably become the target of eradication by the world government again.

"Ho ho ho, it seems that your confidence in the Qing Emperor Pirates is still not enough, but this is also a good choice!" Zeth said with a smile.

"Haha, I have long known that the Qingdi Pirates have a particularly powerful shell!"

"It's really a powerful shell. If it comes in head-on, it might already be blown up and go to the bottom of the sea to feed the fish."

"These wastes still have some value!"

Several captains showed complacent expressions.

As early as the time of the Silver Ax Pirates, the power of Bucky's bullets had already been revealed.

They want to deal with the Qingdi Pirates, and these must be taken into consideration.

"These guys did a good job! They even know how to use the coating to attack from the bottom of the sea." Barrett "It seems that we need to strengthen the defense against the bottom of the sea in the future." Bucky "These can be handed over to the fifth team, which used to be just I didn't expect this trick." Barrett "Behind these people, there are people who are giving them advice, they can't come up with such a trick!" Shanks.

"No matter who is behind them, if they dare to provoke the Qing Emperor Pirates, there is only one result!" Barrett said with a sneer.

"It's been a long time since I did anything. Today happened to be an event, so I can tell the world that there is more than one Zeth in the Qing Emperor Pirates!"

As he spoke, Barrett stepped hard, and his body rushed out quickly.

When Lieutenant General York, Brother Reynolds, and the Sacrificial Bombers were enjoying themselves, a figure suddenly shot from a distance and landed on their pirate ship accurately. The huge pirate ship was shaken by his fall.


"The vice-captain of the Qingdi Pirates, Barrett, the heir of the devil!" "Looks like a big fish has arrived!"

"The last resistance to our looting of the Honeycomb Island has appeared!"

"Kill him, Honeycomb Island is just an undefended beauty to me!" Seeing Barrett's appearance, many pirates showed surprise expressions.

"Hey, you dare to attack the Qing Emperor's domain, have you thought about how to die?" Barrett said with a sneer.

At the same time, an incomparably domineering spirit erupted from him.

Many crew members on the pirate ship couldn't bear it and passed out directly. "It's domineering and domineering!" "It's so domineering and domineering!"

"Is this the vice-captain of the Qing Emperor Pirates?"

Many pirates panicked because of this powerful domineering aura.

"It's just a Barrett. When I ran across the new world, he didn't know where he was eating shit!"

"It's just a loser in the sea. There's nothing to be afraid of. If it wasn't for Emperor Qing, he would still be imprisoned in the city!" Brother Lei Nuo saw that the pirates under him were timid, and shouted one by one.

With Brother Raynor shouting, the pirates finally regained their morale.

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