Fu Yu, a judge, has now got rid of the entanglement of Bai Changchang, but there is another three headed baby beside him.

But fortunately, the judge doll can still see people's faces, so frost shadow did not deliberately embarrass her.

Although there is one more person in Yu's play team, the impact is not big. But now Yama is in a rage in the hell. Of course, the reason is the baby who is following Yu now.

Because that doll, Yama, had asked for it from the judge many times, but the judge didn't hand it over even if he killed it. Now that the judge's doll is in Yu's hand, it's naturally the judge's hand, so Yama is angry! He was so angry that he almost led a large number of ghosts to rush out of the hell to kill the feather.

Fortunately, the judge stopped Yama first, otherwise the eastern hell and the Western hell might be at war. Although Yu and Yama don't care what the fight will be like, obviously the judge doesn't want to start a war.

Finally, what the judge said to the king of Yama, no one knows. What he can only confirm is that the king of Yama has already thought of killing feathers.

It's just that Yu doesn't know all about these, but when Yu knows, she will at most order Qi Bingma to fight with Yama to see who can finally stand and smile.

However, Yu is now taking Shuangying and judge doll to the market. Yu really can't imagine that judge doll will be a curious baby. When she sees something she doesn't know, she will show the spirit of learning. Unfortunately, there is no good teacher beside her, so Yu can only answer her what she knows, if she continues to ask It's the fist waiting to eat feather.

However, it turns out that one thing is that people like Yu, who look like bullies at a glance, had better not run around. It's like now Yu is surrounded by people. Of course, the purpose is the lovely doll beside Yu, and the judge doll is a female player. When she sees the judge doll beside Yu, she says to Yu directly.

Your doll is so cute. Where did you buy it? How much? Will you sell me? I'll pay 100 gold!

Yu just looked at the female player and said that she didn't give her any chance to talk. Finally, she even took out the money to buy and sell.

Feather grabbed judge doll back and said.

Sorry, I'm not poor enough to sell things.

After Yu finished, he planned to go around the other side and continue her journey, but Yu obviously underestimated the other side's persistence to judge doll, and saw the female player blocking Yu's face with her hands wide open.

I don't care! Anyway, if you didn't sell me the doll today, I wouldn't let you go!

Yu said after looking at the stubborn female player.

Get out of the way, or you will be responsible for the consequences.

Yu is not a good person at all, so the person who doesn't like her will never have a good face to show her.

The female player then said.

Do you think 100 gold is too little? I can add more.

Yu doesn't want to talk any more now. Recently, she has met too many people who can't make sense. As soon as she pushes away the female player in front of her, Yu is ready to leave here. Anyway, the market is not only in this city.

After the female player let Yu fall to the ground, the whole person began to cry, and at the same time, she stamped her feet constantly. It can be said that she didn't even care about her image. However, Yu didn't even have the interest to look back at her, and even ignored the eyes of people around her.

Just because Yu doesn't care doesn't mean that no one will care. Hero saving beauty is probably every man's wish. The person Yu pushed down is not a dinosaur, but at least it's OK. In addition, vegetables and radishes have their own advantages, some dog males who call themselves heroes will come out to save beauty.

The hero picked up the fallen beauty and said to Yu.

Listen to the dwarf in front of you, hand in the doll beside you, or you will be responsible for the consequences!

After hearing this man's words, Yu's eyes turned red on the spot! Let the onlookers have a tacit understanding to step back and avoid being affected. Even the nearby mobile businesses have begun to close down. Now, if this business continues, he may still lose money.

Yu turned his head and said to the man who just said she was short.

Who just said I was short! Don't you want to die!

Yu's current performance is to tell people that she is very angry now, and the consequences are very serious, but if yu is not a petite person like a child, otherwise it will only make people feel that Yu is in a tantrum, so that person will continue to say so.

That's what I said. You are short and afraid of being told! You dwarf are afraid of people saying don't go out, dwarf! What kind of dwarf do you dare to kill me.

After Yu heard that, before frost shadow wanted to start, the chain on Yu's body had penetrated through the person who constantly used dwarfs to call her. However, it was not enough for Yu to kill that person. He didn't wave his hand until he killed all the players who were standing on the side of the female players. So if he stood on the wrong side, he would have to pay for his life.After seeing Yu's killing technique, someone suddenly said among the nearby players.

King of the sky!

Once the words came out, people nearby seemed to see ghosts. In less than three seconds, the whole market became empty as if it were a ghost town.

The previous female player who wanted to rob the judge doll was paralyzed on the ground and didn't dare to move. After seeing this picture, the judge doll said to Yu.

Yu, are you fierce? How can they be more afraid to hear your name than cockroaches to see slippers.

Yu said after hearing judge doll's strange metaphor.

I'm not fierce at all. As long as you know that I'm a good man, you don't have to worry about anything else.

If this word spreads out, 10 people will object to it. The reputation of sky overlord is piled up on many corpses. How can such a person be a good person?!

In fact, Yu's words are not wrong. It's just that Yu's good is only shown by her people. But now there is no player beside Yu except NPC, so no player can help Yu speak.

Yu didn't kill the female player in the end. She just left the market with frost shadow and judge doll.

Yu didn't know that after today, there was one more characteristic of the sky overlord, which was that he would be followed by a lovely three headed doll.

By the way, it seems that the money system has not been mentioned before.

On the eastern continent, the lowest value is copper yuan, then silver yuan, then gold yuan.

The exchange rate is 1000 copper for 1 silver and 100 silver for 1 gold.

In the western continent, copper coins, silver coins and gold coins are in circulation. The exchange rate is 1000 copper coins for 1 silver coin and 100 silver coins for 1 gold coin.

In the northern mainland, rain coin, frost coin and ice coin are in circulation. The exchange rate is 1000 rain coin for 1 frost coin and 100 frost coin for 1 ice coin.

In the southern mainland, there are three types of witchcraft coins, witchcraft coins and poison coins. The exchange ratio is 1000 witchcraft coins for 1 witchcraft coin and 100 witchcraft coins for 1 poison coin.

There is also a kind of common currency called mirror coin, and mirror wallpaper can be exchanged with gold, gold, ice and poison coins. The exchange rate is 10 gold, 4 gold, 5 ice and 20 poison.

The exchange rate of mirror currency depends on the ranking of the mainland. The lower the exchange rate, the higher the exchange rate.

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